Ba-dum ching! Finally, finished. Thank you, my two reviewers for waiting patiently for this chapter! Chapter 3 is on it's way! Oh, and Lilac is 13, not 16...

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

2. Lilac

OK, name is Lilac, Lilac Robillard. I am dyslexic, but, not ADHD, like my friend Taylor. It is very improper to always be fiddling with things, after all. My heritage is rather complicated, whether it's from the mortal side, or the Greek side so, let's just leave it at Hecate, Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, claiming me.

I was simply packing my things for the quest. I had Nectar and Ambrosia in a baggie, check. A sleeping bag for night time, check. This really neat invention called the Flashlight, check. Another really neat invention called batteries, check. My locket that my mother gave me when I was born, check. Finally, a few extra dresses, coats and the such in case my clothes get dirty or wreaked.

It has been a day since I went to the Oracle. Gosh, she scares me. I had allowed Taylor to come, she could be useful, and her father sent her a note. It would be extremely rude to not do as your told, especially by a god. I also let Nico di Angelo come along. He said he had some business to do with the quest, the prophecy might've mentioned A Child of Death, and he is the only one I trust completely here. Especially after what happened in March. Although, I'd prefer not to tell that tale yet.

I put on my knapsack, and headed for the door to Hecate's Cabin. I don't know why, but, I always feel out of place here. It's really quite strange. The children are all so welcoming, but, I feel as if I'm different than them. Oh, what am I saying? Of course I'm different. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not different, this is where I'm meant to be.

I sighed, and left, only to come rushing back in. I had forgotten Daisy my pet. I went to the small bunny's cage. She is just too cute to leave her here. Plus, she won't eat anything unless I'm the one to prepare it. I grabbed the cage's handle, and picked it up. I may not have much upper-body strength, or any at all, but, Daisy is just so easily to lift.

Then, I walked out. As I walked to the big house, Taylor came running up to me, all out of breath, and frazzled. She had straight red hair, light green eyes, much like myself, and had fair white skin, not pale but, not exactly tan either. She's around 16, and about 5'4. Today she was wearing a plain black t-shirt and, I didn't have the heart to tell her it was on backwards. She wore faded and torn denim jeans, which I looked at with disgust. One must always dress their best. She had a cap on, something called a base ball cap, though I still have no clue what base ball is. Her hair was in a ponytail and was sticking out through the back of the cap., her side bangs visible from under the cap.

"Sorry, Lilac." She breathed through ragged breathes, "Over slept. Thought I was going to be late."

I smiled at her warmly, and spoke softly, "Thou are not tardy, I was just going to see Chiron to tell him we were going."

As we got to the porch of the big house, I saw Chiron and Director D, also know as Dionysus, God of Wine, playing a card game. I walked up to them and beamed, "Chiron, Director D, Shall the group of us leave now?"

"Yes, yes. Continue on. Less little brats to deal with." Dionysus muttered. Chiron nodded at the two of us as we walked away.

"That was rude," I complained, as we walked up Half-blood Hill, "One must always be polite, whether or not the party in question is likable!"

Taylor rolled her eyes as we made it to the top of the hill, "Yeah, yeah. Impolite, gotcha. Where's this boyfriend of yours that's coming with us?"

"It's yes, not yeah. Got thee, not gotcha," I started, a blush coming to my cheeks, "and Nico is not my boyfriend."

"But, you want him to be," Taylor replied, slyly. A smirk made it's way onto her face as my whole face got red.

"No!" I gasped, looking away from her and crossing my arms. That was a mistake because, behind me Nico just happened to appear, and I squealed.

Nico smirked a bit and chuckled, "Scared?"

"You are both so mean." I pouted, hugging Daisy's cage closer.

There we go! Sorry it's kind of short, but yeah. This chapter belongs to Little Unusual Me, not me. However, the next chapter will be by me. Ok, well, I have to go to a doctor's appointment for shots. *shiver* I hate needles... wish me luck .