"You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you."
doctor, doctor
i've been waiting
for an adventure
whisk me away in your blue box-
it's bigger on the inside
and it's always this dangerous?
i'm yours, then.
doctor, doctor
time lord, face changer
you've saved me
and i've saved you
we're the stuff of legend
how long are you going to stay with me?
forever, hopefully.
doctor, doctor
bad wolf bay
you can't whisk me away anymore
and when it's needed most
you can't save me
it's too late
doctor, do you love me?
rose tyler, i-
doctor, doctor
i crossed universes to be with you
and i found you
two of you;
different but the same
what were you going to say
down at the bay of bad wolf?
i love you?
( because for so long,
i've loved you too. )
doctor, doctor
i've been wanting an adventure
because he still isn't my doctor
i still dream about you
and your mad blue box
and it was always that dangerous?
i'm still yours.
(but are you still mine?)
"I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you. If you want."