Back from a very wet week in Devon (I hate rain.), I think there will only be one or two chapters after this. Please review.
When Jess opened her eyes, she realised it hardly made a difference, everything was still very dark. Something was holding her left foot down. And she was fairly sure her orange shoes had gone. Which wasn't something she was particularly happy about.
The blackness surrounding her was clearing slightly, the dark smoke still streaming from the room behind her. There was no longer any sign of the anomaly. The damage around the warehouse was starting to show and she could now see the wood holding her foot to the ground.
But looking around, she couldn't see anyone else. She had managed to just miss the roof landing on anything but her foot, but it looked like no one else had been that lucky.
She could hear someone groaning in obvious pain, pushing the wood from her, she stood up as much as she could and tried to shuffle her way around to find who it was. She started to move pieces of wood, but found it was much too heavy for her, deciding it would be best to call for help, she looked for a way to the doorway. The clearing was empty as the fire hadn't quite reached it.
Looking out, the daylight hit her and the medics ran forwards, "How did you get out?", "What happened?", "How many are trapped?"
"Stop. Please, stop with all the questions." Jess pulled herself out of the medics grips and walked over to the three soldiers, "Captain Becker, Matt and Emily are stuck in there, get in and find them."
Walking over to where Sarah was stood, looking on in horror, "You got out?"
"Yes, as did you, did Patrick get out?" Jess watched as Sarah shook her head, before looking back at the scene in front of her.
"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to hit you. If I'd known how much you meant to Becker, I'd have saved you and Danny..." Sarah sighed and started walking towards the warehouse, "And your shoes are lost. They were great shoes."
Jess' mouth quirked up a bit at that, "Thanks."
She stepped carefully towards the cars, taking out one of the communication devices, "Abby, Connor?"
"Jess?" Connor's excited voice sounded, "Thank God, you're safe! I haven't heard from anyone else, what's going on?"
"There was an anomaly on fire, and the roof caved in and Becker, Matt, Emily, two of the soldiers and Patrick are all trapped. I got out and so did Sarah."
"Who's Sarah?"
"Sarah Page."
"She's dead..." Connor sounded worried and confused now, "Did you bang your head?"
"Well, actually, Sarah hit me with something..."
"But that doesn't mak- OW! Abby that hurt." Connor moaned, having been hit by Abby,
"Connor, shut up! Jess, we're sending back up now." Abby spoke.
"Thanks." Jess clicked off and walked towards the warehouse, where a soldier was helping Emily out of the building. She was clearly limping and had blood flowing from a cut on her cheek.
"Get back in there and find Matt and Becker," Emily clearly commanded, before making her own way across to the medics who were flittering around nervously.
Becker was the next out. He walked out on his own, he looked slightly dazed from the smoke and had dark smudges on his face, but there were no signs of blood, he let the medics give him some oxygen. Sitting down and sending a short smile to Jess.
Jess smiled back, and looked back to the warehouse, waiting for the remaining team member.
After a few minutes, Emily joined her, her cheek now covered, but still with a slight limp, "I should go back in there and help."
"Emily, you can't, if it collapsed more, we'd lose you too. I'm sure he's fine."
"But you can't be sure. What if Ethan has him?" Emily walked confidently towards the door but stumbled back when three gun blasts went off and then Matt fell through into her arms, holding his shoulder, "Oh God, Matt? Are you alright?"
"Emily? You're alive?"
"And you're shot." He looked down at his wounded shoulder and tried to shrug, but cursed in pain instead.
"Right, medics." She walked him over to the medics, who started their work immediately, "What happened?"
"I was looking for you, and then Ethan appeared out of nowhere, and then he had a gun, he shot the soldiers and then when I was at the door, he shot me too." He nodded at Becker, who shook his head somberly, "Sorry Becker, but I think the two who were holding him were both dead from the moment the roof fell in. I don't know about the other two."
"Okay, thanks for letting me know." He stood up and walked towards Jess, who looked up at him, shorter than usual without her heels, "I'm glad you're safe." He put a hand to her cheek, feeling the heat raise as she blushed. He watched her face turn pink and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. She wound her hand up to his neck to hold him, and when they parted, he let his forehead fall onto hers.
The moment was ruined as another gun shot echoed and Sarah screamed. Turning to look, Patrick stood at the entrance, holding a gun to Sarah's head, he was smiling brilliantly, but blood was trickling from his mouth and his right ankle seemed twisted, "Right, someone gets me some medical attention now, or she dies."