Well. First off, apologies for the long wait. I know- whatever happened to updating every day? xD

Second of all, I must respond to an anonymous reviewer because their reviews have translated to 'update a new chapter just so you can respond'. In my mind, at least.

Faith: First off, thank you for reviewing. Second off, please stop reviewing EVERY. DAMN. CHAPTER.
At first I tried to be understanding, and almost laughed at your persistence, but when I realized that my inbox was now filled with over fifty emails (this including the random story updates, author alerts, etc that normally pop up). This, of course, irked me.
Now, I love reviews just as much as the next person, but this was kind of starting to border upon spamming. Reviewing to a chapter just to say 'Very good', often with bad spelling, isn't very motivating nor happy-making. In fact after having to go through and delete over thirty emails I was rather pissed.
So thank you, and I am glad you love the story, but from now on take my advice to heart; reading the entire story and then reviewing is a much better plan.
Thank you~

There. *phew* On with the actual chapter!

WHATEVER { Edward }

Okay, maybe I was starting to second-guess the whole bodyguards idea. We really did still not know anything about them. Plus the fact that Father just announced he sent them here... Granted, they look shocked, but they're probably really good actors.

My brain was going a mile a minute, trying to piece together all this new information, when I hear the unmistakable shing sound that heralded Kid's escape from the stone a few minutes earlier. Focusing once more, my jaw dropped as I realized what had happened: There were scythe blades somehow ATTACHED to Maka's arms, and she'd cut right out of the stone traps. Kid and BlackStar whooped, and the latter said something like, "Runs in the family, huh?"

Whatever that was supposed to mean, Maka didn't take kindly to it. Eyes flaming with rage, she sprouted at least six more blades - ankles, calves (avoiding her automail, I noticed), and one on each shoulder; what the hell? - and charged her teammate, who yelped and twisted so that her slice shattered the ropes holding him.

"About time," Kid sighed calmly. The skull-shields on his forearms materialized again, cleanly cutting through the rock that held them.

Scar of all people was the one to speak up. "So you three are creationists as well?"

Kid raised an eyebrow, cooly rubbing his hands together. "Hardly. I specialize in just the opposite."

"Hold it!" I was so. Fed. Up. With all the damn secrecy! "You-" I pointed at Kid, Maka, then BlackStar, "-had better start explaining."

I watched, fuming, as Kid considered this a moment, turning to cock an eyebrow at his partners. Then I almost jumped out of my skin when a strange sensation washed over me, like an alien prescence reaching out and touching me mentally. For some reason, I caught a brief vision of a strange round golden orb, with three white stripes and a bored expression. Then Kid's voice spoke in my head.

'Please, Ed, I swear on my life we are your friends. I know you don't think you can trust us, and I know it all seems rather far-fetched, but once we are on the surface we will explain everything. Please trust us.'

I was more than a little dubious. How do I know you're not lying?

'Please,' his voice snorted. 'These are my thoughts. I can't lie when I'm talking to you this way.'

I considered a moment. Then... Fine. Promise?

His voice was relieved. 'Promise.' Then the presence was gone, and I resisted the urge to shake like a dog. "That was weird," I commented out loud.

"What was?" Al asked, curious. "You were only frozen for a second." I met eyes with Kid, who nodded to me formally.

So I smirked and replied, "I'll tell you later."

There. About regular length, no? xD
