AN: I'd like to thank all of you who reviewed last time, the support was great and every review means the world to me. There are a few things to be noted: This takes place in current times unlike canon. Fleur will only be a year older than Harry in this story and will not have a accent. There is NO rule or law against using magic outside of school besides the use of it in front of muggles. Since Harry was raised traveling he will and is supposed to be using terms that most British wouldn't use. That's about all I can tell you without spoiling what happens in the chapter. Big thanks to Tracer28 for beta-ing this chapter.
Harry Potter was seconds away from pulling his hair out.
It had been a few days since he had learned about the magical world and since he and Gellert had come to Great Britain. A majority of this time he had spent on his own trying to learn all he could about magic and the creatures he was likely to encounter in the near future. And this was where his current bout of agitation stemmed from.
Gellert had given him a book on demons to sate his yearning to learn about his father's species, knowing that he would without a doubt come across demons during his time at Hogwarts and that the more he knew about them the less likely he was to offend someone. He would have continued to learn about his mother's heritage from the book about elves, but had been informed by the same person who had gifted him the tome that it was mostly made up of speculation on their culture and that the same could be said for most literature on their species.
When Harry had found out about the uselessness of the book he had sent it crashing into his teachers face, having lost control of his emotions for once without his eyes being a factor. It was his unfortunate luck Gellert had his first training session involving magic planned for later that same day. As it was now, Harry couldn't be in the same room as the man without fearing the most evil curse ever made - the stinging hex.
"Arggh, why does this have to be so dam- OWW!" His scream was drawn from him by a blur of red flying into his forehead. "Stop it with the damn stinging hexes," he growled at Gellert. The man had entered the room at the same moment that he had started to curse and had hit him with the minor hex as a result.
"And have I not told you to cease in your use of profanity?" The man took a seat in a cozy looking arm-chair across from the muttering boy. They were in the library of Gellert's London home where they had taken up residents since arriving in Britain. "Now what is it that has you using such unbecoming language?"
Muttering some of the 'unbecoming language' toward the elderly man, Harry snapped the heavy book in his hands shut before laying it to the side. "Demons! How is it that there are such complicated creatures in this world?"
"Ah," the man said knowingly, nodding his head. "Let me guess, you're dealing with either how their powers form, or with how you tell if one is either a demon or a half demon?"
"Both actually," Harry replied sounding surprised as he looked to his teacher expectantly.
"First off, lets cover whether or not a being is a full or half demon, as this subject is a great deal less complicated than the former." The man's voice had shifted into what Harry liked to call his 'lecture voice'. "To be a full blooded demon, you must either have two parents of the demon species, or a single demonic parent who has lain with a human."
"But see that's my point," Harry exclaimed tiredly. "How in the world is someone with a mum for demon and a human for a pa a full blooded demon?"
"The demonic nature, for a lack of a better word, infects the child while in the womb." Gellert could see that his student had gained a clear grasp of what he was trying to get across, so continued on. "If a demon were to have a child with another species, such as a centaur, then it would gain traits of both parents. More than likely it would have its half human half horse form, and whatever power it was the demon parent had."
"So the child could end up with a centaur form and the ability to control an element?"
"Yes, or they could gain a full animal form, if their demonic parent is some form of animal demon. There's also the chance they could gain another half human half animal form or something as simple as a boost to one of their physical traits." Harry made to ask what he meant, but Gellert had already started to answer. "An example of what I'm talking about is what the muggles call the Egyptian gods. Ra was a full blooded demon whose mother was of the falcon verity and his father a fire demon. Bastet was a cat demon and Horus a hawk." Harry nodded; he had expected such a thing and had been wondering if most gods were exactly that, or if they were just witches and wizards who had succeeded in hoodwinking muggles.
"My best advice to you," Gellert said sitting forward to better look the young boy in the eye, "is not to be disrespectful to others, especially when it concerns what their species is. Not that I see you as the type to judge others by something as simple as race."
"But what about me and my parents?" Harry asked. "I've read that the Potters have almost all been full blooded demons. And that unlike a normal full blooded demon who gains the same abilities as their parents, with one of the two natures coming out as the dominate ability in the child while the other is barley an ability at all, that the Potters' powers formed in a different way that made them unique to other demons. Will the same thing that makes the Potters unique affect me in any way?"
"I don't know." Harry could feel the brutal honesty in the man's voice and knew he had answered that way not to scare him, but as a way not to disrespect him by lying. "I won't lie to you; you're in a very dangerous situation. Both of your parents have drastically clashing natures that could result in anything happening when you awaken."
"Sometimes when such a union takes place, like has happened with your parents, the results can be amazing or devastating. Take for instance one of the few times in all of history that a demon has had a child with a seraph, one of the fallen races. Though it has only happened three times in recorded history, two of the children died seconds after birth and that was with their powers sealed."
"And the one child that made it?" Harry questioned in an attempt to forget his rising fear at what may happen to him in a little over months' time, though at least he had been fortunate enough to have made it eleven years. That had to count for something or at least that's what he was hoping anyway.
"She became one of the strongest sorceresses to walk this plane. Morgan le Fey, a woman whose legendary feats of magic have carved out her place in history." In the man's voice Harry could hear what sounded like hints of respect for the woman slipping through.
"Was she as evil as she's portrayed in literature and movies today?"
"No she wasn't," Gellert answered. "It's common knowledge in the magical world that she wasn't evil or seductresses."
Harry nodded. "And what of Merlin? Was he as good a man as the muggles like to make him out to be?"
"No," the light smile he wore made its way into his voice. "Merlin is nothing more than a fictional character that muggles love to use. His character has about as much place in the magical world as the word 'abracadabra' does." Rising to his feet he waved his wand sending Harry's book into the boy's hands. "Don't worry about not understanding that book. It and many like it are written by decrepit persons that enjoy throwing around heavy words to make themselves look and feel better."
"Attempting to show their smarts, whereas truly educated people let their wisdom shine through the people and the lives they touch." Harry had gained a knowing smile as he spoke. Having traveled with Gellert all his life he had come across more than a few people who fit his teacher's description of the book's author.
Gellert stared at the young boy for a second before nodding. "That was very well said Harry." Said boy didn't show his elation, but knew he had impressed the man when he had used his name. "Get showered and ready, we will soon be leaving."
Harry felt his happiness slip away at the unexpected bit of news. "Do we have to travel like we did last time?" He asked with a grimace, referring to the wizard method of traveling called apparition.
The first time he had experienced such travel was when they had made the short, but hellish trip to Britain. Gellert gave no warning as to what he would be facing resulting in Harry learning the hard way that first time users of this method of travel more times than not ended up losing everything in their stomach. Since that time, Harry had been hesitant about going anywhere, even going as far as to turn down going and meeting whoever it was that Gellert went off to see every day since arriving in Great Britain.
Harry felt like smacking the man when a light appeared in the man's eyes. He didn't know why but he could feel the smugness coming off his teacher in waves.
"No, we'll be using the floo." Before Harry could question Gellert was striding for the exit. "We'll be going to pick up your school things. While we're out we can get you the same books they have for first generation magic users, and if we have the time get you a new weapon."
"Why? I like my knives!" He said defensively as he placed a protective hand over each of his hips where he kept his twin blades holstered.
"As you displayed when facing my harmless patronus, you have a tendency to throw away your beloved blades. If you were to do so in the middle of a battle where your life is on the line, you could be throwing your life away with them."
Grudgingly, he admitted the man was right. "But will it really matter now that I'll be learning how to use magic? I mean, I've seen you conjure chairs and other things, is it not possible to summon weapons as well?"
"Yes it is, but you will be unable to do so for some time. And just because you can use magic doesn't mean you're invincible. There are numerous amounts species in this world that have powers that are devastating. There are even two very powerful families here in Britain, one that has the ability to cancel out magic, while the other can do the same to the powers of non-humans. And I can assure you, both families were not on our side during the war."
"In our world you have to know more than just how to put up a magical shield. You must know how to fight and defend yourself with and without a wand. Otherwise you could lose your life, or worse lose someone else's for them."
"I'm sorry I questioned you," Harry muttered thoroughly abashed.
Gellert released a deep sigh. The boy was frustratingly complex for a male his age. At times he acted as badly as any average boy of eleven would, but at other times he showed just how mature and intelligent he was capable of being. It gave him whiplash trying to keep up with which version he was dealing with at times, but he supposed it was better than having to deal with a child like the Nott heir. And though he would never admit it to anyone outside of Dumbledore, the boy had wormed his way into his heart over the years and become something akin to a grandson to him.
"It's perfectly fine and completely understandable." Gellert told him keeping his exasperation hidden to spare the child's feelings. "Those who continuously ask questions are those who can later go on to give answers." Harry smiled up at the man who towered over him and earned a small twitch of the lips back. "Now hurry and get a bath. The sooner we get you something to channel your magic through, the sooner I can begin teaching you in fields outside of how to lose to an old man."
Harry's smile was replaced by a look of annoyance. "You're a fossilized as- OWW!"
As the world stopped spinning around him, Harry stumbled out of a fireplace full of emerald green flames and into a crowded, dusty pub. From what Gellert had told him the place was called The Leaky Cauldron and was one of Britain's better known establishments. This surprised Harry as the place looked a bit run down at first glance, with its dirty floors and cobwebs in the corners of the ceilings. But as he stood by the fireplace waiting for his companion to show up he started to see all the reasons why the place was so popular.
While the pub was in dire need of a strong cleaning, you couldn't help but enjoy the vibes the bar and its patrons gave off. Everything about the place was inviting, from the smell of warm mouthwatering food, to the sound of everyone's conversations overlapping one another as a soft tune played in the background. Harry knew at once that if he ever got the chance then he would definitely be coming back here, if for nothing more than to sit back and read a book as he tried out whatever it was that filled the pub with the smell of a home cooked meal.
"I see you're enjoying yourself." Harry jumped at the sudden appearance of Gellert. He had been so lost in people watching that he had forgotten about waiting for the man to arrive. "Were you looking for obvious sighs of who might be what?"
Harry shook his head, but glanced out at the gathering of people anyway. It seemed he had forgotten about the other reason why he had been so excited to come to the magical community. He had yet to see what a demon, spirit, and many of the other species of magical creature looked like. He didn't count the pictures in the books he had stolen from Gellert's personal library as seeing them, for even with the picture's ability to move they left so much more to be wanted.
"Well I hate to disappoint you, but natural forms like you're looking for are banned in here." The man had taken to looking across the pub just as his charge had. They had been here in Britain for over a week now, and he hadn't found the time to come visit the small pub until now.
"That seems a bit... profiley." Harry commented testing the made up word out. He may have had a strong dislike for those of the Stalkers and Death Eaters, but other than those who wanted to hurt and hunt people for what they were, he had no problem with any other group, whether they were muggles, magic users, demons, or anything else that was out there that he had yet to learn of.
"It's nothing like that," Gellert reassured. "The rule is in place to keep it from becoming too crowded in here. Could you imagine what it would be like if ogres, trolls, centaurs, and other large breeds of creatures were to come together here in this already crowded pub?"
Suddenly from across the room a yell of "Lord Grindelwald," reached Harry and Gellert. The boy only had long enough to send the man a look that said 'Lord, really?' before they were swarmed by people. Many of them reaching out to shake the man's hand as they fired what felt like a million questions their way.
"Where have you been all these years my lord?"
"How have you been?"
"Do you intend to come back to Britain for good?"
Harry didn't envy the man, though his popularity did raise the question of who Gellert was to all these people. The way they acted toward him it was as if he was famous. He was drawn from his musing by the sound of the most ridiculous question he had ever heard.
"And who is this Lord Grindelwald, a love child perhaps?" A large man chortled, his double chin glistening with sweat as he turned the tide of attention onto Harry. "What would Albus say?"
"No, this is not my 'love child'." Harry could detect the smallest traces of disgust and an abundance of annoyance in his teacher's voice as he spoke to the whale like man. "He is my charge, Harry Potter."
At once the talking in the pub slowed to a stop. Every person Harry could see from inside the circle of people who had surrounded him and Gellert were so focused on him that he felt his hands twitching for his blades. He had come to accept that he would be famous in the magical world and felt that it might not be so bad, but the way everyone was staring at him was unnerving.
It happened just as fast as it stopped. The sound of chairs scraping and the slam of feet on the wooden floor filled the room at the same time the circle of bodies around him started to press in on him. Having already been on edge Harry was ready to move, his slender frame helping him to easily slide through the mass of bodies pushing toward where he had been instead of where he was now.
Stumbling out of the group of people, Harry silently thanked Gellert for all the training he had given that made him nimble enough to get out of the still growing crowd of people without being seen. Thankful as he was, he still planned to get the elderly man back for causing the scene he had. Gellert would have known the type of reaction his name would earn, and Harry was willing to bet that the man had done all that just to teach him a lesson.
Grumbling about an old man breaking a hip, Harry looked around the pub and was happy to see more than a few of the families and groups of people had stayed where they were. Some of them looked confused by the majority of the pub's reaction, while others shook their heads and looked on with disgust.
He was about to go find a place to wait out the storm when from inside the group he had just escaped he heard the fat man that Gellert had held a disliking for, scream over the rest of the crowds bickering. "He's gone! Where did he go?"
He allowed a small groan to escape him as he turned to run out the nearest exit. It was as he was headed for the door that a hand with a steel grip grabbed him firmly by the shoulder and jerked him carefully into a booth. The sound of the group breaking up to look for him floated into the booth at the same time Harry stared at the man who had grabbed him and the two females that accompanied him.
The male of the group was tall and broad shouldered with a strong square jaw; his dark brown hair was just long enough to show how curly it was. Bellow his dark brown eyes, was a long painful looking scar that divided his face in half. Besides the large scar on his face that drew the eye, he had many more to match it. Multiple healed over cuts and lacerations were visible on his neck and arms, all of which looked to be only a fraction of those that disappeared into his collar and rolled up sleeves of his flannel shirt.
The woman that Harry assumed was the man's wife had more than her fair share of scars across what he could see of her arms and neck, with only one scar marring her face that was located on her lips, but even then there was no denying the beauty she held. Her light brown hair was pulled back showing off her pretty features to the world. Her eyes were a warmer shade of brown than her husband's and her build was more streamlined and made for speed than the man who had grabbed Harry.
Just as he was about to look over the youngest of their group the thought that these people were fighters entered his mind and never left. After years of surprise attacks from Gellert, Harry had learned to be prepared for anything, and while it was unlikely that they were going to attempt anything, he knew they'd be a real challenge to get away from.
When Harry finally laid eyes on the third and final member of their group, instantly his thoughts went to how cute she was. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown, and her long wavy hair was just a few shades lighter than they. Like both of her parents she had an athletic build, however, unlike them she lacked any type of scars that would have marred her lightly tanned skin.
He sent them a small smile as the thought of how a portrait of the girl could be drawn in only a few differing shades of brown crossed his mind. "It's not that I'm not thankful for the save, but you don't make a habit of snatching up children as they run by, do you? Because that would make this situation very awkward." The girl went wide eyed as her parents smiled lightly knowing that he had been joking.
"Sorry to disappoint, but we weren't looking to spirit away any children today," the man joked as he reached for something in the seat beside him that Harry couldn't see. Tensing with his hand on his hip, Harry was ready to move when the man pulled out a baseball cap that he placed on Harry's head, defusing his rigid stature and then seconds later the fat man that Harry now held a great dislike for waddled past.
"My bad jokes aside, thank you for the help." The man and woman nodded, telling him that it was no problem. The girl however, had taken to watching him with a cautious look in her eyes, paying special attention to his eyes. Like that since they were abnormal that he needed to be watched. "My name is-"
"Harry Potter," the woman supplied, earning a raised eyebrow from him. "Yes we heard. This is my husband Dan, my daughter Hermione, and I'm Emma Granger. It's nice to meet you Harry."
"Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, am I correct?" He turned his full attention onto the girl. It was obvious to him that she wasn't used to people her own age from the way she squirmed slightly under his gaze.
Hermione sent a small nod to the strange eyed boy, telling him he had been right in guessing where her name had come from. She honestly hadn't expected anyone her age to have read that piece of literature yet. It had always been adults that had guessed her name's origin. The way her father had surprised them by pulling him into the booth aside, it was actually a pleasant having someone around that might be like her... and it didn't hurt that he was really cute either.
"It's a very pretty name," he commented before turning his attention back to the group at large. "It's nice to meet you all, and once again I'd like to thank you for getting me away from that. It appears I'm not quite ready to deal with that sort of situation just yet."
"Is there a reason why those adults were acting like you were the second coming?" Hermione asked pointing to where he had been surrounded at.
"A very stupid one, but yes, there is a reason behind that." Harry was pleased when none of them asked anymore questions about why he had been fawned over. "So are you here for your school shopping, or did I happen to come across a family outing?"
"Both actually," Dan answered as he took a drink of his water. "What about you? I'd say that you were raised in this world by how those people reacted, but from the way you looked this room over when first arriving tells me this was your first time seeing this place."
Harry looked the man and his wife both in the eye as he realized they were exhibiting the same signs of awareness as Gellert so often did. "Observant aren't you?" Dan looked taken aback by the statement but didn't deny his claim. Emma smiled at him, noting how mature and observant he was as well. "You're right, my parents were both a part of this world, but I was raised without knowledge of all this," he said gesturing to the room around them.
It was as he finished speaking that a loud shrill whistle pierced the air that even if he were to try he'd never be able to forget. Peering out of the booth he saw Gellert standing by a door toward the back of the pub, his foot tapping lightly in a sign that told Harry to get a move on or he'd be dealing with a pissed off old man later on. Quickly turning back to the family of three, he removed the man's cap giving it back as he rose to leave.
"It was nice meeting you all," he said, walking backwards so he could continue to face them as he departed. "I hope to see you at school, or on the train Hermione." Whipping around he raced off to Gellert who was still by the same door as before, looking as bored as ever though Harry was happy to note his tapping had come to a stop.
"What took you so long?" The elderly man asked. He gave Harry a look that said the entire situation was his fault because he couldn't stand still and take the crowds fawning.
"Why would you do that?" He shot back ignoring the man's question. As he spoke Harry continued to glance around the room waiting for someone to spot him and start a second riot. It was as he took in the room as a whole that he got the feeling that the only person that could see him was Hermione, whom was still staring after him even now. "And why did all those people react to you that way? Are you famous in the magic world, and who is this Albus person, that sweaty was talking about?" The only sign Harry had that the man was listening to him as he turned and led him for the back door, was his face slipping from a bored look to one that was completely devoid of any emotion at all.
"Showing you how much sway you hold over certain individuals, because the majority of them are apple-polishers, something like that, and someone you will meet soon enough," Gellert said answering all of his charges questions in one go. Harry knew something or someone had managed to annoy his mentor by the way he was acting.
Any further thought of why Gellert was behaving in such a manner was whipped from Harry's mind as the man pushed the door he had been standing by open revealing what was on the other side.
The sight before him was enough to leave him both speechless and slack jawed, his reaction earning a small grin form the elderly man who shoved him over the threshold of the pub and into the most amazing alley he had ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
On both sides of the street were shops and buildings packed in next to each other as tightly as they could be, all of them with fascinatingly bizarre designs and displays. Even the cauldron shop drew the eyes with its many different cauldron types floating around outside the front of the shop. A gold cauldron the size of a football that had black smoke rising out of it, a huge copper one that was emitting animal sounds, and a bunch of small hand sized silver ones that had a strange green substance bubbling over their brims, leaving flowers on the cobbled walkways were ever their contents landed.
However, even with all the amazing sights that the alley held the best by far had to be the people - creatures - beings, whatever you wanted to call them, Harry didn't care, he only wanted to see more. It was in that moment he realized to be a part of the world before him made him one of the luckiest people ever.
Amongst all the people Harry saw, was a pink skinned man that towered over many in the crowd, his long bulky teeth hooking up and out of his mouth. A group of children riding broomsticks, carpets, and what looked like floating snowboards and skateboards as they waved throughout the crowds at break neck speeds. A woman being engulfed in flames before shooting off into the sky. A group of green wearing leprechauns laughing at a small creature that had long ears that were only a few inches shorter than his nose. The creature chased a piece of gold that would jump away from him every time he drew near it, his clawed hands opening and closing greedily, unaware of the green clad creatures floating above him.
Harry's smile looked to be permanently etched on to his face. Every person and everything around him was so amazing. He could see so many creatures that he knew what were, and just as many that he didn't. There were centaurs, satyrs, people with animal body parts, those who had plants growing out of their hair and bodies, and people who he guessed were demons by their varying shapes of horns coming from their heads. Even the normal looking individuals held an air about them that he found to be utterly captivating.
But just as amazing as the shops and the people were the clothing they all wore. There were men and women wearing ruffled shirts and dresses that looked to be plucked straight from the Victorian era, talking with individuals dressed in vines and plants. Hooded figures stood shoulder to shoulder with those in clothing you would see on teens in the muggle world that stood next to men and women in plated armor. Many different types of body paint and tailored suits, loincloths, and odd body suits made entirely of leather, and even people whose clothes barely covered anything at all.
"Please tell me that guy was wearing some type of dragon scales, wyvern hide, anything that involves a large ass lizard that I can wear on my person!" Gellert looked to the teen boy with an annoyed frown before raising his wand and hitting him with a stinging hex. "Damn, that hurts," Harry hissed rubbing the back of his now swollen hand. "I'm sorry, alright! I'm just really excited. No need to get all," Harry waved his hands as he looked for a word to use, "stingy!"
"Yes there are many different types of hide that you can wear." As he spoke he had started to walk into the crowded streets with Harry following close behind. "Once we get you access to the Potter and Bones fortunes, you can go buy what you want. I know you; you're like a fairy when it comes to something you want, and though I find it doubtful that you could ever put a dent in either of your family vaults in your lifetime, I would advise you not to spend as much as you can on anything you want."
"Uh mate," Harry called as he jogged up next to the man. "Did you just call me gay?" He didn't sound insulted like most boys around his age and much older would, only shocked that the man before him whom had always shown respect for all people would say such a thing.
"No, I was talking of actual fairies, the children and descendants of the Queen of Fae." He would have continued to talk but at that moment a hulking figure that had failed to pay attention to what it was doing almost succeeded in knocking over the boy he had been charged with caring for. His wand was out faster than Harry or any of the surrounding people could see. Shooting off a red spell, it stopped the giant man's moment before Harry could be hurt.
"Like I was saying before that person was so carless, fairies are very powerful, mischievous, malice filled creatures, which suffer from an almost crippling love of anything shiny, or what they might deem pretty." Though he was still listening to Gellert, Harry had yet to take his eyes off the man who had almost crushed him. The creature looked human in all aspects except for his size. He towered over Gellert, a man whose height was an impressive 6'5. "As a result they're halfblooded children are very powerful as they don't suffer as their parents do, though they do have the possibility of suffering from their own set of drawbacks."
With the crowds hustle and bustle Harry was forced to pay attention to where he was going, as he did so he glanced up at Gellert. "What kind of drawbacks are you speaking of?"
"Instead of focusing on many different things they find 'pretty' they have a very miniscule chance, but a chance nonetheless, of ending up becoming obsessed with one thing for the rest of their lives." Harry didn't see a problem with that until Gellert elaborated. "Could you imagine being drawn to a goblet or spoon for the rest of your life? Now the chances of them becoming focused on something as meaningless as an eating utensil are astronomical, but I think you catch my drift."
"By obsessed you mean like stuck in a corner, can't move, can't eat, can't do anything if it means moving away from the act of staring at the object of their desire?" Harry questioned, suddenly he found himself preferring his situation. At least if his awakening messed up he'd end up dead and not stuck drooling over an expanse of pretty wall for the rest of his life.
"No, they're able to go on with their lives, but the object or person must be a part of it." Reaching out he grasped Harry by the elbow, drawing a questioning glance from the raven-haired boy. "We're at our destination, let's go!"
They had arrived at a large snow colored building that towered over all of the other nearby buildings. On one of the few pillars by its front doors was a plaque that declared the place they were headed into as Gringotts, The Wizarding bank. Out by the double front doors stood two armored creatures holding spears threateningly, glaring at any that passed anywhere close to the building. They looked to be the same species as the long eared creature that Harry had witnessed chasing the gold piece as the leprechauns had looked on from above.
For a second Harry had thought the two short creatures were going to attack them, their small coal colored eyes glaring at them as they approached, but as they passed through the threshold of the building nothing happened.
Glancing back at the spear holding creatures Harry asked. "I don't mean to be rude, but what were they?" Before Gellert could answer his question what sounded like thunder crashing against the walls of the building exploded around them.
" !" Bellowed a deep, rumbling voice. Harry swore the thundering call had shaken the very foundation of the bank.
"Hello Hagrid," Gellert greeted turning to a man that was as big as the one who had almost crushed Harry. He had a long, wild mane of hair that you couldn't tell where it ended and his beard began. His eyes were tiny and as black as that of the much small creatures outside, but where theirs had been hard, this man's were watery and kind. "It's been far too long my friend, how have you been?" The abnormally tall man came to a thundering stop holding his hand out for Gellert to shake.
"I've been fine I reckon. Just got my Breeders Licenses, for if I ever want to head up to the dragon reserve in Wales," Hagrid informed the two of them with a wide beaming smile, not noticing Harry until he had started to speak once again. "But what about you sir, where have you been all this time... And who's your young friend here?"
"Ah, um - yes my name's Harry." He didn't want to reveal his last name fearing that the man would react as those in the bar had. If a man his size were to get too excited, Harry didn't imagine he'd live to tell the tale. "And you would be?"
"Professor Rubeus Hagrid," he announced. "I teach Care of Magical Creatures and on occasion Combat class." Harry's smiled at the enthusiasm in his voice even though the thought of the man before him teaching him any type of combat made his bladder feel weak.
"I can't wait to sit one of your classes."
Hagrid sent him an apologetic smile before replying. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few years for that. Cares of Magical Creatures and Combat, along with more than a few other classes are reserved for third years and above. I suspect you'll be like many of the other boys your age and will have to make due with challenging each other to combat in the duel pits for the next few years."
"It's been great seeing you Hagrid, but if I recall correctly don't you have something you should be getting to Albus?"
"Galloping gargoyles," Hagrid exclaimed. Digging into his coat pocket he pulled out a small, even by human hands, pocket watch. "I'll be late if I don't get going now. It was nice seeing you again Mr. Grindelwald, and it was nice meeting you Harry." Harry and Gellert both watched as his hulking figure ran with a speed that should have been impossible for someone his size. Just as he reached the bottom of the steps that led up to the bank, he turned and disappeared on the spot.
Harry grimaced slightly as he wondered if your size effected the sensation you experienced when apparating. Shaking himself free of such thoughts he found that Gellert had started for one of the tellers. "What species was your friend Hagrid?" He asked as he walked to his teacher's side.
"Will there be any full blooded giants at Hogwarts?"
"No, they have been deemed as not being responsible enough to handle the use of magic safely." Gellert glanced questioningly down at his young companion to see that he had gained a pensive look.
"How does that work?" Gellert said nothing settling with continuing to give him the same questioning look as before. "What I mean is that a giant would be... well a giant! How does a man get a... I guess giantess... with child?" By the time he had finished speaking Harry had turned a deep shade of red.
"And pray tell why it is that the giant parent is female?" Though he disguised it well, Gellert was having a hard time keeping a straight face at the look of discomfort the boy was wearing.
"Oh come on man," Harry snapped. The red in his face now stemming from both his embarrassment and his anger at having the man play with him. "I have a hard time seeing it working with a human male and a giantess. If it were to be the other way around I..." Harry had taken to shaking his head with a disturbed look in his young eyes. "You know what... never mind. I really don't want to know the details to that, and I'm guessing many other things I'll be seeing in this world."
Gellert let his amusement show, not that the now queasy looking boy noticed. Reaching one of the high seated teller goblins, the creature was counting a stack of gold pieces that were the same as the ones Harry had seen earlier. Together both Harry and Gellert waited patiently for the goblin to acknowledge their presence.
Gellert had taught Harry early on in life that to act impatiently was not only childish, but a good way to offend those around you ,and when you spent most of your life experiencing different cultures from around the world, you quickly learned that to offend someone was a good way to get yourself into a world of hurt.
After a time that would have made most scream in rage, the small creature turned its emotionless eyes onto the duo. "Welcome to Gringotts bank for Magical Beings. How can I be of service to you on this fine day?" The goblin said in a voice that was a mix of a growl and what Harry assumed was mono-tone for the creature, though he couldn't be hundred percent sure on that.
"We're here to gain Harry Potter access to both the Potter and Bones vaults." He pulled two different keys out that Harry could spot no difference between and handed them to the long fingered creature.
The small creature ran its long spider leg-like fingers over every inch of the iron keys. Finding nothing wrong with either of the offered keys, he turned his barely restrained glare on Harry. "I'll need some of your blood to verify if you're the heir to the Potter and Bones fortunes," the goblin growled pulling out a small black bladed dagger.
As Harry laid eyes on the blade meant to be used to take a sample of his blood, he felt a tickling sensation travel down his spine just seconds before it started to spread to every corner of his body. Slowly the area filled with the same sensation as that Harry was experiencing, making the room feel as if it had become super charged with electricity. It was deadly feeling, like he needed to move and run to burn off all the extra adrenaline now coursing through his veins, but at the same time he felt that if he were to move he would draw the wrath of whatever it was that was giving off such a powerful sensation.
Unknown to Harry and the rest of those in the bank lobby, the feeling they were being drowned in was Gellert's magic flaring to life as he stared down the now trembling goblin. "You wouldn't be suggesting he give over his blood to someone he doesn't know, would you?" Gellert asked in voice as sharp as broken glass. "You and I both know how dangerous ones blood can be if used against them. And yet you sit there and ask to take his blood like it's no problem, and with a dagger we know nothing of, no less. You're lucky I let you keep your head!"
It only took Harry seconds after Gellert had started chewing out the teller for him to come to the realization that it was he who was causing the all-consuming feeling to wash throughout the room. Harry grabbed a hand full of the man's suit, jerking it hard enough that the man was forced to turn from the teller.
"Calm down," Harry managed to pant out, sending the man responsible for his suffering a disapproving look. "You're going to give someone a heart attack." Before he had finished speaking the feeling had started to subside, dying out completely a second after he had finished his words.
Around the room startled and upset people broke out into conversation as they tried to figure out what had happened, only Harry, Gellert, and the still upset looking goblin knew who had been behind what had taken place. Clearing his throat Gellert gave the small humanoid creature an intense look that let it know it wasn't off the hook just because he had let up off his magic.
"Give me the keys, I know how to verify his identity," Gellert ordered. The goblin followed his instruction immediately, handing over both keys and the dagger.
"His blood must be taken by the dagger," the goblin muttered lowly in an attempt to not draw attention on its self or the situation it was in, and looking as if he hated himself for doing so. "When it cuts him it will destroy any and all spells on him and potions in his system aimed at changing his appearance, with the exception being the seal to hold back his base appearance and powers."
It appeared Gellert wasn't taking him for his word, the being had yet to stop speaking before he started running his wand over every inch of the knife and didn't stop until his wand had touched the entire blade twice. Giving the smallest of nods, he held his hand out to Harry. Knowing what the older man wanted he placed his hand in the man's, palm up and waited for the sting that he knew was coming.
Gellert had his palm bleeding in seconds and had the keys in the resulting blood soon after. Harry had expected something interesting to result from the keys contact with his blood, but was left disappointed when the other two nodded at the same time. Taking the key from the boy's bloody hand, Gellert used his wand to clean all traces of his charges blood from not only the blade but the keys as well before handing all three back to the goblin.
"Excellent," the goblin said as some of its uncaring attitude made its way back to its voice. Bending down it reached behind the counter it was standing behind at the same time Gellert healed the wound on Harry's hand. When it resurfaced it held a palm sized metal trunk and a red velvet drawstring bag that he placed before him. "We've been expecting you Mr. Potter." Harry was taken aback and didn't seem to be the only one. Gellert who had been about to put his wand away, chose to keep it out on the chance that he would become in need of it once again.
"In the event of their untimely death, your parents procured for you two items to be gifted to you in the summer before your first year Hogwarts." The goblin pushed both items toward him, motioning him to take them both. "One was a pouch to be connected to your vaults. No one else will be able to access this pouch besides you, Mr. Potter, but nevertheless I would keep its existence a secret. Secondly, they arranged for this trunk to be made for you and you alone, with the massage, 'Do not open it until Samhain night'."
As Harry slid the pouch and trunk into his pocket he failed to witness the look Gellert sent the silver trunk. He knew the chest to be goblin made and as a result incredibly expensive, that however wasn't what drew his attention to the finely made trunk.
What were the chances of Susan and James arranging for a trunk to be created for their son, with the instructions for it to be open on a prearranged date? A date that just so happened to coincide with the anniversary of their deaths.
Looking down at the boy who was visibly excited about receiving something from his parents, Gellert felt his lip tighten exposing his worry to the world. He like Albus knew of some of the magic that the Bones utilized, and while he saw no problem with it, he didn't like the idea of the boy delving into such things on his own.
Harry pushed open the door to the clothing shop called Madam Malkin Robes for All Occasions and entered on his own. Gellert had told him he could look around the alley and even do his own shopping if he so pleased. Harry had taken the man up on the offer as he had always liked to go exploring. Had the man came with him it would have resulted in them getting everything he needed right away, without any stops along the way.
A tiny tinkling sound announced his arrival to the three people already present in the shop, two girls and a middle aged woman. He assumed the woman was Madam Malkin, or at least he hoped the woman measuring one of the two girls' waists was her.
Said girl that was current having being fitted for her purchases was very short even though he could tell she was the same age as he was. Her skin was very pale and her hair a mix of different shades of almonds. He had seen many people that day with coal black eyes, but the small girl before him had them all beat. If possible her eyes were a deeper shade of black than even his hair.
The second girl who was standing beside the first, looking as if she might die of boredom was an enigma to the boy. Having traveled for many years Harry had learned to tell most races apart with a single glance, but the girl before him he couldn't get a read on. Her skin was mix of what you might find in Spain and Asia meaning she could be any number of nationalities. Her hair like Harry's own was a shocking black until you reached the tips where they were dyed blue, red, yellow, and white. He didn't know when he realized it but knew he found her pleasing to the eye.
"Morning lad," greeted Madam Malkin, who had glanced his way when he first arrived, before turning back to the young girl. "Come stand just here, and I'll be with you in a second." Harry smiled at the girls as he made his way to stand next to the shorter of the two where the woman had pointed him.
"Hello," the small girl greeted in a happy voice, giving him a small wave of her hand. "My name's Sue Li and this is my best friend Lily Moon." Lily scoffed lightly, rolling her eyes at her friend's display of enthusiasm before gradually a smile of her own made its way to her lips.
"Hey." Lily gave her own wave that was notably less chipper than her friends.
"James," he lied easily, nodding to both the girls. "First year at Hogwarts for the two of you as well?"
"Yup," chirped Sue Li at the same time Lily nodded.
Before anything else could be said between the three Madam Malkin spoke up. "Do you know if you'll be needing an 'awakening suit'?"
"Huh?" Harry said looking lost, drawing snickers from the two girls and a kind smile from Madam Malkin.
"It's a suit that those who have sealed powers and forms use in order to... keep their modesty when being awoken," Malkin informed him. It hadn't occurred to him until that point that some of the forms taken after the awakening could end up exposing their bits to others.
"Yeah, I'm going to need one of those." He was aware of how his answer caused both girls to look him over; in what he was guessing was an attempt to figure out what he was. Both of their stares ended up focusing on his eyes in the end.
"That'll be one more then," Malkin murmured quietly.
Suddenly there was a tinkling from the front of the shop announcing the arrival of a man and a woman. The man looked to be of Japanese descent while the woman Puerto Rican. At once both his question of whom the people were and the girl's nationality was answered when she called out to them as 'mum' and 'dad'.
"There you are dear," Malkin said to Sue Li. "You're both free to go, your orders will be ready in an hour." Before Sue Li could take a step, Madam Malkin had her hands on Harry, measuring him.
"It was nice meeting you James," Sue Li said waving goodbye, with Lily doing the same as they made their way out of the shop with Lily's parents.
"By the way Madam Malkin, my grandfather told me to request that the right sleeves of all my purchases be long enough to cover my entire arm, and then some. He said you'd know what else to do to them after hearing my request." As he spoke his confusion became clear for the woman to hear.
Pausing long enough to look up at him and smile she said. "Your grandfather must know a thing or two about dueling!"
Harry went quiet, nodding that the man did in fact know how to fight, and still could despite his advance age. As he was thinking about the man his earlier interaction with him came to mind. Smiling cheekily he looked to Madam Malkin and asked. "You wouldn't happen to sell any clothing made of dragon or wyverns hide, would you?"
Harry walked through the crowded streets of the alley looking for anything that might catch his fancy. He had just moments before left a shop that sold all manner of items charmed to fly. There were brooms, carpets, surfboards, skateboards with and without any wheels on them, shoes, and so much more, all of which were made with the sole purpose of flying. The only thing that had kept him back from buying one of the items was that Gellert's house was located in an area were a lot of muggles resided. Knowing the chances of getting to fly outside was slim and the chance of flying inside Gellert's house being less likely than the first, he had left the shop with a heavy heart.
It was as he read over a sign for an ice cream parlor on the north side of alley, trying to decide if he wanted anything from the establishment, when a silvery voice grabbed his attention and wouldn't let go.
"Beat it Flint, no one here wants you or your smell around!" The voice was like the wind chimes on a breezy day and was honey to his ears.
Harry at once wanted to find the owner of the voice and didn't have to wait long at all. It seemed like every male in the alley sudden wanted to be anywhere other than their current location. Had Harry not been making his way to where the voice had originated, he would have laughed at the sight of all the irritated women who had their male companions run from them and the area.
With a large number of the once crowed street gone, Harry had a clear view of three kids that appeared to be around his age with the oldest looking to be no more than a year older than himself. Towering over them was a large green skinned beast that held a club that was engraved with strange markings upon its surface.
The beast that was looming over the three was easily seven-feet tall. It had a small covering of coarse black hair on its head that looked to be a size too small for its body. After all he had seen on this day the sight of such a creature wouldn't have bothered him in the slightest, but as the figure stood there before the girl, who was brandishing a wand that looked down right puny next to the now angry creature's club, he couldn't help but feel worried for the three.
"You bitch," growled the green creature that was shaking from in anger.
At once three things happened in the span of seconds. The green creature that Harry assumed was named Flint drew his now glowing club to the side preparing to swing it one-handedly into the girl and her two companions. At the same time the girl who had silvery blonde hair pointed her wand directly at the attacking creature's eyes and yelled out in Latin. A steady beam of red light poured into Flint's eyes causing him to scream as the spell temporarily blinding him. Harry who had started running when he saw the creature draw back to hit the group, grabbed the now loosely held club before spinning where he stood, using his momentum to slam the no longer glowing club into the back of its owners knees bringing him crashing to the ground.
As Flint rolled around on the ground moaning and clawing at his eyes, Harry looked over the three that he now came to realize hadn't needed his help at all. The trio looked slightly alike, not enough to be mistaken as siblings, but enough so that they could pass as cousins.
The oldest of the group and the one to cast the spell was simply put, breathtakingly beautiful. She was tall and slender and had skin that was the color of moonbeams. Her sapphire like eyes held a mixture of thankfulness, irritation, and reproach for him that had Harry baffled.
The second of the group was a boy with white-blond hair, who even Harry had to admit, was good looking. His steel-gray eyes and pointed features clashed with his gentle smile he wore.
Finally the third member of the group was if possible as good looking as the first two of the group. She was a head shorter than the unidentified boy and kept up the theme of light colored hair, hers being as pure white as a freshly fallen snow. She would have come off as being much younger than she was had it not been for her alarmingly intelligent amber eyes.
"Thank you for your help, but I could have handled it just fine on my own," sighed the oldest girl. It was brief but Harry saw a flash of something unreadable in her eyes that was gone before he could tell what it was. "You can leave now," she said dismissively as she turned her focus to the other two and asked them what they should do about the still moaning creature at their feet.
For a second Harry had felt something trickle over his senses that had made him want to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction and away from the beautiful girl, but as soon as the feeling had come it passed, leaving him feeling annoyed.
Taking the club, he swung it down on the creature's disproportionate head knocking it out and gaining the attention of the now wide eyed trio. "You're remarkably pretty, but you come off as a bit of a bitch," Harry informed the girl with silver hair. Her response was to stand where she was and gape at him.
The male of the group laughter drew a now slightly smirking Harry's attention away from the girl and on to him. "It looks like we've found someone that your aura doesn't work on, Fleur," he commented as his chuckling died down. Seeing Harry's questioning look he proceeded to explain. "Fleur's part Veela." When Harry didn't respond the boy gave him a look of understanding. "Muggle born huh? That's alright, give it some time and you'll know as much as those of us who have been raised in this world."
"Veela are somewhat like... sirens. If I recall correctly muggles have stories about them, right?" Getting a nod from Harry who wasn't about to tell the boy any different on his birth status, he continued on. "Well they're like them! Beautiful beings that have control over fire, an avian like form, and an aura that turns any male into a blundering fool, whose greatest wish in the world is to follow the veela's every command."
Recalling the strange feeling he had to find her when she had spoken and the momentary want to run away, Harry nodded in understanding. "What about you two are you Veela as well?" As soon as the question left his lips, Harry realized how offensive the inquiry could have been. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I'm still very new to-"
"Its fine," the boy replied, cutting him off with a wave of his hand. "If I had just learned about this world and all it had to offer, I'd be willing to bet I'd be full of questions myself, and the answer to your question is no, we're not. We're all three siblings but not by blood. Fleur has lived with my family all her life, as a result we've become immune to the aura she gives off. Though from what my mother says, my father didn't start becoming resistant to her until she was four or five. Apparently Fleur here had him running off to get whatever she wanted at the time." Harry and the boy shared a small laugh that served to finally snap Fleur from her stupor.
The girl that he had been speaking of just seconds before, reached over and smacked the boy lightly on the back of the head. Her cheeks that had been the same as the rest of her flawless skin seconds before were now a deep shade of red. "Did you really have to tell him that?" Looking to Harry she gave him an apologetic, shy smile. "I'm very sorry, I'm used to either dealing with males that either makes a fool out of themselves trying to impress me, or those who act like this awful smelling beast did."
Harry opened his mouth to reply but at that second breathed in and found out why the girl had continued to point out the creatures smell. In the rush of things he had failed to up to that point to catch a whiff of the putrid stench that clung to the beast. It was so intense that he was forced to take a step back as his eyes had started to water.
"What the hell," Harry exclaimed covering his mouth and nose with his hand. "Did he shite himself on the way down?"
"No, this is what all trolls and half-trolls smell like," the smallest of the group informed him. Harry was taken aback by the way the girl was staring so intently at his eyes with her own amber ones, it was tad bit unnerving for the boy. "This is my brother Draco," she said reaching out to touch the boy on the arm without breaking eye contact, "you already know Fleur's name, and I'm Hedwig. It's nice to meet you."
"I'm James," he lied once again. He truly didn't want to experience another outburst like he had earlier in the day, so he had taken to using his father's name anytime someone asked for his. "It's nice to meet all of you as well."
"I know I was rude before but thank you for your help with him," Fleur said pointing to Flint. "He thinks everyone smaller than him should just let themselves be walked over. The sad thing is there are many at Hogwarts that let him."
"But for every person that shows cowardice to such actions, there are just as many that show a small amount of courage that can result in the same way as things did today." Harry along with his four new acquaintances found themselves in the presence of a man and woman, both of whom possessed a strong resemblance to Draco. What most caught Harry's eye was the single short onyx horn coming out of the woman's forehead, making him wonder what sort of powers she held.
"I believe we haven't had the pleasure of meeting," said the man stepping forward and over the unconscious half-troll. His wife chose to walk around the body, as she did so Harry saw her cast a spell that had the air smelling clean once again. "Lucius Malfoy," he said extending his hand, "and this is my lovely wife Narcissa." Harry took the man's offered hand at the same time Narcissa gave him a kind, gentle smile.
"It's nice to meet you both," Harry replied as he took Narcissa hand giving it a small kiss. Gellert had drilled the importance of being respectful to your elders into him from a young age, and while that tended to go out the window when Harry dealt with the man himself, he did like to think of himself as a gentleman... most of the time anyway. "My name's James."
Harry knew he had done something wrong right away when the two elder Malfoys froze, before he knew it they were both searching his face as if looking for something, Narcissa doing so hungrily. Whatever it was the two had been looking for they found as realization dawned on their faces at the same time.
"What's wrong- Damn it! Gellert you have got to stop doing that crap! You leannan moncai! " He hadn't seen who the caster of the hex had been, but the fact it was the same stinging hex he was now becoming used to that he had taken to the back of the head, Harry knew right away who it was. Turning around he was proven right as the man walked past him and embraced a shocked Narcissa. It only took her a few seconds before a warm smile spread across her face and she returned the hug, before any of the pre-teens knew it the group of adults were talking and laughing like old friends.
"You know Lord Grindelwald?" Hedwig asked as she once again looked at him with those penetrating eyes of hers.
"You could say that," Harry nodded. "I've lived with him all of my life." The trio gave him impressed looks that had him once again wondering what the man was to the people of the magical world or at the very least magical Britain. "I only just recently learned about this whole world, can you three tell me what you know about him? Is he famous?" He forced himself not to growl when each of the three gave him stunned looks. He really didn't appreciate being kept in the dark about things and apparently there was a lot about his teacher he didn't know.
"He's known as one of the brightest minds in the world," Draco told him with a hint of disbelief coloring his voice. "His work in the fields of Charms, defense magic, and the dark arts are renowned worldwide."
"Also, during the last war he and his partner Albus Dumbledore, actions' are the main reasons why Great Britain is still what it is today," Fleur added in a much kinder way than her adopted brother had. She hadn't meant to treat him as she had earlier and now felt guilty for having done so.
"That explains a lot," Harry sighed. It was no wonder those people had acted the way they had. The man was a war hero, and apparently famous for his mind and work in his select fields of magic. Finding out all he had about the old man was almost as mind-blowing as when he had found out that he too was famous.
His musing on the subject of his teacher was interrupted by the sound of Narcissa asking about him.
"His name isn't really James is it?" She questioned sending Harry a hopeful look. "You look so much like them both, James and Susan, and your eyes," she paused as she knelt down to his level and started caressing his cheek in a motherly fashion. "Your eyes are just as beautiful as I remember them on the day of your birth."
Harry wasn't used to such acts of affection, especially from someone as beautiful as Narcissa. He had no chance of fighting the neon blush that made its way to his face as a result of her actions, and it was made all the worse when both she and her two daughters giggled at the redness in his cheeks.
"I'm sorry about lying, it's ju-" He was forced to stop speaking when she wrapped him in a warm hug. Over her shoulder he could see Lucius sending his wife and him a happy smile while his three children looked on in bewilderment.
"If I had it my way, I would have raised you as my own," Narcissa whispered. Harry's embarrassment turned to discomfort when he felt a slight wetness on his shoulder from tears he knew she was shedding. "Alongside Draco, Fleur, and Hedwig... as a family."
"Narcissa, love," Lucius said softly as he came over to his wife, placing a loving hand on her shoulder. "I think your scaring the boy," he said with some amusement in his voice.
As he pulled the now apologizing woman back, Harry felt a sense of loss. He had been hugged before by many of the people he had met and became friends with, but never before had he been hugged in such a way that he felt it to his very core. It was a new and welcome experience for him.
"Its fine," he said truthfully, beaming up at the now composed woman who returned the action with a smile of her own.
"Uh, what's going on?" Draco asked, voicing the question that was plaguing Fleur's mind as well.
"Like he said," Hedwig said staring Harry in the eye. "His name isn't James, its Harry, Harry Potter."
Harry didn't pay attention to her siblings reaction for he was to focused on the girl herself to notice or care what else was happening at the moment. "How did you know?"
"I came to live with my family at the age of five. When I first arrived Narcissa showed all of the photo albums she had, letting me know that soon it would start to be filled with pictures of me as well." As Hedwig spoke the others, excluding Harry who was focused solely on her, looked to Narcissa who was nodding as she recalled the day her daughter spoke of. "As we we're looking through one of the albums, I saw a picture of a family of three. I remember it so well because the baby was so cute with his tuff of jet black hair and two beautiful eyes, I asked about you and she told me all about you, and how your mother and she were close friends and that the same could be said for your father and mine."
"You're lying to them is the cause behind why I hit you with that stinging hex." Gellert added to fill the silence that settled over the group after Hedwig had stopped speaking. "Never be ashamed of who you are."
"I wasn't ashamed," Harry shot back, annoyed. "I didn't know them and the last time someone learned my name I ended up being chased by a fat sweaty old guy who had more chins that all of us combined." The girls grimaced at the picture he had painted, but if Harry wasn't mistaken he heard Draco fight back a snort of amusement.
"Be that as it may, I taught you better than that. Such actions are beneath you" Gellert meet his gaze head own and Harry knew he had lost, causing him to nod that the man was right. "Now then, how much of your shopping have you got done?"
Harry chuckled lightly as he stepped toward Narcissa, who he was thankfully of when she took his hand in her own. "I was fitted for robes," he told the now annoyed Gellert.
"Anything else?"
"I was actually headed to get my wand when I ran into Fleur, Hedwig, and Draco."
Before Gellert could comment on Harry's lack of focus on getting his shopping done, Draco spoke up. "How do you know you'll be getting a wand?"
"I thought we had to have one to cast magic?" Harry replied looking to Gellert for answers. "Is it not guaranteed we'll get one?"
"I apologize for my slip in not informing you sooner about this," Gellert said earning the attention of the group. "Wands are one of many the many types of foci that you're magic can choose. There are staves, scepters, canes, weapons, jewelry, and numerous other items that can channel magic."
"I myself use a cane," supplied Lucius. Raising his waist high cane the man waved the tip that held an unusual formation of metal, over the downed half-troll. Before their eyes Flint's green body suddenly started to glow a dark blue that made the boy's body start spasming until slowly it had shrunk down to that of a normal looking sixteen year old.
"I have an idea," Narcissa said more to Harry than anyone else. "We've yet to get either Draco or Hedwig's focus yet, why don't we all go together? It'll be fun and will give us a chance to get to know each other better."
The group having all agreed to continue their shopping together, headed down the alley way with Lucius and Gellert, lagging a ways behind the rest.
"That poor child," Lucius said as he watched his wife talk the ear off the young boy, whose hand she was still holding. "He has no idea that he's now one of hers."
Gellert allowed a small laugh to escape as he too watched the woman interact with his grandson. "You say that like it's a bad thing."
AN: Yes, Hedwig is Hedwig. I had planned on making her one of the options for the harem, but I'll need to know if those of you reading this will be okay with that? Why Fleur is with the malfoys will be shown or told later on. While I'm on the Malfoys, they will be a light family in this story and that's not the only changes I've made that I'll show in the future. As for Hagrid, I have it that since he was able to be open about his status as a creature there would be those who would look further into his case and at least give him a form of veritaserum made for magical beings, to clear his name. If you want to be a naysayer, think about it like this, since creatures have more rights in this world then it's only natural that they would have more advances for their problems, like maybe a cure or a way to control being a werewolf and the like.
I'm not sure if next chapter will be as long as this one... I don't even know what house Harry will be in (Snakes, or Lions), or what type of foci he'll be getting yet. Next chapter will be the train ride and the Awakening/Sorting. Also I'll be moving soon and since I'm poor I have no idea when I'll be getting internet back, but on the bright side I hope to get another chapter out before that happens and for those of you wondering the next chapter of S2ndC will be up soon!