Just a quick little one-shot that I thought of after watching Hocus Pocus. For those who may not know Sean Murry played Thackery in the movie. This is my first NCIS fanfic.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or Hocus Pocus

The elevator doors swooshed opened as McGee walked out into the bullpen with cups of coffee for Tony and Ziva. Placing a coffee on Tony and Ziva's empty desk he sat down at his and began to work on updating his whole computer system. Lost in his work he almost didn't notice Tony and Ziva enter the bullpen arguing about some movie.

"Come on Ziva, you have to admit that it was a good movie." Tony argued

"Tony, you mocked half of the movie how can you even say that it was good?" Ziva questioned as she sat at her desk

"I know I said that I thought that the movie was a little sappy; I mean the cat died on his sister's grave, can you say corny much. Tony said from his desk

"I thought that was very touching, he was reunited with his sister after 300 years, he cared deeply for her." She said while turning on her computer

"They're just siblings Ziva, it's not like they had a romance going on." Tony said staring at his partner

"Tony that would be disgusting." Ziva said is disgust not looking up at Tony

"Which is why that whole scene is just corny." He said with a shrug of his shoulders

Shaking her head, "I think you're just not appreciating the movie at all."

Tony was shocked; "Me not appreciate a movie? Come on! You have three slightly insane 300 year old witches who want to gather up children so that they can do some magic spell and live forever; what's not to like!?"

"That's all you see? The boy had to protect his sister the same as Thackery tried to do all those years ago."

"That's another question I have, who names their kid Thackery? I thought that it was Zachary."

"Thackery is an English name, it means place with thatching." Ziva said nonchalantly starting some work on the computer

"Seriously? Place with thatching? Like a thatch roof or something? That poor kid no wonder it's not an overly popular name anymore." Tony said finally starting to turn his own computer on

McGee finally decided to ask the question he had ever since the two walked in; "What on earth are you guys talking about?"

"A movie Probie, a classic Halloween movie; although it did come out during the summer bad planning on that part but still." Tony explained to a still confused McGee

"Tony there are a lot of Halloween movies that you view as classic, pretty much all of them."

"True Probie but this one is Hocus Pocus." Tony said finally noticing the coffee that was on his desk, "You get these for us?"

"Yes I did and I happen to like that movie." McGee said defensively

"Thank you McGee, see Tony, McGee appreciates the movie." Ziva shouted in triumph

"What are you all arguing about." Gibbs demanded strolling into the bullpen with his coffee in hand

"Hocus Pocus boss." Tony answered automatically starting to look like he was doing work

"It's a pretty decent movie, sort of strange that the actor who was Thackery didn't do the voice of the cat." Gibbs said sitting at his desk, his statement but the whole bullpen into silence as all three agents stared at Gibbs in shock

"I didn't know you followed actors boss." McGee said after a few minutes of silence

"Only those that have good potential." He said with a smile before answering his phone sending the team out on a case, McGee smiled as the boarded the elevator

I hoped you like it! Please leave a review :)