Hi there! Sorry about the super long wait! I've been busy with The War Begins, then when I was working on Chapter 15, I was like, "I really need to work on this.." so, here it is! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I freaking own PJO!

*police break in* Rites to PJO in the air where we can see them!

DC: D: *puts rites in the air and cops take 'em away* ;^;

Chapter 3: Taylor

We climbed into the camp car with Argus as the driver. Lilac's boyfriend- oh, sorry, I mean Death Boy- climbed in first, then with a grin I gestured for Lilac to get in next (her face was completely red), then I climbed in.

For the first hour (actually, it might have been 5 minutes), I played around with an energy ball, Lilac was petting her bunny (her name was Daisy, wasn't it?), and Nico wasn't really doing anything, just staring out the window lost in thought.

Finally, I couldn't take it. "Are we there yet?" yeah, the most common thing said in a car. The two looked at me funny. "We just started seven minutes ago." Nico pointed out. I groaned.

This was going to be a long car ride.

Now, I'm going to apologize to Nico, Lilac, and Argus before hand, because they did not deserve this, I was just bored out of my head.

I started singing "The Wheels on the Car go Round and Round" for ten minutes straight in a voice that I knew was annoying and terrible. The two plugged their ears and Argus grit his teeth and squeezed some of his eyes shut.

Finally, Death Boy got out some duck tape and before I could react he taped my mouth shut. "Let's play the quiet game." he smiled evilly. I swear that kid has more of his dad in him than he let's on.

I attempted to say, "I lose!" but forgot that the duck tape was on so it came out more like, "Mm mmph!" which Lilac and him snickered at. I didn't even try to take off the tape with my hands, because I've been taped before and tried that, and, well, it's painful.

So I sat there and grumped for a few minutes until I got and idea. Just because I mostly used my hands for elemantalisting (is that what we should call it?), didn't mean that I had to.

The area around my lips grew warm, and soon the duck tape was melting off. Gross. I wiped the rest off and my face cooled down. The car stopped and we climbed out with our stuff.

The train station was bustling with New Yorkers. Argus drove off, and we paid for our tickets with a wad of mortal cash and boarded the train.

Lilac had said that we were going to Yukon, Canada. Well, that was great. Because I really love cold weather. Note the sarcasm in there.

We took our seats, and the train started moving soon after. Did I mention that I hate trains? Well, I do. It's the most common place for a monster to attack you, especially when it's next to a cliff or over a bridge.

So yeah, naturally, I fell asleep, and most likely fell onto Lilac and Nico's laps.

Unfortunately, demigods have dreams, and when demigods have dreams, they usually aren't good.

*In the Dream*

I was standing in a grassy field that was splattered with blood. In front of me stood the Minotaur himself in his underwear.

He pawed the ground with a hoof and charged. I tried to step away at the last moment, but it was one of those annoying dreams where you move in slow motion.

Right as his horn was about to pierce my heart, the dream changed to Camp Half-Blood. It zoomed into the Hermes cabin, where Mike Jordan, son of Nike, was yelling at my friend, TJ (daughter of Hermes) from the doorway.

Her real name is Teagan Janel, but don't call her that unless you want to be skewered. "TJ! DID YOU PUT THAT BLUE DIE IN OUR SHOWER WATER AND YELLOW IN THE SHAMPOO?!" he yelled. I mentally grinned to myself as I noticed his green hair.

She just shrugged. "Sounds like a great prank, but how do you know it was me? Could be the Stoll's again." she was a great liar, but I could see right through it by the way her eyes sparkled.

Mike narrowed his eyes and went in search for the brothers. Once he was out of earshot, TJ burst out laughing, and the dream changed one more time.

"How long does it take them to get here?" a man in armer grumbled, leaning on his spear.

A guy next to him, also in armor, had an air of leadership around him, with good posture and commanding brown eyes. "Be patient, brother. They have only just began their journey, and might not even make it here alive." he spoke with a deep voice that had "leader" written all over it.

The brother grunted and mumbled something I could hear, then the Commander dude spoke again, and it nearly scared the pants off me. "Don't mention name's, brother, anyone could be listening." with that, he fixed his brown eye right on me.

He didn't have a left eye.

*Not in Dream*

I snapped awake in a cold sweat and immediately sat up and looked around, forgetting where I was for a second.

Then I remembered. What a confusing dream.

Aw, Lilac fell asleep with her head on Nico's shoulder! I quickly whipped out a tiny camera and snapped a picture. Perfect blackmail.

I might be a daughter of Aether, but I have the soul of a Hermes kid. I slipped the camera back into my backpack and asked this random lady what time it was. She told me it was 4:36 PM. Wow, I had been asleep for a while!

The conductors voice came on through the speakers: "We are now coming into the North-Eastern corner of Ontario, please gather your bags and be prepared to exit when the train stops. Thank you for riding with us today!" I stretched then shook awake Nico and Lilac.

They both looked at each other and blushed, which made me burst out laughing.

They both gave intense death-glares, but I just said, "You two looked cute." then shoulder my bag and walked to the train door.

They followed stiffly, still blushing fiercely.

Once we got out, I spread out my arms dramatically and said, "We survived out first train ride on this quest. Hurray! Love birds, welcome to Canada!"

Voila, my amigos! Now, I would like to inform you that I only do this story as a type of hobby thing, and my main story is The War Begins, so it would fantastic if you could check that out. Also, I have a DeviantArt account, (same username) but I don't really care if you check that out. I only have one picture on there, and it's my profile pic, but I'll post some more on it when I have the time. Thanks for the reviews!

-Nanu Kitty