Crazy in Love – Chapter 2
Sam's POV
1 week later
"Sam you should go check on Paul I'm worried about him. Lately he just hasn't been himself and he hasn't left his room." Emily said with concern written all over her face.
"Last week he did show up at the house with the strangest expression on his face, like he just fought a war or something. Also at that time he was supposed to be on patrol but when I asked him how it went he wouldn't even look at me or make any sign to show he heard me." I replied uneasily. I gave her a hug and started towards his room, ever since his mom died he has been living with Emily and I since he had no one else due to his dad walking out on him and his mom when he was born. I raise my hand to the door and knock but get no reply.
"Paul it's me Sam, can I come in?" Still no reply. I slowly open the door since he never said not to come in. As soon as I walk in I wish I hadn't. He looks terrible, he had purple bags under his eyes which seemed to hold a vacant look and he looked as though he had lost weight.
"Paul are you okay? What's happened, why haven't you left your room all week?" I ask frantically, still nothing answered me but silence. "Emily come in here!" Maybe she could get him to talk, he has had a soft spot for her ever since she allowed him to stay here with us.
"Sam is everything alright?" She replied rushing in here. "Oh my." She gasped stopping dead in her tracks once she caught sight of Paul. We kept trying for hours to get him to talk and finally he does.
"She's gone." He said in the most haunted voice I had ever heard, it sent chills down my spine. We didn't know it then but that would be the last time he would say anything to us for a year.
Bella's POV
Ever since I ran away from that angry guy my chest has been hurting and I can't stop thinking about him. Today I was going to meet up with Martha to see if she could help me. Martha is like a teacher to all the younger merfolk because of her age and wisdom. She is 814 years old and has a pale blue tail along with long black hair. She looks 20 years old like myself since we all stop aging physically around our early 20's but you can tell she is older and had more life experience when you look into her wise jade green eyes. She's had all her powers figured out for a long time and should be able to help me figure out what's wrong with me to cause such strange pain in my chest.
"Martha!" I yelled happily swimming up to her. Martha is like my mom because she helped raise me since I was 6 years old and my actual mom Renée was killed after getting discovered by a fisherman who caught her in his net.
"Isabella its so good to see you again I was wondering where you had swam off to this past week. Is something wrong child? You look troubled." She said peering deep into my eyes with a frown on her face. She always could tell when I was upset.
"Actually I wasn't feeling the best and I was wondering if you possibly knew what was wrong and how to help me." I stammered uncomfortably, I hate asking for help when she has already done so much for me.
"What is it dear? Of course I'll help you."
"Well I've been having chest pains and haven't been able to concentrate since about a week ago." Well that's only partially true since I can concentrate but only on thoughts of that guy I saw but I wasn't going to tell her that.
"Did anything happen around a week ago that was possibly out of normal?" She asked looking curious.
"I had gotten washed onto shore at what I believe to be was a beach around La Push and had a brief encounter with a human but I got away before I could get injured."
"La Push you say?" She said looking at me with a knowing eye. "Don't worry I think I can help you, stay still please." I stilled the swaying of my tail and help as still as a statue while her eyes flashed a pale blue matching her tail. Then I was surrounded by bubbles and it felt like my body was humming. Then the water stilled before the humming sensation left along with the strange chest pain and longing in my heart.
"Feel any better?" She asked as her eyes returned to their normal jade color.
"Much better thank you." I replied before hugging her as we both smiled. "Do you know what caused the weird pain?"
Martha's kind smile faded and she looked down breaking eye contact.
"Just know going near La Push is a bad idea and the strange humans there can cause the downfall of merfolk who happen to look into their eyes, promise me you won't go near that beach again Isabella."
"Why not?" I can't imagine why she seems even more serious about this than normal. She lifts her head up and stares intently into my eyes with an urgency I've never seen her with before.
"Just promise me please Isabella this is extremely important."
"Alright I promise." I mumble as my thoughts go back to that strange male I met.
"Okay good then get along child. I don't want you to be late to your first control class." Control class is when you finally come of age and learn how to control your powers. I heard its very difficult and even if you take the class a lot of merfolk still might not be able to learn their powers to the full extent if they don't have a good amount of natural skill.
"Okay I will be on my way, thank you again Martha! Bye." I give her a small smile before swimming away thinking about what looked like worry in her eyes. Now that the pain is gone I can focus and get on with my life again.
Paul's POV(2 weeks after imprinting)
She is gone. It hurts so much and its even worse knowing I might not see her again. I wouldn't have let her dive back into the water if I had noticed sooner that she was a mermaid and didn't have to come back up on land for anything, maybe if I had been nicer she would've stuck around longer so I could've made more of a connection with her and given her a reason to come back around. While I wallowed in despair thinking of everything I could've done differently I couldn't stop thinking she is gone. I finally get up and leave my room, I brush past Sam and Emily.
"Where are you going Paul?" Sam questions looking worried. I can't bring myself to answer as I rush out of the house and run to the beach so I can stare into the ocean clutching at my chest over the ache in my heart. I can only hope she will come back at some point and I know if she does I won't let her get away again. She can't leave me now that I've realized I need her in my life.
*Authors note*
Sorry its been so long since an update I originally started this story 10 years ago and forgot about it, I just finished re writing chapters 1 and 2 since there was a good amount of mistakes and I should have chapter 3 up in a few days. Please leave a review to let me know your thoughts on the story or where it should go from here!