First chapter of Wolves in Pictures(: Enjoy!
It had been a couple of days since Naruto and Hinata had met on the train, they had exchanged numbers and he said once he got settled in his new apartment he would call her. Hinata had found herself thinking of this man, she had met only days ago. But, yet she had the urge to be with him. She yearned for him, and wanted nothing more than too look into the eyes that drove her wild.
Hinata didn't understand these feelings at all. She was sitting, lazily, on her couch with her knees up to her chest with frozen yogurt in one hand and a spoon in the other eating it, with her mind wondering back to Naruto.
A brown wolf trotted solemnly through the forest of Nippon its ears perked high on his head facing the foliage.
The wolf trotted up to a peak in the mountains and tilted its head back with a glorious howl. Not a lone howl, more one of a wolf that was looking for something or someone.
Moments Later
The brown wolf made its way down the slope of the mountain and came to an opening in the forest. The opening was very calming, with the surrounding forest. It had a stream that flowed freely through it and a small waterfall a few feet from it.
The wolf walked over to the stream, bent its head down and lapped up some water. The wolf's ears twitched when it heard the sound of some twigs breaking. It lifted its head and sniffed the air, making sure there was no scent of the Uchiha pack.
The wolf barked playfully, and wagged its tail when it got the scent of an familiar scent.
As if on cue, a sand colored wolf came threw a couple of trees into the clearing.
This wolf was bigger than the brown wolf, its shoulders were broader and it had more of a muscle mass.
The brown wolf put its ears back and laid on the ground, with its tail between its legs. (As if saying "You're boss" for people who don't know wolves body language")
The sand colored wolf had its tail high and waving around, it bent its head down and licked the brown wolf's cheek.(As if saying "I know Im boss, you can get up")
The brown wolf stood and shook off the grass on its fur and wagged its tail at the other wolf.
'Hey baa-chan!"
The brown wolf said to the other wolf.
(I will explain in later chapters how they talk, cause obviously wolves can't speak with their mouths)
The sand colored wolf rolled its eyes and sat down on the forest floor.
'This had better be good, Naruto.' Tsunade said. Tsunade was Naruto's pack leader. He had to obey what she said or there would be consequences he would have to endure. Tsunade found favoritism in Naruto more than any of his pack mates. His parents were killed when he was a pup, so she took him in when she became Alpha.(Leader)
Naruto put his ears back and slumped his head and shoulders 'S-She doesn't remember me..She doesn't remember us.'
Tsunade sighed and licked Naruto's nose, 'Look, Naruto. She won't remember anything until you rebuild your Mating Bond with her' Naruto looked at Tsunade, 'Edo, Baa-chan. I can't do that! If I just randomly pushed her down and starting mating with her, she wouldn't ever give me a chance to explain after!'
Naruto whined and shook his head. Tsunade looked at her distraught Beta(Lower ranking pack member in the pack)
'Well, obviously. However, there is another thing you can do to slowly bring back her memories' Naruto looked at her and tilted his head 'There is another way?'
Tsunade nodded, 'Hai, it is called the Blood Bond' Naruto lifted his eyebrow at her, 'Blood bond?'
Tsunade, again, nodded. 'When you and Hinata mated. You released blood inside of her when you created the Mate Mark on her neck. If you were to bite her again, her wolf form would awaken once again.'
Naruto stood and wagged his tail, 'That would be easy! I could totally do that!' Tsunade wagged her tail, and chuckled 'The thing about it is, Runt. You must be in wolf form in order for your wolf blood to react to hers. It is almost like a electric bulb, so to speak. A light bulb needs an energy source to turn on correct? Well, once your blood enters her blood stream, it will be like a light bulb in her brain turning back on.'
Naruto looked down with his eyes burning holes into the forest ground, taking all of this information in. 'So, you're saying. If I can bite Hinata and inject my blood into her wound, she can remember us?'
Tsunade nodded. 'That's the basic idea.'
Naruto jumped up and down barking, along with his tail going a million miles an hour. 'Arigatou, Baa-chan! I won't let you down!'
Naruto licked Tsunade's cheek and ran back off into the forest. Tsunade smiled at her Beta, as he saw his figure running deep into the forest. 'I know you won't' She thought to herself.
All the while, a lone figure in the shadows watched them. A low, menacing growl softly escaping its muzzle.
That Night
Naruto ran into his apartment, in human form, and jumped on his bed. He quickly took out his phone and dialed the number Hinata had given him.
Hyuga Hinata
He put the number into the phone and placed it up to his ear. Then with a click a soft voice that made his heart melt answered the phone.
Hinata:Moshi, Moshi?
Naruto:Hey Hinata!
Hinata: Oh! Naruto-kun, genki de su ka? (How are you?)
Naruto: Genki de su (I'm fine)
They talked about another hour or so about nothing, they really just listened to each other talk.
Naruto:Oh! Hey by the way, I found out something today.
Hinata:Oh? What was that?
Naruto: Some local campers, I ran into yesterday saw a small pack of wolves in the mountains.
Hinata: That's awesome! Looks like I have a date with some mountains!
Naruto chuckled.
Naruto: Yeah, I guess you do.
Hinata: Arigotou, Naruto-kun!
Naruto: Anytime, Hinata-chan.
They talked for a few more hours, until Hinata yawned.
Naruto: Tired?
Hinata:Just a little bit, actually
Naruto: Well, get some rest, Hinata-chan. I will call you tomorrow night.
Hinata:Ok, Naruto-kun. Goodnight.
Naruto: Goodnight, Hinata-chan.
They hung up their phones.
Naruto laid back on his bed with a sigh and looked out of his window and stared at the moon and stars.
'Hinata-chan, you will remember me again. You will remember us.'
To be Continued..
If you have trouble picturing their wolf forms their pictures will be posted on my homepage!