Steve swung out at the punching bag with enough force to rattle the ceiling. He had gotten only a few hours of sleep that night before his memories had turned into nightmares. The most vivid ones were of Peggy and of being trapped in the ice. Despite what his teammates and SHIELD thought, he was awake after he had crashed into the ice, he could still remember the feeling of the cold completely encasing him and the feeling that he couldn't breathe. Mercifully, after about ninety seconds he passed out, only to awake seventy years in the future with everyone whom he had known, dead. Bucky, Peggy, Howard, the Howling Commandos, Colonel Philips. The list was endless. He swung again at the punching bag with enough force that it flew off its chain and sailed into the far wall, leaving a trail of sand in its wake.

"I thought I was bad when I was angry." Said an amused voice behind him.

Steve turned around as he slowly took off the bandages around his hands.

"Good morning, Dr Banner." Said Steve politely.

"I've told you its Bruce." He said as he pushed himself off the wall and walked further into the gym. "Are you alright?" he questioned as his eyes travelled over Steve's face. "You look terrible."

Without looking up, Steve continued to remove his wrappings. "I suppose I'm still adjusting to everything. It's a lot to take in." It wasn't a full lie, he was still adjusting to everything, but he didn't want to worry his friends with his sleeping habits.

Bruce continued to stare at him for a few more seconds, his eyebrows slightly raised as if he knew Steve was lying and was deciding if he should call him on it. He gave a slight nod of his head as he came to his decision. "Director Fury wants to see us in the briefing room. You can take a few minutes to get cleaned up if you want."

"Sure I'll see you there in five minutes." Said Steve as he picked up the broken punching bag, and swung it up effortlessly onto his shoulder.


True to his word, five minutes later, Steve was walking into the briefing room where the rest of the Avengers were sat.

"Took you long enough spangles, what you do, stop for a steam?" said Tony jokingly.

Steve shot him a slight grin in return as he sat down, turning his attention to the holographic figure of Director Fury, that was standing in the middle of the room. Fury turned slightly so that he was facing Steve.

"At 0200 hours this morning SHIELD received a threat or, more specifically Captain America has received a threat." He said.

All eyes in the room turned to Steve, who was sat there with a puzzled look on his face.

"I have not been in this time long enough to make an enemy, except maybe Loki and he's still on Asgard." Said Steve, looking towards Thor for confirmation on the whereabouts of his younger brother.

"Loki can harm no one again." Boomed Thor.

"What did the threat say?" asked Bruce in a calm voice.

Director Fury opened his mouth to reply, but before he could speak he was cut off by Tony, "I will destroy Captain America." He held up his hand held device.

"Stark will you stop hacking into SHIELD files." Said Fury with a weary sigh.

"Well stop making it so easy. 1,2,3,4 is not a secure password!" Replied Tony.

"We need you to remain in Stark tower until we find out who is responsible for this." Said Fury choosing ignore to Tony.

"How long will that take?" asked Steve.

"No more than two, three days tops Captain, we have all of SHIELD searching for this man, he cannot hide from us." Declared Fury proudly.


As it turned out, it appeared he could. The two, three days that Fury had predicted had slowly turned into a week, which had then quickly morphed into two, at which point Steve was going crazy. He had been stuck in Stark tower for the whole two weeks of his 'imprisonment'. The only time that he had ventured to go outside was when he needed to go to the market. Tony had decided to come with him.

In full Iron man armour.

This in its self would not have been so bad, except that whilst in the produce aisle, machine gun fire had sounded around them, which prompted Tony to push Steve to the floor and start firing his lasers.


When Tony had stopped firing and Steve had finally managed to get back up, he saw a six year old kid with a toy gun, completely plastered head to toe in fruit. He was staring wide eyed up at Tony, who simply grabbed Steve's arm and pulled him out of the store, patting the kid on the head as he went past, with a muttered, "Stay in school."

Needless to say Steve had not ventured out again after that.


Steve glanced at the clock on his wall and saw that it was only five thirty in the afternoon. He was alone in the tower, as all the other Avengers had been called to a crisis in downtown New York. As he was still on house arrest, Steve had been left behind.

Deciding that he needed a change of scenery, Steve left his room, making sure to grab his sketchbook before he left.

After getting frozen for seventy years, Steve had found that there were really only two things that reminded him of home. Drawing and cooking. In fact Steve used to love cooking and the one time that he had tried to make apple pie in Tony's kitchen, he had somehow managed to set fire to the oven, which prompted JARVIS to turn on the sprinkles and DUM-E to douse everything with the fire-extinguisher. Steve supposed that the situation would have been funny, if the other Avengers hadn't been in the kitchen with him. Which in turn led to a very annoyed and foamy Tony trying to explain to the fire department, that, no the Avengers did not need any help in making sure that their own tower didn't burn down. Needless to say that after that Tony told JARVIS to tell him if Steve as much as looked at the oven.

So, settling back into a chair on the balcony, Steve began to draw.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Steve heard a beeping sound. Looking up from his drawing of the New York skyline, Steve realised that while he had been sat there, evening had slowly began to creep in. The beeping had been coming from his Avengers phone, which usually meant that someone was in trouble.

"Hello." Said Steve, as he threw his sketchbook and pencils down and stood up quickly, knocking his chair over. Static filled his hearing, "Hello!" he shouted louder.

"Captain….SHIELD…. Avengers….are….repeat….Avengers are down."

"What, who is this?" Shouted Steve into his phone, but the other person was either gone or couldn't hear him as no answer came.

The phone fell from his hand as he raced from the balcony. He rushed to his room. Yanking open the door, he ran to where he kept his suit. He dressed quickly, all the time thinking to himself that he should have been with them. He couldn't lose another team, another family. He ran out of the tower and turned towards downtown New York.

Meanwhile on Stark tower helipad.

"Well that was fun." Said Tony as he waited patiently for his suit to be dismantled and put away.

"Please explain friend Stark as I see no reason as to why you gained any mirth from this experience." Shouted Thor loudly.

"He was being sarcastic Thor. It is a saying that we sometimes use." Explained Bruce.

"I see." Said Thor, although judging from his expression he didn't.

Tony glanced around the balcony as he walked down the steps.

"Whoa, what happened here?" asked Barton, as he saw the knocked over chair and thrown pencils.

"Steve looks like he left in a hurry." Said Natasha.

"JARVIS, where is Steve?" asked Tony.

"I am unsure; he left very suddenly, nearly one hour ago."

"Can you track his Avenger phone?" asked Tony.

"It is on the floor by your foot, Sir." Said JARVIS "and it appears there is a message on it."

Tony bent down to pick up the phone, he read the message and his face went really white.

"Tony, what is it?" asked Bruce.

Tony turned the phone around so that they could see the message, it read, "I told you I will destroy him."