i! :D Thanks for all the reviews! ALL of your reviews seriously made me smile!

TsukiyoTenshi: Ahh.. about the pairings… well.. you'll just have to wait and see! Though, I'm a bit unsure about the genre I picked honestly.. maybe I should have put it as Friendship and Humor? Because honestly, I keep on plot bunnies that I could put in the story XD Though there will be some fluff, so don't you worry!

Kagome T: You really amuse me :) Thanks for the idea, but I already have the name for the new chara, and honestly, I can't imagine Kagome with Ikuto considering she's actually a 12 year old and hasn't transformed from a 15 year old to a 12 year old or anything like that.. but thanks for the idea! I guess you're an Ikuto/Kagome fan right? :D

Krazy Katieness: Meh.. there will be pairings… And I think I have an idea of who Kagome's gonna be with but if it goes towards a different direction, maybe it will be a KagomexNagihiko :)

The New Student: Chapter 2

Birds were chirping.

The sun was shining.

Everything was peaceful.

All is, but the yelling of a small chara who seemed to want to wake someone up…

"Kago-chan.. Kago-chan.. KAGO-CHAN!" Yuki screamed out, trying to wake up Kagome. In the background, Akano was snickering at the sight.

"Why don't you help ME instead of laughing like an idiot!" Yuki snapped angrily at Akano, eyes blazing with FIRE! Akano's eyes widened with fear as she looked around nervously, considering that Yuki was having one of her rare 'angry moments' and there are A LOT of reasons to be scared…

'No! I won't be scared! It's just an ANGRY Yuki… that's not scary at all..', Akano thought, trying to reassure herself.

Akano looked at Yuki who was still attempting to wake up Kagome by pulling strands of her and Akano knew that strength wasn't Yuki's thing and would need her to help.

Akano hesitantly went over to Yuki, and took out a lock of Kagome's hair and pulled it as hard as she could. Akano's pull must've been hard, because Kagome's eyes opened and she gasped at the pain before rolling off her bed, falling on the floor…. hard.

Kagome looked up with with tired eyes. "Why did you wake me up…" grumbled Kagome, raising a hand to rub her eyes.

"You have school today remember?!", Yuki reminded her. "Your first one." Akako added.

Kagome yawned, and walked to her purple dresser and pulled out a clean change of underwear and took out her uniform from her closet. Kagome walked in her bathroom and took a shower.

After she was done, she blow-dried her hair and saw Akano fly away from the strong 'winds' from the blow-dryer.

"Watch where you put that thing!" Akano grumbled, who just went next to Yuki near the sink fixing the strands that were out of place. Kagome just grinned at her and continued blow-drying her hair.

When she was done, she put her hair in a high ponytail and pinned up half of her bangs up with a clip that had a mini red and pink flower. When she looked at herself, she saw Yuki holding up a red bow.

She looked at Yuki confusingly. Yuki just went to her hair and clipped on the red bow on her hair-tie, making sure the bow tilted a bit towards the left.

Kagome then put on her school uniform, which was a red pleat skirt, a red tie, a white shirt and a black blazer. Kagome wore it the 'normal' way, except she folded the sleeves up to her elbows, had fingerless gloves on her right hand that ended at her wrist and tight black shorts that were a bit shorter than the skirt.

Megumi suddenly appeared in front of Kagome and looked at her attire, and then nodded her approval. Akano gave her a thumbs up and Yuki squealed out, "You're so cute!".

Kagome smiled at her charas and sat on her bed to put on her black socks that ended a little above the knee and put on her black ankle boots that had shoe laces and a tiny heel (like Nadeshiko's boots except it's black and it's up to the ankles).

She also took a little black bag and put all her chara eggs in it and covered them with a black towel.

Kagome walked downstairs to eat breakfast and Touga, her adoptive father, stood up and 'squealed' out, "My favourite daughter looks so cute in her uniform!", while clapping his hands excitingly.

Kagome's eyes narrowed "I'm your ONLY daughter Tou-san" Kagome said, annoyingly.

Sesshomaru, her adoptive older brother, who was reading a newspaper, only grunted and said "Father, stop embarrassing my imouto".

Touga pouted, while Kagome just rolled her eyes and sat across Sesshomaru. "Hey Sesshy, what school is Kagome going to?" Akano asked, sitting next to Kagome's plate, eating Kagome's toast.

"Seiyo Academy" Sesshomaru answered, not looking up from his newspaper.

Kagome looked boredly at the 'school'. 'What kind of school is a castle?'

Akano's jaw dropped to the ground. "What the?! What kind of school is a castle?!" Akano yelled, pointing at school.

Kagome sighed, "You just stole my thoughts Akano… you just stole my thoughts…" Kagome said, rubbing her forehead.

"Gumi-chan, look at the school! It's like… a… a… a CASTLE!" Yuki squealed out, hands clasped together, looking at the school with starry eyes.

Megumi smiled at Yuki, "I must say, it sure is impressive."

Kagome sweatdropped at the two.

Kagome saw a large crowd of squealing girls surrounding a group of students. All had capes on, which looked bad in her opinion. One had blond hair, with red-violet eyes, one had purple hair with gold eyes, one had brown-orangy hair with green eyes, who looked like her cousin, Shippo, and one more who had orangy-brown hair with brown eyes and big red ribbons on the side of her head.

"Hey Kagome, they have charas." Megumi informed her, tugging at her hair pointing at the group of people. When she looked closer, she did notice that every single one of them had 1 chara.

Kagome looked shocked. There are people here with charas? "There's charas here?! I have to meet them!" Yuki said, dashing off, squealing in the process.

"Akano, go get her." Kagome ordered, pointing at Yuki who was coming closer to the group of people. "Sure thing!" Akano saluted at her before going after Yuki.

While Akano dragged Yuki back to Kagome, they both argued. Kagome sighed annoyingly, walking away to find her classroom knowing that her two – still arguing – charas will follow her.

As she walked in her classroom, students stopped talking and stared at her. Kagome's left eye twitched. Haven't they ever seen a new student or something?

Kagome cleared her throat, catching the attention of her sensei. "Ahh.. you must be our new student, Kagome Taisho right?" her sensei said, smiling warmly at her. Kagome nodded.

"So, Taisho-san why don't you tell the class about yourself?"

Kagome looked to the side, nervous by the people's stare. "Ohayo. I'm Kagome Taisho I tend to ignore people a lot… so please don't feel offended when I do… please don't use any formalities when saying my name and.. um… I hope we can all become friends!" Kagome said, looking slightly at her classmates when she was near the end of her 'speech' and slightly grinned.

When Kagome saw her classmates look at her with hearts and stars in their eyes, her grin immediately deflated. And so, the staring contest commenced between her and her classmates.

After a while, Kagome's eye began to twitch. Is this school not welcoming at all or what!?

And then, everyone yelled out "Shy and Cute!".

"Oh my gosh! Gotta give scores to your classmates!" Akano said, laughing uncontrollably.

Unknowingly adding fuel to the fire, Yuki said, giggling"I told you you're cute Kago-chan!"

This just made Akano laugh even harder. Kagome growled, fisting her hands.

Nikaidou-sensei chuckled. "Taisho-san, why don't you sit next to Himamori-san?"

Kagome's eyes trailed when a bubble-gum-haired girl growled out, "It's Hinamori!".

Kagome walked over and sat next to the bubble-gum haired girl. "Name's Hinamori Amu, remember it." Amu said gruffly.

"Who would have PINK hair?!" Akano asked, lightly tugging at a lock of Amu's hair, making sure Amu didn't feel it and glared at it.

"Remember Akano, you have red hair, which is the closest colour to pink out of all of us." Megumi pointed out smartly, making Kagome smirk.

Akano sputtered, before giving one last glare Amu's hair before sitting on Kagome's shoulder, fiddling with her tie.

When Kagome took her attention away from her charas, she listened to the teacher and started groaning. Why did it have to be Maths NOW?! Kagome pouted, burying her head in her arms, trying to block out the words coming of her teacher.

Akano snickered at Kagome's misery.

Yuki… well, just giggled as usual :)

And that's all for CHAPTER 2! I really thank all of you for your reviews! And… sorry for not updating for a while… and that will probably happen again XD Since I have to re-read Shugo Chara! Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I anticipate reviews!

Ja Ne!

P.S Review more.. please? I love that I have favourites and follows but… honestly, I really like reviews ^_^