Summary: Another series of one-shots going from A to Z but now focused on the Original eight Chosen Children!

Name of this chapter comes from the song All My Best Friends are Metal Heads by Less Than Jake which is of course on the Digimon the Movie soundtrack and of course I don't own.

School's started and my first writing assignment (excluding summer homework) was to write a narrative. Normally I could do that no problem, but I was kind of lacking inspiration and figured the only way to get inspired was to go back to a time when I wrote 24/7, and what was one thing created during that time? My digimon story Six of a Kind! Which is why I'm inspiring myself by using the same format on the Original Chosen, but no worries, these will be a totally different and new set of one-shots.

All My Best Friends

After spending a whole day kicking around a soccer ball, running around to different shops in Tokyo, and snoozing in the park, Tai, Matt, Sora, and Izzy finally remembered the whole reason they were together: tomorrow's dreaded science test (which the younger but too-smart-for-his-own-good Izzy was helping the others study for). They should've known their plan for an all-day cram session didn't stand a chance of actually happening.

As soon as they arrived at Sora's place, they buckled down and each took a corner of the Great Room to study on their own deciding that working together would just cause distraction. The only problem was that Tai didn't need anyone but himself to get distracted.

The bushy-haired brunette lay in the window sill in his corner of the room by the fireplace, glancing over the pictures in his textbook, skimming a few facts, but absorbed nothing as his mind drifted back to the wonderfulness of the rest of the day. His friends and him argued over what to do, what to eat, and every shop they dragged each other into, not to mention every item in those stores and a few words said simply as a jab at one another. They had spent a whole day together and didn't always get along which served to prove how different the four of them were. Tai goes right, Sora goes left. Izzy says yes, Matt says no. Tai's sports, Matt's music. Izzy's logic, Sora's impulse. Nothing added up to this group of people voluntarily being together.

Yet when they finally ended up back at the park, relaxing under a cherry blossom tree he couldn't help but think that there wasn't anyone else he would have rather spent the day with.

"Isn't that weird?" Tai thought aloud

Izzy didn't even look up from his book. "Well atoms are unbelievable, but I wouldn't say weird is the right word. Maybe remarkable… or prodigious?"

"No, not science!" Tai said, "The Chosen Children! I mean, yeah, we have to save the world together and stuff, but we don't need to hang out all the time. I spend more time with you guys than my soccer team. It's strange that different people can all get along. Other people must think we're an odd bunch."

"Since when do you care what everyone else thinks?" Sora asked.

Matt squinted. "Since when do we all get along?"

Izzy set down his textbook on the couch. "Tai, though it's a rare phenomenon it's not unheard of for children to jump around and associate with different social groups, especially after going through traumatic experiences such as the ones we went through together."

"We're not in the Digital World anymore." Tai smacked his textbook. "There's nothing too traumatic about science that we can't handle on our own."

"Speak for yourself," Sora called across the room from her spot perched on top of the refrigerator (something she can never do with her mother in the room).

"Oh please," Matt said and flipped another page of his textbook. "Tai and I are much more likely to fail this than you, Miss Overachiever."

She folded her arms but didn't deny the claim. She definitely had much higher standards for herself than Tai and Matt did for themselves. "What about you? You got a 97% on our last big test."

Tai's eyes grew wide. An epiphany was upon him. "See! It's stuff like that!"

Sora blinked, leaning back on the wall behind the fridge. "Like what?"

"That you actually know his grade! What about Tanya Fisher?"

"What about her?"

Tai pointed across the room at her in an accusatory fashion. "You hang out with her. Do you know her grade in science?"

"…No." She had no idea where he was going with this.

"But you know Matt's. You take the time to care about little things like his grades and my grades and Izzy's… well, if anyone needed to worry about his grades. You care because we're not just friends. We're a team, and not only a soccer team or something but an us-against-the-worlds-look-out-for-each-other team."

Izzy chuckled. "I never thought I'd hear 'only a soccer team' coming from you, but that's quite the analysis, Tai, and I'd have to concur. There's just something about configuring into data and blowing up government missiles that brings people closer together."

Matt stretched his arms while pushing his textbook farther down the kitchen table. "Great we figured something out today, and that's enough of an accomplishment for me. I better get home before dark."

Sora nodded. "We should all get a good night's rest if we want any chance of passing this test."

Tai watched Izzy fumble with the chord for his laptop and Matt absentmindedly fix his hair while Sora climbed down from the fridge. He couldn't help but crack a smile. "Maybe we all need someone different to balance us out."

Thanks for reading :)