Hey guys! Guess what... I decided to make a new chapter! I wanna thank all of you for reading my story! Especially a special thanks to Amuxikutolover. Hope you guys like the new chapter! :D also sorry for the long wait! :p

Chapter 2
Ikuto pov

I sat outside of the hospital room, waiting for Amu's condition to stabilize. All of her friends and family members are here...waiting to see if she's ok or not. Mrs hinamori was crying into mr hinamori's arms, and he was trying to comfort her and their youngest daughter Ami. Utau was trying her hardest not to cry while Kukai has his arm around her trying to calm her down. The midget Rima was crying softly in a corner in the shape of what seems like a...ball? Nagi is trying to sooth her with reassuring words, saying how Amu was going to be fine. But you can see the doubt in his eyes. We all heard what the doctor said. Amu is in critical condition, and it's already a miracle that her heart is still beating. It's all my fault! If I was with her, this wouldn't have happened!

Ring ring

I picked up the phone and it read-

Yamabuki Sayaa

I flung the phone across the room cursing a bunch of colorful words.

God! She is so annoying! I broke up with her already why the hell can't she leave me alone! The only reason I went out with her was because I thought that big and loud mouth of hers would help me stop thinking about Amu, but sadly her yapping just made me miss Amu more. I started reminiscing about what started all this.


Amu and I were at one of utau's famous parties. I went to get a drink and when I came back, I heard the guardians talking to Amu.

"Amu, you have such bad luck now. First you almost got hit by a car, then you lost ur keys and ur purse got stolen, is it because of that black cat ikuto? And don't forget that-"

"Rima-chan, it's not ikuto's fault, I was just careless."

"But you almost died!"

What?! Amu almost died because of my bad luck?! Why haven't I heard anything about this?! I decided to join Amu again before anyone saw me eavesdropping. But why didn't Amu tell me anything? I thought she was acting weirdly for the past few days but I thought It was just another mood swing of hers.


I snapped back to reality. And turned to see Amu look at me worriedly. I decided not to worry her and put my signature smirk on.

"Hey strawberry, no need to yell. Did u miss me that much?"

I put my arms around her shoulders and was suprised she didn't yell at me for calling her strawberry.

"Ikuto, what's wrong" she asked.

That's just like her, the only one that can read me like a book. I smiled at her and said "don't worry about it Amu. I'm just tired"

She looked at me uncertainly and said

"Ok ikuto. Why don't we go home now. I'm tired too."

She turned around to say bye to all her friends and I saw tadase glaring at me. I decided to ignore it and drove Amu back home.

" u coming in ikuto?"

She asked me while getting out of the car. I decided to tease her a little to lighten the mood.

"Why strawberry, I didn't know you loved me so much."

"...of course I do ikuto. I love you. A lot. And I would do anything for you."

I was suprised by her words. I guess she's surprising me a lot today. I stared into her unwavering eyes and leaned in to kiss her.

"I love you too Amu. More then anything."

I said as I hugged her close to me.

"...ikuto, can u promise me something?"

" anything for you my little strawberry"

"...promise me you won't leave me"
She whispered so softly, I almost didn't catch it. I paused for a while and said.

"I promise Amu. I'll always be with you and I'll love you forever. Your stuck with me Amu. I'm never letting go. Ever. I promise."

I said as I looked into her eyes. She looked so happy and she kissed me then went back home.

When I was driving home, I thought about my promise and the party, and smiled. As long as Amu believes in me, I will never let her go. I'll keep my promise.

The next day I went to Amu's house. I was just about to walk in from the balcony when I heard kiddy king's voice.

"Amu chan, I love you. Why don't u just break up with ikuto nii-San. He brings nothing but bad luck!"

I held my breath and waited for her reply. After a while I heard her say

"Your right tadase kun. He does just bring bad luck..."

I was shocked. I stopped listening and quickly ran away. How could she?! Didn't she say she loved me?! ...but she's right, I do just bring bad luck. She said she'll do anything for me, and just by being with me, it's risking her life. Now it's my turn to protect her. I took out my phone and told her to meet me at the park.

When I got to the park I stood under our usual spot. The Sakura tress. They reminded me so much of Amu, their so beautiful, yet soft and delicate, and not to mention pink.

" ikuto"

I heard Amu calling me and became scared. Of the future without her. I put on my best poker face and when I saw her running to me, I almost broke. I quickly kissed her...a kiss of goodbye. I think she knew something was wrong because she hugged me and said.

"I love you"

I could hear my heart cracking when she said that. I decided to end things quickly so I don't break down. I let go of her and looked at her with emotionless eyes. The next few words I said felt like someone tore out my heart and trampled on it.

"I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore."

I felt her freeze up and I decided to leave before I took back everything I said. I kept walking and walking without turning back. Leaving Amu and my heart behind me.

A week after that, I started going out with some girl with red hair, sayaa I think, but no matter what, I kept thinking about Amu. I was about to go insane, and after two weeks I finally cracked and I called her. I made up some lame excuse of being friends and meeting sayaa just to see her again...ok fine, also to see her reaction to me getting a girlfriend.

As I was waiting at the cafe with sayaa, I started thinking and smiling about all the good times with Amu.

When Amu came, I saw her smiling at us and I guess I was kind of disappointed about that. We then started talking. After a while she got a text And had to leave. I was about to cry out not to go, but the next words she said froze me to my spot.

" I'm happy for you"

She said. I felt my heart breaking again, but I quickly masked it up and watched her leave.

I just sat there with sayaa asking me what's wrong when I heard a loud honking sound and someone screaming. I wanted to go and see the commotion so I put my arms around sayaa to quickly lead her outside, when I saw the scene, the world stopped. Amu. In a pool of blood. HER blood.

"Amu" I whispered.

I felt sayaa pulling me back but I shook her off and ran to Amu screaming her name. I carried amu into my lap and was saying
" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't leave me" over and over again.

She put her hands on my face and that's when I realized that I was crying. She said some crap about wanting me to be happy and keep my promise. but how can I be happy without my little strawberry beside me? I promised her anyway just so she can save her breath. After that I said I love you to her and she said she loved me back. Under my breath is said,

"I'll keep my promise Amu, I'm not letting go. Not again."

Soon the ambulance came, but I never left her side.

Flashback end

I heard a door opening and saw the doctor walk out. I ran to him and asked

"How is she doctor"

He just looked at me and nodded towards the room. I slowly walked into the room preparing for the worst, and when I saw her, I broke down. She looked so fragile and...Broken. I stood by her bed and held onto her hand. Looking up at the ceiling I said

"God please, don't take her from me. I know how amazing she is and you want to take her back, but don't take away. I love her so much. I know it was wrong of me to leave her, but please, give me another chance. Give her back to me."

I closed my eyes and felt my tears falling. I looked down at Amu and kissed her on the lips. When I pulled away...

She slowly opened her eyes.