Only Exception

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon otherwise I would make soulsilvershipping a choice in the games and Amber would have been brought back to life. Nor do I own Only Exception by Paramore.

At the age of eight, Hikari had forsworn love. Probably because when her father left her mother, her mother had never been the same again. The only love she ever gave was to her depressed mother and her Pokémon. But she loved them only as family. So now, at eighteen, when her childhood friends Barry and Lucas got girlfriends, she was still single. Barry had teased her to no end about this. "Hikari, do you really want to be an old maid forever?" After that, Hikari spent most of her time alone with her Pokémon. Barry was usually with his girlfriend Bianca from Unova. Lucas was usually with Maylene. Sometimes, she would watch them from afar. "I'm NOT stalking them; I just wanted to see how they were doing..." After three months, Barry broke up with Bianca, leaving her crying in the dust. "Love is useless…" Lucas was constantly arguing with Maylene. They would fight, break up, and then get back together again. This had happened a total of 6 times already. "And still counting…" A year went by. Lucas and Maylene were still together, and Barry was with a girl named May this time. Yet Hikari was still alone… One day, Aura, Hikari's lucario, got sick. The vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. So, finally, she decided to ask other trainers with a lucario. Cynthia was in Unova, Maylene was too busy either staring into Lucas' eyes or arguing with him, which left only… Riley, the one who gave her Aura in the first place. So, desperate, Hikari headed to Iron Island, Riley's training ground. When she got there, she was shocked to find, "Hikari, your lucario's fine." At this, she glared at Aura. Aura shrugged and faked innocence. "So Hikari, what really brings you here to see me?" Hikari shrugged. "Aura. That's all." "Oh really?" Riley raised his eyebrow. "Because the aura surrounding you says otherwise." Hikari, for the first time in her life blushed. Aura walked over to her trainer and put her paw on Hikari's hand, allowing her to sense auras. Riley's aura was flaring bright pink. "Riley, you are terrible at hiding your feelings." "So what, the feeling's mutual." "Touché."

Six years later, Hikari stood at her bedroom door, watching two children play with their riolu. The eldest, a girl with navy blue hair and blue eyes cause small green orbs to float in the air while the younger, a boy with black hair and golden eyes, clapped excitedly. Hikari smiled and watched them play as a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders. "So, did it work out?" he whispered in her smiled, leaning into the embrace. "Yes, yes it did."

Well, that was short! Guess who the father was? Imaginary candy to whoever gets it right!