OK, so I've been toying around with this idea every since I watched, I Remember you. That episodes was so sad to me because I've often wondered if I would want to live if I was different in my mind, if I didn't function the same. So on that note, here's my new work. This is going to center on Ice King but it will also be about the relationships of other characters that I feel deserve to be told in more detail. It centers on one couple in particular but you'll notice how this fic is about people, less about adventure.
Ice King was lonely. This happened a lot when you were surrounded by penguins and no princesses. He tried playing on his keyboard, since that somehow made him feel a bit better. Today however, it just didn't seem to be working.
Suddenly, the door to the entrance to his home was kicked in by none other than Finn and Jake. The Ice King smiled big at this. He hasn't kidnapped any princesses today. Maybe the guys want to hang out.
"Ice King," Finn shouts.
Ice King makes his beard fly him in front of the heroes. "Hey guys. What's up?"
"Where's Dr. Princess," Jake demands?
"Dr. Princess? No idea. Haven't seen her since Gunter had that cat creature."
"Wenk wenk," Gunter replies.
"I know Gunter. Anyway guys I really don't know where she is. You're welcome to look in my house if you don't believe me. I could use the company," Ice King offers with a smile.
Finn and Jake look at each other and accept the Ice King's offer. They begin looking in all his normal princess hiding places while the Ice King tries to strike up conversation. Suddenly, a though occurs to him. "Hey guys, How's Neptr? I haven't heard from him in over a year. I miss my boy."
"We're currently in a game of hide and seek. We still can't find him."
"Oh, well at least he's having fun," Ice King says happily. "Does he ask about me when you do see him though?"
Finn starts whispering to Jake, "Should we tell him the truth?"
"Nahh man. We barely see Neptr as it is. If we said he's never asked about Ice King that would crush him. Think about if you had kids."
Jake didn't know it, but those words hit Finn hard. He hadn't visited Stormo since he had saved them all from Goliad. Finn was overcome with guilt. "Oh math," Finn sighed.
"Something wrong Finn," Ice King inquired?
"Ice King, how fast can you fly to the Candy Kingdom?"
"I can get there in about twenty minutes. You need me to run an errand for you?"
"Sort of. Can you take me there please? Jake will keep searching for Dr. Princess and watch Gunter."
"Finn, why're you leaving man?"
"P bizz Jake. And we still need to find Dr. Princess. I'll only be an hour. Please Jake?"
"Ehh ok. But I want a ham sandwich when we get home," Jake bargained.
"Deal." Finn suddenly hugged Jake tight. Jake was confused, but if Finn was acting like this then it must be important. "Thanks buddy. Let's go Ice King."
Ice King puts Jake on his back and flies him to the Candy Kingdom in record time. He sets Finn of near where Goliad and Stormo are locked in Psychic battle. When Finn asks to be alone for a bit, Ice King leaves and goes to find Bubblegum.
Finn walks up to where Stormo is perched and sits down. "Hey, Stormo. It's been a while since I came to visit you and I'm sorry for that. Everyone here at the Candy Kingdom feels grateful to you for protecting them. I feel grateful to have you as a son. You're every bit the hero I could hope for you to be. I'm proud of you son. "
"I've finally gotten over Bubblegum. She's still smart and pretty and everything I liked about her, but I've made peace with us just being friends. I've got a new lady now. She's the princess of the Fire Kingdom. I'll try and bring her next time I come. I want you to meet her. She's more my age and so sweet and fun and beautiful. She almost exploded my face the first time we kissed, but it was totally worth it."
"Jake is still the same. Lady Rainicorn and Jake are going to have puppies soon. I can tell he's excited. He wants to be every bit the dad that your Grandpa was to us. I'm sorry you never got to meet him. If he is still alive somewhere in Ooo, I'll bring him to meet you. "
Finn started crying as he revealed everything that was going on in his life to Stormo. He only hoped Stormo could hear him. Slowly, the guilt started to fade away as he told his son everything.
"Well I have to go again. I'm looking for a missing princess, which Ice King says he didn't kidnap. I'll be back sooner this time. Thanks for listening Stormo, and I love you son." With that, Finn got up to leave when he felt his hands being controlled. His thumbs were pushed together, pointing towards him, while the rest of his fingers curved and were also pushed together. When it was done, his hands were in the shape of a heart. When Finn realized it was Stormo, he started crying all over again. Even amidst a psychic battle, his son heard him and loved him. "Finn," a voice asked that he recognized as Flame Princess?
Finn wiped his tears and looked up. "Hey Flame Princess. What are you doing here?"
"Ice King barged into our Princess meeting to talk to Bubblegum and he told me you were here. I hadn't seen you in a week so I came to say hi. Are you ok," She asked, worried about her boyfriend?
"Yes. I'm ok. Has PB ever told you about the Candy Sphinxes here?"
"Well, because the Lich made Pbibs realize her mortality, she made a Candy Sphinx that couldn't die. She wanted Goliad to be her successor. Well she was teaching her how to be a leader, but in overdrive. She pushed herself too far. Me and Jake tried to teach Goliad how to be a leader, but we ended up teaching her the wrong way. She became evil and tried to take over the Candy Kingdom. Bubblegum made Stormo to counter Goliad and while Goliad is made from PB, Stormo is made from my DNA."
"So does that make Stormo your son," Flame Princess asked in awe?
"Yeah. He's locked in psychic battle for all time. I try to visit him and tell him what's going on in Ooo. You want to meet him," Finn offered?
"That would be ok?"
"Yeah. I want you to meet him. He hears everything we say but I think it takes a lot of effort to acknowledge that he hears us. " Flame Princess then followed Finn to where Stormo was.
"Hey Stormo. This was a lot quicker than I expected, but I want you to meet Flame Princess. She's a fire Elemental and my girlfriend."
"Hi Stormo. It's nice to meet you. Finn explained your story and how you are a true hero like your father. I'm honored to be in your presence and to be in a relationship with someone like Finn. I care about him a lot. I want you to know that. I'll take good care of him. "
"I guess I'll really be going. I love you son, and you don't have to show you heard me. I know you did. Goodbye Stormo," Finn said and walked away, FP following him.
They walked to where the Princess meeting was going on to find the scene in chaos. PB was beating Ice King in the head with a table leg while he was begging forgiveness. Frozen solid in the middle of the room was Dr. Princess.
"PB, what's going on?"
"Finn, thank Glob you're here. Ice King froze Dr. Princess solid."
"I wanted to show Finn that I found her. I told you that," Ice King cried.
"It's ok PB. Ice King actually helped this time. One of Dr. Princesses nurses asked me to look for her. They thought she had been kidnapped."
"Oh. Well no I asked her to come check out LSP. She had a slight cold."
Finn nodded in understanding. "Ice King, can you unfreeze Dr. Princess now? I believe you."
"You do? Aww thanks Finn," Ice King says happily as he uses his magic to thaw out Dr. Princess.
As he did, Dr. Princess fell to her knees, coughing. Ice King walked up to her an apologized, explaining the situation. Dr. Princess accepted his apology and let Ice King help her up.
After Dr. Princess and everyone are settled back in their seats, Finn and Ice King decide to leave. As they're flying back to Ice King's mountain, Finn apologizes and thanks Ice King for his help. When they get there, they find Jake rocking Gunter to sleep. Finn wants to laugh a bit and tease Jake, but his reminder of Stormo makes him smile at the scene.
When Jake finally puts Gunter down, Finn explains what occurred at the Candy Kingdom and they go home after Jake apologizes to Ice King. Finally alone, Ice King sits on his throne and rubs his hand where Dr. Princess grabbed it. He could feel heat there. He didn't know why. He sat and pondered on this as the sun set over Ooo and well into the night.