Hooray! Chapter 2! This one is shorter, by the way. Natalia, disclaimer please.
Natalia: Gena doesn't own Hetalia. If she did GerIta would've been canon from the start.
Ch 2:
A year had passed since Natalia, Ivan, and Katyusha were adopted. Natalia had been wrong. The scary man, Nikolai, was very, very nice. He also had a wife. She was a strong woman with the pretty name of Svetlana. She had long, dark brown hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a lovely dark chocolate colour. Sveltana even let Natalia, Ivan, and Katyusha call her Mama!
They were all currently living in Moscow. Because of their work, Nikolai and Svetlana would move around a lot. Due to this fact, they had houses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, and lots of other cities.
"Katy! Kaaaaty!" Natalia called out. When she didn't answer, Natalia tried getting Ivan. "Ivan! Ivaaaaaaan! Where are you?" The 4-year-old huffed. She knew the others had homework. But couldn't that wait for just a few minutes? Possibly an hour or two? Besides, she needed to play with them. Natalia was very very bored.
As Natalia walked down the halls, she noticed a door that was wide open. Now, this particular door was always closed and locked. Natalia was told not to go in there. But her curiosity perked up and she ignored her conscious telling her not to go up that steep stair-case.
The little Belorussian put her stuffed rabbit, Aleksander, into her backpack she carried everywhere. Then she began to climb.
When she made it to the top of the stairs, she saw just a plain old room with some boxes stacked on top of one-another.
Natalia was about to leave the room when she noticed something very shiny high up on top of the boxes. She put her backpack down and started climbing that. Just as the little girl was at the top, and the little box filled with a bunch of shiny and sparkly objects was within her reach, Natalia fell.
~***_A Few Minutes Earlier in the Library_***~
The two eldest children, Katyusha and Ivan, were in the library talking about their next move. Katyusha talked quickly and excitedly, for they were going to go to Kiev. That was one of Katyusha's dreams: to go to Kiev. Why? That was her birthplace.
"Can't you just imagine it, Ivan? My country, my home city." The Ukrainian girl said day dreaming.
Ivan only nodded his head in agreement. He knew his sister was ecstatic about the move, but he was nervous. The Russian boy had only ever lived in Moscow. He didn't know any other place. That scared him a little.
Ivan had just finished his homework when he heard a scream echo throughout the walls of the large house.
Said children leaped to their feet and started to run in the direction of their younger sibling's screams.
When they got to the attic door they stopped. "Mama and Papa said we're not supposed to go up there." Ivan said.
Katyusha looked at him, an urgent look on her face. "We're going to have to break the rules this time, Vanya. Natalia is in trouble." Without another word, she ran up the stairs. Ivan had no choice but to follow her.