
? P.O.V:

Voices come through my ears...yet,I don't remember who they belonged to...Images of a couple of people flash in my mind...but I don't remember any of these pictures...or the people of the images first was a group of four...laughing as some water wavers onto the sand, then travels backwards again. Back and forth...back and forth...over and over again and continuously until a new picture comes into mind. The second one...was of a tall, but round man...wearing a red coat...but he seemed to be...laughing? No...yelling? No, not that either..excited? Yeah thats got to be it...

Now when I look around after they end ...I see nothing but blurs of colorful metal walls...and windows that peer out into the night. Wait...there's a planet out there. Am I in space, then? I can't remember much as i look down at my feet and gasp. They're...running. Not at a slight jog...but at full out running pace. Panic fills my heart as I try and get them to stop...but my body wouldn't obey my minds commands. I try to screech to a stop, but all I try to do is go faster. But that wasn't the worst part. As my feet turn at a corner...I see a part of my nightmares coming to life. All sorts of...robots, big and small, flood through the hallways, trying to catch me with their lasers, nets, and even their own grabber claws.

From then on, all I wanted was for myself to hide in fear until these full terror robotic mechanisms go away..but I did something very differently then what I was feeling right then: I smirked. Wait, this isn't me! Whats going on? Why am I cracking something like THAT in a time of despair and fear?! Before I could even try to answer my self asked riddle, I found myself doing the most audacious thing that I never expected to do...


I was fighting the robots.

One minute I crashed through one robots middle cleanly, the next I found myself using lightning ( wait, I can control LIGHTNING? This is just getting weirder and weirder...) and making the robots blow to bits or fall over and break like glass, and it repeats over and over until there's not one robot left standing. With another smile, I found myself running again out of my control.

What's going on? I- I'm not like this at all! Why am I fighting them? Why am I acting like this, And how can I control lightning? Where am I, anyway? And why can I not answer any of these questions?!

"I will not give in.."

Huh? Who said that? Was that...Me?

"I won't let him ruin our future..."

Him? Who's...'Him'? Ok, now I'm going nuts here...

" I will protect Mobius!"

Mobius...wait a minute, that's my home! Why am I talking about my home? And does it have to do anything with the 'him' I mentioned?

CRASH! I finally skid to a halt after I bash through a pair of doors...and look up to find a man standing before me a few feet away. He had one of the oddest appearances I've seen as he was tall but round, bald but with a reddish brown mustache under his pointy pink nose, wearing blue spectacles while these were a pair of goggles on his bald head, was wearing a...wait a minute...a red coat with yellow buttons, black pants and boots, white gloves...oh my gosh...he's-

" Eggman..."

Wait, that's his name? Man there's so many things I'm still confused about...

Eggman gave me a evil smile as he slowly walked toward me, his hands hidden behind his back. " Ah, so glad you could come, Sparki..." he greeted me.

Wait, Sparki? That's not my name! Why am I even with him, I should be running for my life right now! But even my words didn't say what I was thinking..."Enough is enough, Egghead!

I'm going to send you back to being frozen in time...but this time ...for good...and I'll make sure of it!" I waited for him to reply immediately...but instead his smile grew. Confusion spread through my head as he neared me. I backed away in response. " You are much like my old nemesis, young hedgehog...cocky and fast...yet persevered..."

Who is he talking about? Surely it was another villain...was it?

"too bad that dream will never be fulfilled!"

At the last moment, he quickly brought out what seemed to be a remote to something and pushed the button on it with his thumb.


As I looked up, down, and around...terror clouded my heart as I saw what the remote was for. The panels on the walls suddenly filled with robotic tentacles, each one of them moving around like snakes waiting to strike on command. I narrowed my eyes at him as he made his

villainous laugh, then pointed to me.


Everything was a it blurry for a few minutes, with me cutting each of the tentacles while more of them tried to grab me and set me straight. I should've been worried, but for some reason I was not. It felt relaxing, though. After what felt like years, I finished off the last of those disgusting grabbers and turned back to Eggman, a triumphant smile plastered on my face. " What's the matter, Egghead?" I taunted him, " Eggshells finally cracked?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, seeming to be annoyed...but as I looked into his eyes, I knew he had something else up his sleeves...

" I wouldn't be so sure of celebrating so soon..."


Before I could even think, I felt something snatch me from behind and lift me up quickly. My lungs felt like they were being squeezed, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as the pain grew...then stopped as I looked down. A bigger version of the tentacles I faced had gotten me and tied me when I wasn't looking. Crap.

My fear grew inside and out, trying to slip out of its grip, but I was way out now.

" Goodbye, you pesky hedgehog!"

At that moment, I heard a buzzing sound come closer and closer to me as I squirmed even faster now. I knew it was too late...for when I saw a flash of light...the only thing I could do...

was scream.

Hey guys, SakuraDreamerz here! I know it's been a while since I've uploaded a story ( stupid computer!) but now im back and finally able to type again!

Note about the story: I've had this idea for a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction for a while now, but there are still a few kinks I need to work out of it XP

R&R, I really appreciate it!