I know I really shouldn't start a new story, but I was just talking to Cat, and I was like, oh my gods, that's a great idea for a crossover!
So, here we are. No, I am not abandoning TTM, I'm just going to juggle two stories. Whoohoo!
Divergent meets Percy Jackson, people!
Um . . . this is set . . . sort of in the House of Hades, I guess . . . since that hasn't been released . . . AFTER THE MARK OF ATHENA!
Okay, so yeah.
Set after Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus, and they're at the Doors, and I had this idea that the Doors had to be sealed, so souls would have to seal them shut, one for each side, and so I made it that those two souls were Percy and Annabeth.
Hopefully the confusing bits will be explained through this chapter, okay?
Yeah, this is a really short one, but yeah.
Okay, yes, this is a sort of . . . evil title, but I just could not figure out what on Olympus and earth what to call this - so this is what it's called. If you have a better idea, do tell.
Please enjoy!
Annabeth slashed at a bubbling figure that was emerging from the ground. Something wrapped around her ankle and attempted to pull her under. She stumbled, but Percy's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. She kicked at the goo on her leg. It writhed and let go. She leaned onto Percy as her skin began to burn from the boiling thing. Her adrenaline was rushing, and she couldn't stop to even grimace.
More figures began to rise from the goo. They backed up against the Doors. "Nico!" she screamed. "Come on! Close the Doors with us, death boy!"
"No! Wait—come on!" Frank called back. Annabeth blinked back tears. "We did not go through the House just to not get you."
"Come on, guys!" Jason called. "Come on, we can get you back!"
"Guys, be quiet," Nico said darkly. "You can't stop what Percy and Annabeth know is the right thing. It isn't making it any easier."
Annabeth suddenly felt a surge of gratitude for the kid. "Come on, guys—one last adventure to do, huh?" Percy called. "Besides, we already know where we belong now."
"What do you mean?" Hazel screamed. "You can't just—"
"They mean something else," Nico said. "Hey, Perce, come on, the big finale, huh? On three! Ready, Percy, Annabeth?"
"Yeah," they called back in unison as the figures began to gain features—hunched shoulders, shrouded faces.
"One," Nico called. Annabeth and Percy placed their palms on the bronze doors.
"Two." Annabeth could hear sobs through to the other side of the Doors.
They pushed. Annabeth had never pushed something so hard. The Doors gave a low, grinding hum as they inched inwards. Annabeth and Percy locked eyes. This was it.
Annabeth blinked back tears and squeezed his hand as she jumped into the gap between the two sides of the Doors. Percy grabbed something and jumped in after her, pulling the Door behind him.
The Doors closed around them. Everything great requires a sacrifice. The greater the task . . . the greater the sacrifice . . .
The Doors began to make her head throb. She squeezed Percy's hand tighter. It hummed around them, making them feel like they were made of vapour. She closed her eyes and melted into Percy's arms.
For a moment, there was only pain. Could the dead feel pain? She didn't know. The Daughter of Athena, rescuer of the Athena Pathenos, didn't know something.
Then they were thrown upwards. They began to fall. They were tossed around in the descent. Then the world around her became so bright that she could see it illuminating beneath her eyelids.
She knew she was dead. She'd died when she hit the bottom of Tartarus, but Tartarus hadn't let their souls go to the palace of Hades. They'd been trapped. It was too powerful.
She and Percy had fought their way to the Doors. Then they had met up with the others like they had promised. And they had said goodbye.
Gaea had thrown everything at them—making Tartarus crumble, sending armies of monsters, gotten primordial to attack . . . everything to weaken them, to split them up. But she's failed. Percy and Annabeth were still together. Even in this strange limbo they had fallen into as the Doors had been sealed shut with their souls to bind it.
That was what the prophecy line was, wasn't it? An oath is held with a final breath—Percy's and Annabeth's final breaths had sealed the Doors shut. They couldn't be undone anymore. One less thing to worry about.
She opened her eyes when they'd stopped being tossed around. There were three archways in front of them. One had a glowing red light coming from it, then one that was a sickly yellow, and then one that was white. She looked up at Percy. "Which one?"
"Don't know . . . white's the colour of heaven."
Annabeth looked down and blinked away more tears. "White it is, then."
She took Percy's hand and together they walked into the white archway. They walked three steps, and then the ground vanished, and they were tumbling through the air again.
I look at the screen, stunned.
"Liars!" shouts someone.
"Erudite theories! False!"
"We wasted all that for this? This is rubbish!"
"This is all her fault!" screams Tori. I look up at her. I had trusted her so much when I had come to Dauntless. Had my act to get the truth out changed her so badly? Just because I had wanted to keep Jeanine alive . . . did that make me a criminal?
"Leave her alone!" Tobias roars next to me. Tori sends him an icy cold glare. "Oh? But I thought that this traitor—"
I look at Tori, realising just how much her brother had meant to her before he was killed. I am about to say something when the room goes completely silent.
Inky tendrils begin to gather on the ceiling of the building. They writhe across, making a huge gash of black, and then they begin spread out like some huge, inky disease. Tobias pulls me away from them as they spread down the walls.
Then they seem to open up with a sinister hiss, and two figures come tumbling out. They hit the ground with a jarring thud. Everyone is too stunned to move.
The tendrils writhe again, and seep back together, before shrinking into a small dot, and then they disappear altogether. Tobias pulls me further behind him. "Who are you?" he asks the two figures that lie, slightly stirring, on the ground.
People draw their guns and point them at the two. I peek out from behind Tobias's arm to see. I know it's useless to try and push past to see them better.
One of them, the larger one, pushes itself up with its arms. The other lies next to it, groaning. It was a boy, maybe about Tobias's age. The figure next to him is a girl. She has long, curly blonde hair.
"Who are you?" Tobias asks again, colder. The boy gets to his knees and pulls the other one closer to him by her shoulders. She looks around her, and then slides to her knees.
"Who are you?" Tori hisses at them. They boy looks at her, then he a look of realisation passes over his face. He looks at the girl, and they share a silent moment of shock, eyes wide, lips slightly parted, as if in awe.
The girl looks down at her hand, criss-crossed with scars and cuts. I realise that they're both carrying scars. The boy's wearing a red t-shirt, and the girl's is mottled with red. I have a feeling that it's blood.
"We're . . ." she begins, looking in horror and shock at her hand. "We're meant to be dead."
I can see Tori glaring at them coldly, almost with the same intensity as Jeanine, the same evil motives seemed to be glistening on the surface of her eyes. "Answer with no riddles, if you please."
Please. Tori had never spoken like that before. The girl looks at the boy, and he then turns to glare at her. I take a step back from the glare he gives. It's a powerful glare, like he learned it from wolves themselves.
"We are meant to be dead," he says darkly. "Because we are."
So, third person for Annabeth and Percy because that's how the HoO are written, and then first person present tense for Tris, because that's how Divergent's written. Understand?
Please R&R,