Standard Disclaimers Apply

It was that time of year again. Alfred always tried to clean out his storage room (it was really more like a storage floor, but anyway...) around October. Over time he had discovered that it was the time of year when he could get the most work done before becoming overwhelmed by memories or the ghosts of his past, and sometimes that was more literal than he liked to admit. Alfred walked up the staircase to his storage room slowly. He didn't really like cleaning out his storage, but he had to do something about it. At last he was on the landing where The Door was. With some dread, Alfred turned the doorknob, entered the room, and there was no going back.

(A.N. You guessed it, it's another Storage Room fic! This isn't just going to be snippets of American history, we're going to follow Alfred from his colony days to the present day. I'm going to start from the start of European colonization because I don't know much about the native Americans and their lifestyle apart from watching Pocahontas when I was little. For convenience, in this story Native!America and Colony!America are two different people. This chapter is a sort of prologue because I don't have enough time to type out the entire chapter. It's set in modern day, but the rest will be some time in the past. As time goes on, the chapters will probably be more detailed because I'm going to be basing most of the actual history on my ACP US History textbook: Give Me Liberty: An American History and while it's still insanely detailed I know more about 1880 and on. Yes, I know I should probably update Ghosties or The Christmas Truces, but I'm having a bit of writer's block with that story... maybe re-watching some Halloween movies would help...)