GAAHH! I am so sorry for the long Hiatus on this! T.T Life has caught up to me and I was really stuck!

Shadows P.O.V:

This is just wonderful.

After her unnecessary blurt out, she has tried to kick me so that I would let go of her. In her second attempt, she tried to bite my hand...(good thing her mouth couldn't reach either of my arms), and tried to blast her yells into my ears to reactively drop her. Not even a flinch, but my ears will be ringing for at least two days.

I have no reason to keep her here...but I don't see any reason to let her go, either. She intruded on my slumber, and shouldn't be here.

'Something about holding me back, though...'

I shake my head at the thought. What is holding me back is not important right now. 'Besides the fact she looks like the faker,' 'Shut UP, I can't think like this...'

'But something is off about her!' Que another pointless thought going to the back of my head. Now, onto the interrogation...maybe the answers she will give me any information as to why she's here...and maybe why I am here...

'Ask her if she-'



Cassie's P.O.V:

Whelp, this is great. First he had me TIED UP from shoulders to ankles for the past 5 minutes to an hour...I think...(man, I wish I had my phone with me) so I couldn't try and escape again. Second, he started asking me questions about things I don't even know about! For example, he keeps bringing up the 'Blue Faker' that I have no idea whom he's talking about. And Third, he keeps talking over me when I haven't said a word since I woke up!

I silently groaned in annoyance of my current situation. The dream may have led me here, but I am not really sure that this was suppose to happen. Oh, why did I have to put on these crazy shoes?! Speaking of which...

Toning out the woken up strangers questions, I looked down at where my shoes are...or...wait...

"Where are my shoes?!"

Sure enough, the only thing I could see on my feet were my white socks with green polka dots around the toe part.

I looked left, right, and all over the place, but I didn't even dare to look at the strangers eyes before me. I even tried to crawl, but I had a bit of a hard time moving due to the ropes around me. Good grief, did he really need to tie me THIS tight?! Its ridiculous!

"Do you mean these?"

I blinked. Once. And Twice. At Three times I turned around again to face him. Sure enough, there were the crazy, but missing shoes...and he had them in his possession. Crap!

"Wha-?! Why do you have my shoes? I need them back! How am I suppose to walk around where-"

"These aren't yours."

Wait, what? body grew stiff in anxiety.

How did he know...that they aren't mine?...This is getting really freakier by the minute. If I could, I would even had tried to chew my way out...wait...!

"Hm...these look exactly like the fakers."

That nickname again. Why the heck does he keep bringing it up, anyhow? It's driving me-wait, is he turning around? If so, pleeeaasse stay that way!

Tick,tock, moments went by, but he didn't turn and was focused on the shoes. Rrgghh, I have to get out of here...come on, come on, come on...!

My request was answered. My captor slowly turned a full 180 degrees, and now his back was towards me. Nows my chance! I turned my head down until it reached the rope, them opened my mouth a bit, chomped down and...


My teeth chomped (unsuccessfully) on metal, and didn't even dent.


Why the heck did he use metal?!

"Do you really think that I would leave you within breakable bonds, young hedgehog?"

A bead of sweat went down my forehead at his words. 'Crap, he found my what am I suppose to do? I just want to go to my nice and safe home, see my brother again and forget everything that-'


I turned stiff again when he attracted my attention. "Are you listening to me, hedgehog?" Yup, my thinking of escaping blared him out again...I've got to stop doing that!

"Erm...could y-you repeat that?" I bit my lip as he let out an irritated sigh and answered,"I said that you are hiding things. Spit them out, NOW."

All I gave him was a groan as I turned to him. "I don't know what you are talking about! I've already told you that I found them!"

"Where did you find them, then?"

"In m-" I suddenly realized what I was about to say, and bit my lip and tongue before I even spilled the beans. I looked up into my 'kidnappers' eyes...and what I saw caused a shiver to run down my spine. He was looking at me, eyes narrowed, and a 'know all' frown on his face.

"And what you said just proved my point,, tell me where you found them."

My hands shook behind my back, trying to mangle with the metal to try and find an opening, but if felt no open space to squeeze them through. 'Ok, have 2 options here...either tell him, distract him or escape with this weird metal thing around you...' considering that the metal tied my ankles as well as the rest of my body, I wouldn't even get 2 feet from him if I did try to escape...and if I did get farther, he'd just hold me by the metal and bring me high up again. If I went with the distraction, it would only irritate me more, considering that I tried to crack my teeth into the 'rope'...'I-I have no choice, do I?'

Well, crap...wait...

"P-Promise..." I spoke up, "th-that you will give me my shoes back...and untie me from this piece of metal...I-If I tell you?"

Great, I sounded like startled little kid...XP

I didn't hear anything from him, so I turned to see what he was doing. He didn't seem to be moving, other then look at me once more...

'I hope he isn't thinking about blasting me to the ends of the earth...though, it wouldn't help to try and get away from Mrs. Puma and the gossiping rabbit...'

"Hm... go on then, spill it."

I was about to retort...but before I could...everything came spilling out like a waterfall...from when me and Aaron moved, where I had found the shoes (I didn't tell him about my dreams, thank goodness), to when I found myself in the jungle. He didn't respond...not even once for any kind of question or comment as I told of what had happened to me. Once I had finished, he looked back me and inspected me from top to bottom...before he unwrapped the metal and gave (more like threw! That hurt! XP) my shoes back.

"You have no business being here..." he said as I put on my shoes, "a kid like you could cause a lot of trouble if you aren't careful..."

I nodded to him, a bit confused by how he was acting. Shouldn't he be keeping me as prisoner? Don't all guys do when they seem to be unaware of their surroundings? From the looks of this, I guess not.

I stood up and was about to leave, but one more word from him stopped me stiff, "Tell me...what did the necklace look like? You didn't explain anything about it..." Step by step, he came close to me again as I turned around. When I saw him straight in the eye...I found he was holding the loose ribbon and leather of the choker.

Ok, NOW I was a bit freaked out...was he getting the chance to blast me to a different planet?

"This looks familiar..."

Familiar? O-Ok, this is getting weirder! I've got to get out of heere!

Before I could pull myself away, I saw his hand reach...and touch the bolt sapphire.

'Come on, come on, come-'


As soon as he had a grip on it, the sapphire all of a sudden started...sparking...not like when a lightbulb is about to go out...try thinking of electricity sparking from a thundercloud...yeah, that, in a miniature size. The spark suddenly pushed me and the Mobian away from each other into separate walls, and slowly started glowing a sky blue with a mix of white. At that point, my freak out limit went up and off the charts because of this. No NORMAL necklace does this! WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?! I WISH I HAD STAYED AT HOOME!


Wait, what?! What's going on!?


Those thoughts only flashed through my head before I was engulfed in white...and then, only darkness.

Again, I am so sorry for the long Hiatus! I was stuck trying to figure out how to get through this scene and I was honestly scared to mess up! I thank my good friends, Dex The Hedgehog (he gave me the idea of the 'Nutter Butter' scene in the previous chapter) and Dragon1157 (he gave me the idea for Shadows 'breakable bonds' comment) for helping with ideas, and for the comments and story watches to keep me going! :3 Anywho, what do you guys think happened to Cassie? And will she survive it? And will Shadow be alright and will they both figure out what's going on?

Find out in the next chapter of 'A Spark of Hope'! R&R! :3