That awkward moment when your magic hating best friend finds out you're a warlock.
"Quiet Merlin, I'm trying to think of a Facebook status."
"But Arthur, I have something really important to tell-"
"Hmmm, how about a 'yo mamma' joke?"
"Yes Arthur, that sounds fine, now if you'd just listen for a second-"
"Or what about one of those 'that awkward moment' things?"
"Look, you dollop head, this is serious!"
"Okay, okay, I'm all ears. What?"
"I have magic. Now listen, I know you hate it, but hear me out-"
"That's it!"
"That…awkward…moment….when…your…magic…hating…best…friend…finds…out…you're…a…warlock. There, done typing. Thanks Merlin!"…
"Merlin, why are you banging your head against the wall like that?"