I'm sitting here, battling writer's block with a pen and a sword. So far, writer's block is winning.
They rode through the woods, their rapidash lighting the way. Allen seemed slightly worried. "Be careful. We share this stretch of woods with those Hoenn thugs." Her face twisted into a smirk. "But I guess we're thugs too." Sterling didn't say anything, but kept her hand on her sword.
"Where are those idiots?" snarled Allen. "We just took a break, the hell is keeping them up?" She stopped her rapidash, and Sterling had to tug hard on the reins to prevent a collision. The grunts were nowhere to be seen.
Allen swore. "Never mind. It doesn't matter." As if to contradict her, a group of Team Magma grunts burst out of the woods, hefting swords and shouting rude comments.
At this point, Allen just sighed, and unsheathed the huge sword Sterling had somehow missed. "Oh well. Seems we'll have to just fight our way through… Grunts really aren't much of a threat."
"But I am." The grunts parted to reveal a man on a rapidash, holding a curved sword and dressed in fancy clothes unsuited for combat. A long scar ran across his face. He smiled. "Is that girl a new one? She looks familiar. The name is Tabitha."
Allen snorted, and Tabitha glared at her. She smirked. "Last time we met, I nearly tore your face in half. This time," here she hefted her sword. "I'll finish the deed!"
Nudging her rapidash's side, he plunged forward, and Allen brought her sword down hard. Tabitha raised his sword in the nick of time, and sparks flew off the two swords, the owners breathing hard with inhuman snarls etched on their faces.
Meanwhile, the grunts swarmed Sterling, and she withdrew Rose. She let out a hiss, and jabbed her sword down towards a grunt, only to change course at the nick of time and plunge it into his heart. As he fell, she pulled the sword out and dodged a blow from behind.
With a light kick, Rapidash rose up, and plunged downwards, diamond hard hooves ready to gore anybody who came close. Sterling stood up on Rapidash's back, and jumped out of reach of a wild sword blow. Landing lightly on Rapidash's back, she struck out with her sword again.
Allen took a moment to watch her junior's fight. Other than a few slashes, Sterling seemed fine. "She looks more alive than she ever has!" Sterling had a cold light in her eyes, as well as contempt. She seemed perfectly fine and in control.
For a moment, she thought that both of Sterling's eyes were silver, but a blow from Tabitha brought her back to reality. She parried the blow, and used her other hand to punch him in the face. "You idiot. I have two hands you know." She struck again.
The magma grunts were finding the same thing out the hard way. Sterling had whipped out her other sword, and was now fighting with both hands. Wave after wave of grunts fell before her, until only a few were left. They stood hesitantly, unsure whether to attack or not.
Allen struck again, and knocked Tabitha's sword out of his hands at the expense of her own. They stared at each other for a minute, until Allen jumped up, and kicked Tabitha off his rapidash. She landed lightly, and looked ready to run for her sword.
Tabitha smirked and pulled out a knife. "I'm not going down yet."
Allen smiled back. "Yes you are." She pulled out Sterling's pokeball. "Metang, Psychic!" Metang did as he was told and smashed Tabitha to the ground. His knife skittered away from him, and Allen took the chance to walk forward and pull out her knife.
"Say hello to Giratina for me." She plunged the knife downwards, but one of the grunts remembered the rapidash that now stood next to a tree, munching peacefully on a blade of grass.
He whistled, and the rapidash ran forward towards Allen. Sterling lunged forward and knocked Allen out of the way, and Tabithat took the opportunity to get up and order a quick retreat.
As the dust cleared, Allen glared at Sterling. "I almost killed him, you know."
Sterling returned the glare with a blank look. "You almost got flattened, you know."
Allen scowled, and rubbed her sore muscles. "Where the hell are those grunts?"
There was a sudden noise, and a stampede of galactic grunts ran forward, and began to babble. "We're so sorry Commander Teal! We were following you, but we went to investigate a strange noise, and then we realized it was a trap…!" They noticed the bloody leaves on the ground, as well as the dead bodies strewn across the forest floor, and Allen wiping blood off her sword.
Allen gave them a glare. "You're late." The grunts paled.
"I don't understand. How did you get Metang?" Sterling had bandaged most of her cuts, and it almost seemed as if nothing had happened, if not for the dark aura that seemed to hang around Allen.
Allen's face brightened, and the aura cleared. "With my ninja thieving skills. Honestly Sterling, I would have thought you would know better, you being Silver and all."
Sterling flinched, and Allen patted her back. "It's ok, I won't tell anyone. You honestly need to be more careful. I thought you were a lunatic at first."
"That's what you call training?" Sterling hissed as Silver mocked her for yet another failed attempt to teach Inferno Lava Plume.
She extinguished her flaming hair. "Shut up." She could see him in her mind's eye smirking.
"It's not my fault you're such a weakling."
"SHUT UP YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A…!" Sterling's sentence soon degraded into a long string of cuss words. Allen stood in the doorway of the training room, listening to Sterling yell at someone.
"Shut up Silver!" Allen's eyes grew wide. Oh, this would be so much fun to tease her about later…
Sterling hit her head against Rapidash's neck. She really needed to be more careful… She grabbed the pendant around her neck and whacked it with her sword. There was a satisfying clang, and a muffled growl from inside her head.
Allen sighed, and looked at the small cluster of barracks up ahead. "Well, it seems we're here at last…"
Me: Mewtwo one, writer's block one hundred twenty three! It took that many tries to get this right! And I'm an idiot for actually counting!