I am not blond, nor have I written any books. Please take this as my stating that I do not own Harry Potter.
I do hope that you enjoy my fan fiction.
That afternoon Lily walked into the woods, it had taken time to lose Petunia trailing her. She threw out some bird seed and then sat quietly and waited. Finally a lone squirrel came out and Lily cast on it. It now showed up on the magical map that she had made. She was testing a spell and decided to use squirrels first. She spent some time flying around and then wondered home.
Lily was sitting in her room looking at her map, it now had many dots. The spell was supposed to infect others, in this case other squirrels, with the original spell plus a spell bound to that one. The original spell allowed the casting to act as a virus, infecting any other squirrel that came into contact with any other infected squirrel. The other spell could be anything, but in this case a spell of magical location. The woods seemed to hold a lot more squirrels then she thought they would. She had decided to call it the Spell Virus.
She was slowly going through the items from the Room of Requirements, and she was stuck on a trunk. At first it seemed normal and then she realized that it was highly magical. About half the trunks she had found were both locked and had no key. She had been lucky to find some rail road spikes near her old home, the metal made passable keys. She finally had to go down for lunch, so left her new project.
Lily observed that the trunk had two areas of extra magic. The first started about five inches to the left of the lock and went to the corner. The second area mirrored the first but on the right side. She finally decided to try opening it without touching the areas. She cast a spell and made a key. She had taken the trunk to the woods, just in case. She hid behind a tree and used a spell to unlock the trunk, and then open it.
"&Why won't this thing go away&"
"&Sorry, I will move now&"
"&A Speaker&"
She chatted up the snake for a few more minutes. When reading the books she had always known where Harry got the ability to speak to snakes, she had always been able to do it. Although when she was a very young child she had been scared of snakes so had avoided them. When she was five she had been in a pet store with her mother and heard them. Her mother thought that she was pretending, but told her to quit.
She had never told anyone. When she had met Sev she had asked if the fairy tales were true and could people talk to animals. He had explained about the ability and how it was considered a sign of darkness. She had kept it a secret, although sometimes it was exceptionally hard.
Some of the things that snakes said about humans were funny, and it took all she could do not to laugh. One of the Slytherin students, a sixth year when she was in first year, had a snake that he took everywhere. The snake gave amusing commentary throughout the day. Lily knew that if she was in all his classes she would be in lots of trouble for laughing.
She went back to the trunk. She decided that the security would have been better if written instructions hadn't of been left in the first compartment. If you opened the trunk without touching any of the two magic areas then you found an enlarged trunk, enchanted to hold about two times more than normal. If you opened it using your left hand so that you touched the magic then you opened it to a normal trunk. Using the right hand to open it, so touching the right side magic, led to a set of steep stairs.
She examined the items in the first two compartments, finding a few things that she would keep. Finally she tried the steps. They only seemed steep until you started walking on them. They led down to a large room. The first thing she noticed was a table with an envelope upon it. She mostly noticed the table because the envelope had writing that kept flashing on it. It read 'Please read first.' She opened it and started to read.
Dear Headmaster of Hogwarts,
If the school was gifted with my trunk then my Will has been read and acted upon. I am the last of my line, and was never able to have children. As you know I have spent my life looking for interesting magic, and items.
Since I am the last of my line I have decided to leave my families' magic to Hogwarts. In the event that you dispose of my trunk without finding this note, then I hope whoever is reading it will enjoy the magic. My father enchanted this trunk, and the instructions are written in one of the books. As you have probably read the instruction manual then I will not go back over that information. If you have not read the manual then another copy is in the drawer, under where you found this letter.
As the manual states the potion room does have more than ample storage. I, however, have added stasis charms to every container inside. This will keep all ingredients fresh. The charms are a special type that my family invented, as long as they are exposed to ambient magic then they are self renewing.
The room next to that, the work room, contains many animals all in suspended animation jars. These jars will keep the inhabitance from ageing until they are released. Some of the jars also shrink the creature. There is a special manual just for that room available in the top drawer to the left of the door.
Most of the rest of the trunk is self evident, for example the library contains books. Although there are spells, on the room, which keep the books in good condition. The storage room has places to store things. The bathroom and kitchen have running water. The chairs are just chairs.
The last thing I leave you is the information on what is in the study. If you will notice they look like pensive memories. Since pensive are very rare, you might not know this. There is a pensive; it's the large stone bowl looking item. The instructions are in the drawer underneath. There is a memory that is labeled "Please see first" and it will explain everything about the room, and how to get the knowledge.
Please enjoy my last bequeath. While I would like some of the information shared, I am fully aware that some of it shouldn't be. I only hope that whoever reads this will make the best decision. One last further note, if you do share the information please don't mention my family. The Ministry does not like old family magic shared with the public. Pretend that you either invented it, or found it.
Michael Gabriel Moon
Lily was floored, Hermione had said that she would find a few items that would make the whole ordeal worth it, but had never mentioned anything this good. As much as she wanted to explore she decided to take it home and do it in her room.
When she got home she met Petunia who was on her way out.
"I am going to a party with some friends. Unlike you I can easily make friends, and don't need freaks."
"Have a good time."
Lily ate dinner and spent the evening talking to her Gran. She had always adored the woman. She did keep wondering how by the time Harry was born that her parents and her Gran would be dead. She would try her best to figure out what to do.
The next morning they were awoke by the police. It seems that Petunia had gone to a party in an abandoned building in London. The official story was that the building fell down, due to all the loud music being played. Lily didn't believe it for a minute. Petunia and everyone else that went were killed when the building fell.
Petunia had told her parents that she was going to sleep over at a new friend's house. They had even received a call from someone they thought was the Mom in charge. The police did tell them that a lot of alcohol and drugs were found, and that the party had been well advertised using flyers. It also seemed that the group had managed to somehow create a laser image above the building. Lily knew at that moment that it was Death Eaters.
Lily was both sad and glad that Petunia was dead. She was glad because her only sister had died without Lily having to do it, and that she would never ever hurt a child. She was sad because Petunia was her sister and she could remember what it was like to be close to her. She wondered how changing the one thing had spiraled so far.