Chapter 3
The ponies felt Celestia's soul chilling presence as she made her way to her throne of pelvises. Celestia wore a black cloak made of mule skin with a hood that concealed most of her face. "Good day, my students," Celestia croaked "have you killed those who Princess Celestia ordered you to kill?" The princess's voice always caught her servants of guard every time they heard it. It awakened a fear that lay dormant in the deepest recesses of the mind. The trio had gotten somewhat used to it by now, though. Celestia also tended to speak in third person. This was probably due to the fact that as a filly her parents abandoned her in the Everfree Forest only to be raised by wolves who abandoned her to be raised by demons who abandoned her because they were terrified of her. Eventually she was raised by cockroaches who locked her in a cellar to die. She survived only by drinking the blood of her new ant family and eating her own soul.
"We... we..." Twilight muttered. She couldn't bring herself to tell the princess that they failed. "Well? Out with it! Did you burn the village or not?" asked Celestia sharply and impatiently. Applejack decided to speak up. "Well, your godliness, you see... we... um..." The ponies felt Celestia's penetrating stare through her hood. They couldn't recall the last time they had felt such raw fear. Rarity was the first to break. "We couldn't burn the villages! We looked into the faces of the children and we just couldn't!"
"Then we were ambushed and hunted down by the velociraptors! We won't fail you again, we promise!" cried Twilight. Celestia slowly began to rise above the ground which began to tremble and shake. She tilted her head up revealing a twisted and burnt face, scarred by centuries of war and insanity. Her eyes were empty sockets filled with the blazing fires of damnation. She and her three minions were soon inside a circle of hungry flames. This lasted for two minutes until the flames finally died and Celestia calmly lowered herself to the ground. The ponies were huddled together, shaking with terror. " Since I am a kind and forgiving princess, I will give you a chance to redeem yourselves. S.C.O.O.T.A.L.O.O., take them to their next assignment!"