Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! So sorry for the uber late update!
I want to thank Miz Kaitlyn, McKenna Troy Evens and daafuqqqq for reviewing, so thanks guys! Please review, it's the only I'll know people actually like this story, thanks. XD
"Boys? Are you decent?" Mr. Pendanski called out, then turned to Emberlyn, "D stands for Diligence," he whispered in an exited tone, eyes gleaming, as if it was a little secret.
Ember looked at the faded white 'D' on the tent flap, held her hand to her heart and gasped, "really?" she asked, copying the counselor's tone, then she frowned, "can we go in now?" she questioned, this time using her usual uninterested tone.
Mr. Pendanski lifted the tattered, defeated tent flap, revealing a few mud smudged boys in orange jail uniforms, though some were clinging loosely to the delinquents' hips. It was slightly darker inside, making their dirtied faces even harder to see. Mr. Pendanski strode forwards, head held high with whatever authority he thought he had.
"Boys, this is your new tent member! Say hello to Emberlyn Carter," the counselor exclaimed with a cherry grin that was starting to get on Ember's nerves. The boys' faces looked like a Garfield cartoon you'd find in the newspaper. All together, the brown, black, white, but overall muddy faces started with the blank stare of boredom, then went to shock, then disbelief, then amusement. Em arched an eyebrow as their lips curled into grins and smirks. "Say hi," Mr. Pendanski urged again.
Emberlyn stayed where she stood, hands loosely clinging to the belt loops on her shorts. Her eyebrow was still raised, indicating exactly what she thought about their uniformed greetings. Mr. Pendanski grinned with delight and started to introduce the delinquents.
"This is Rex," he said first, pointing to a short african american with smudged glasses that looked fogged up with all the dry mud smears. "Theodore," he said, and Emberlyn mumbled that she thought it was a horrible name which caused 'Theodore', a big african-american, to grin with amusement. "Jose and Ricky," a hispanic dude with a warm grin and a tall, pale, wild haired boy who only stared at Em, his electric blue eyes filled with alarm. "Zero," a little dark skinned boy. Emberlyn decided to not comment on his rather unusual name. "Alan," a tanned boy with dark brown eyes and hair hidden under his cap/towel head accessory thingy. He smirked.
"Nice hat," Ember commented sourly, in no mood for his cockiness. Alan's smirk faded away.
Mr. Pendanski was still in his cheery little bubble and grinned when he remembered something. "Theodore, you can be Emberlyn Carter's buddy! Yeah, show her around camp and stuff, okay? I'm counting on you!" With that, he left. Emberlyn let out a tensed exhale, her hands clenched into fists.
Rex stepped forward, with an air of authority that clearly labeled him the leader. "Hey, Doll," he greeted, sliding slickly into place beside her, and doing that chuckle thing nervous guys on TV did when they were about to say a pickup line. "I'm X-ray," he re-introduced himself, grinning. "That's Armpit," Theodore grinned as well. "Magnit and ZigZag, Zero, and that's Squid."
"Uh huh," Emberlyn murmured, eyebrows both raised. "Don't call me Doll."
X-ray did his chuckle/laugh again and reached over to grab her bread, "since you didn' dig today, why don' cha give your bread to somebody who did?" Emberlyn waited for him to take the bread, and then flicked a soggy, tasteless cauliflower at him, catapulting the slimy vegetable across the table with her spoon.
"You can have my cauliflowers, too," Ember told him when it smacked onto X-ray's forehead and bounced into his tray, grinning along with the other D-tent members who were snickering at their leader's embarrassment after they got over the shock. X-ray used the back of his hand to wipe the goo of his face. He glared. Well, one would not really be able to tell that the African American boy was glaring because his awful Harry Potter glasses blocked everyone from seeing his eyes. But the way the juvenile delinquent's eyebrows were pushed together and the corner of his lips were dragged down was proof enough that the boy was a bit angry.
Then he smiled.
Emberlyn couldn't tell if it was a sarcastic smile that promised revenge or a good-natured grin that found the vegetable assault funny. She still thinking about when suddenly something was flung at her nose. Emmy gasped, her eyes closed, and only reopened again when she exhaled slowly. Their table was silent. Then the boys roared with laughter. Emberlyn smiled too, unable to keep the playful grin off her face. She looked down at her tray. X-ray had thrown his, well, formerly her, half bitten bread at her.
She picked it up and flung it at X-ray, using all her power. Except, since she used all her power, she was not concentrating very much on her aim. Which was not a very good thing because the bread collided with Squid's nose two milliseconds later. Her face blanked. Her smile vanished and her posture stiffened as she waited for Squid to react. However, she was not able to keep the amusement from shining in her chocolate brown eyes. X-ray and Magnet were slapping their knees, laughing their heads off. ZigZag grinned like a lunatic, vibrating with silent laughter. Zero smiling. Armpit, patted Emberlyn's back, finding her lame aim hilarious as well.
Squid grabbed a handful of his barely edible glob and flung it at Ember. "No!" Ember managed to yelp out, her hands up and attempting to block the bomb of green slime from exploding in her face. That did not work out so well. The impact caused Squid's dinner to splatter all over her face, Armpit's, and Magnet's, who were unfortunately sitting on either side of her. Emberlyn choked on disbelief. The boys were shrieking with laughter, and some of the other campers from the other tents were hooting, grinning like jack' o' lanturns on Halloween. The slime leaked through her fingers and was tumbling down her arms and into the sleeves of her new uniform. She laughed humorlessly. Then flipped her whole tray across the table, having it's contents splatter all over the two boys. Like a monkey fight at the local zoo, those who were paying attention to the food fight howled with laughter.
"Hey!" Mr. Sir yelled, marching over, his stout legs working fast as his feet stomped their way across the cafeteria. "You!" Squid. "And YOU!" Emberlyn. "KITCHEN DUTY! FOR A WEEK!" The cowboy screeched at the top of his lungs, the fat on his chubby, red face jiggling as he hollered.
I know, food fight, not very original... But I ran out of ideas and I really wanted to update.
Also, I don't really have a storyline, if you guys have any ideas or suggestions, please tell me!