AN: This is a little ficlet in response to a drawing: octosquiddle . tumblr . com post/30765323724/ (the same as used for the cover photo but bigger)
"What do you think?" Korra asked as she walked into the bedroom, fluffing the back of hair.
Asami glanced up from behind the thin wire-framed glasses, the book she had been reading forgotten as she studied the young Avatar before her. Slowly she curled the corner of the page and closed the book placing it to once side before laying back against the large fluffy pillow.
Korra felt her face split into a large grin and she was gestured to her lover with a curl of her finger. Kicking off her boots she crossed the room, removing her shirt as she crawled towards her lover. Reaching up, Korra gently removed the reading glasses from the other girl and placed them ontop of the discarded book.
"So….you never did answer me," Korra asked, as she moved between her lover's thighs.
"I…really like it," Asami purred, eyes half hooded from arousal as she threaded her hand through the short locks and tugging the young Avatar closer, her other arm gently massaging her lover's bare shoulder.
"Good," Korra replied, gripping the loose material of her lover's pyjama trousers and she crushed their lips together.