"Hey Castle! Castle! Wake up, man, you're missing out on all the fun!"

"What-?" Castle lifts his head from where it's been propped up against his loft's living room window, by a hand and wrist now tingling with pins and needles.

Blinking, he pushes his Fedora onto the back of his head, rubbing his hand across his eyes. He shifts and flexes his shoulders, feeling slightly constricted by the leather holster that hugs them and spans his broad back "Oh. Hey, Kev. Huh. I must have winked out for a little while."

"Great party! Pity Beckett's not here."

"Did you speak to her? How's the policing conference going?"

"Have you not heard from her? I woulda thought you'd hear from her for sure. You know, being her...partner and all."

"No...Of course I haven't. Why...not that we've not spoken at all. I mean we've not spoken every night at all. I mean. Never. Not never, I mean never, never this week. What exactly are you saying, Ryan?"

Ryan pauses and nods slowly, wearing an insufferable smirk regarding Castle with a knowing stare. "Uh-huh. Yeah...okay. So Beckett said the conference was full of late middle-aged cowboys who were too fond of donuts, not fond enough of policing procedure and the impacts of technology. She said she'd rather be at your party. Funny. You used to have to drag her kicking and screaming to these things. Something's definitely changed her mind about you. You wouldn't know anything about that, would ya, Castle?" He raises one eyebrow at Castle, smirks again, and lurches off toward the bar.

"Yeah, funny..." Castle watches Ryan leave. There's definitely something going on there. Ever since he and Kate snuck away to the Hamptons, then were dragged into a murder case, and he was forced to reach out to Ryan and Esposito for help with police work, something was...off with Ryan. It was almost like he- no, surely he didn't...he couldn't have...there's no way he could-

Castle shakes his head, trying to clear thoughts that were verging on uncomfortable and return his attention to more pleasant matters. He mulls over the delicious dream Ryan interrupted. Dream-Kate had taken an early flight to surprise him and had arrived at the party, a jaw-dropping Elektra in tight red leather. They'd escaped the crowd to be alone and shared a moment on the balcony.

The dream teases his senses like a real memory. His fingertips tingle from the phantom sensation of having slid across the smooth damp skin of her waist, slipping down the small of her back. He can still taste a riot of sweet and salt, spirit and spice from the perfume and sweat and rain he lapped from her, his lips and tongue tripping the path of taut skin leading to her collarbone from beneath her ear, and from the traces of brandy and nutmeg left on her fingers, lips and tongue; if he closes his eyes he can still hear her moan, still feel the exquisite deadweight of Kate, undone, the deep tremor and her sobbing cry into his neck as she broke apart under the pressure of her own body arching into his.

And after that, the night's strange light, the heat, the rain, the latent power of the season coalesced into a force that drew them into his bed for hours. They needed few words. Only...he's sure he heard her say something important. He just can't remember what it was.

He sighs. The ancient festival is messing with his head. In the real world, Kate's in New Orleans until tomorrow night. End of story. Any plans he has for a re-enactment of the Balcony Scene are just going to have to wait till she comes back.

Doesn't mean he can't thoroughly distract himself with thoughts of her in the meantime, though.

He absent-mindedly scans a scene in front him that is looking pretty familiar. This is how the dream had started...A cluster of young writers at the bar. Lanie dancing. Captain Gates speaking with Esposito as he lets her in the door. Kevin Ryan looking at the door from the sofa, distracted from handing his wife a tall glass of something potent-looking by the arrival of Captain Gates.

Whoa. Wait. What? Gates? No, that's a surprise. He did invite her, but she never was a fan of his theories, and after he had destroyed not one but two priceless collectables of hers a few weeks ago, she was the last person he thought would turn up at his Halloween party.

As Gates approaches, Castle stands apprehensively, half-expecting her to bust him for fantasizing about her lead homicide detective climaxing loudly on his balcony.

(He's not sure how Gates might go about detecting that sort of thing, but with her Internal Affairs background and her nose for impropriety, he can't discount the possibility that she could).

His cheeks burn and he clears his throat noisily as he attempts to clear his mind of all beguiling visuals of Kate, and waits as the Captain walks toward him on treacherously high heels.

"Captain Gates, welcome! Glad you could make it!" Castle says. "You look lovely, by the way. Are you a fan?"

"Oh, I'm one of Tina's biggest fans! I hope I do her justice." She adjusts the hemline of her rather short leather skirt and pats the impressive golden mane of Tina Turner hair, straight out of the 80s.

"And Mr Castle. I want to thank you for the invitation. I feel it's important for the team's unit cohesion to spend time together outside of the precinct. I know we have had our moments-"

"Captain, let me once again apologize-"

Gates holds up one hand in a "Stop!" gesture. "We've had our moments, and sometimes your flair for creative theory-building in the absence of any real evidence makes me fear for due process. But, you and Detective Beckett do get results. So for the sake of the team, I'm prepared to rise above. For the holiday season, at least. My husband James sends his apologies. He had already volunteered to cover this weekend at his precinct since our kids are grown..."

"Well thank you, Captain. I'm very glad you're here. Now let me find you a drink..."

Having ensured Captain Gates has been set up with a drink and refreshments, Castle slumps back into his seat, and stares blankly out the window. Gates' arrival has thrown him. Not that her presence here is a problem. Now he has a chance to generate some goodwill with Kate's boss, and he's more than okay with that.

Though if Kate were here, Gates' presence would definitely cause some significant awkwardness, given how he's feeling right now, missing Kate so much, not being sure he can rein himself in around her after a week's separation.

But Kate's not here. That's probably a good thing. He isn't sure his heart would cope with that kind of stress.

He hears a commotion at the entrance of the loft, and sees Esposito opening the front door. Castle pulls himself out of his seat and turns to face the loft's entrance, intrigued as to who could be arriving now.

She's greeting Esposito with a wry smile. She has a large duffel bag with her, which she slides into the coat closet next to the loft's entrance. She steps forward, and with a quick movement has shucked her short black trench and clutch purse and is trailing them carelessly on the hardwood floor at her feet while she banters with her colleague.

She looks exactly as he'd dreamed, from the short, red leather bustier, and red leather pants right down to that stunning, sinuous fall of brunette hair.

She turns and their gazes meet. Her color is high, and her eyes are dark, intense. Seeing her look at him like this makes him feel in danger of blacking out. But he's willing to take that risk. As her eyes take him and the surroundings in, he can see a look of surprise register, and the color rises in her cheeks.

Snapping out of his daze, his mind races. How could he have dreamed she would be dressed like this? Had she mentioned to him that she would be dressing as Elektra, and he'd forgotten? He was pretty sure that wasn't the case, nor that there had been any discussion with Lanie or the boys. And anyway, she hadn't even been expecting to be here tonight.

He also wonders what it is that has caught her attention about him and the place, that's given her that speculative look.

His ponderings are brought down to earth with a bump when he remembers the presence of the last person Kate would want to see here, tonight of all nights. Gates.

He really needs to warn Kate, because blowing the secret of their relationship wide open to her entire work team, including her boss, was definitely not on the agenda this evening and is the last thing she would want. He looks around for Gates, but she doesn't seem to be in sight.

He watches as Kate starts to walk toward him, holding eye contact the whole way. He then spots Gates' shaggy Tina wig bringing up the rear, a second or two behind Kate, who has not yet spotted her boss.

Castle feels a strong sense of dread. He can't risk signalling to Kate. He's going to have to wing it.

I've got this, he thinks.

"Detective Beckett! You came! How wonderful to see you! How was the conference?"

Using her profile as visual cover from Gates, Castle tries to waggle his eyebrows meaningfully. Careful! Your boss is here! Keep your distance from me or our secret will be out and you'll be up on an ethics violation six months after administrative leave, which won't look great on your work record! He can only hope she got the message.

He sees Beckett pull up a little, with furrowed brow, and then move forward again as she shakes her head, a big grin on her face. "Got something in your eye, Castle? Nice touch calling me detective, but I think if we keep our voices down we can-"

"Shh! And Captain Gates! Detective Beckett is here!"

Kate freezes, as a look of dismay crosses her features, before turning with a neutral expression to greet her boss. "Good evening, Sir. This is a pleasant surprise."

"Detective Beckett. It's good to see you. I trust the conference was of interest."

"Yes, Sir. It was very informative. I'll give you a briefing on Monday if you like?"

"That will be fine, no need for shop talk this evening. Thank you for representing the team. I hope you can use the rest of the weekend to prepare for your return to the precinct."

"I can. Thanks for the early leave pass, Sir."

"The final weekend of that conference is always a waste of time, so full of police officers who've been away from the civilizing influence of family and their day jobs for too long. The last thing I like to see is a member of the police force acting indecorously, especially when they think they're on their own time and dime. And that goes double for officers from my own precinct. Everything gets filed away in here." She taps her own forehead, "and there it remains. Until review time, of course."

Beckett shoots Castle a glance. "Uhh. Of course."

"Well then, enjoy your evening. Welcome back, Detective Beckett," says Gates. She nods and directs a narrow smile to the two of them. "Thank you for the punch, Mr Castle. It's going down very well. I believe I'll have another." Beckett and Castle watch her boss turn and totter towards the kitchen bar again.

"Uhh...you may want to-" stammers Castle after her, "-pace yourself. The punch has a little...kick," he finishes unheard.

"God, Castle, Gates?"

Castle winces. "I know! I did invite her, but I swear I had no idea she'd actually accept! She said something about it being good for the team."

"Well it's not good for us! You heard her! We'll get our asses kicked, to say the least, if we step out of line, even here. You know she's got eyes in the back of her head. God, this is the last thing I wanted or expected when I decided to surprise you at your Halloween party!"

"Kate, Kate, don't worry. It'll be fine, we just need to be a little careful is all. We can go somewhere quiet and talk, we just have to be discreet. Look, the guys and Lanie are on their way over. I'll go get you a drink."

"Hey, there's our girl!..."

Well, that went well, Kate muses as she and Lanie drift towards Castle's office door; Kate having confessed all to Lanie about her "mystery man". It felt good to share, and after six months, she's determined to stop shutting out her best friend.

"You look amazing. That man must be doing somethin' very right... so how is it?"

Kate blushes. "Lanie!" She pulls her friend away from the doorway and prying eyes. She flashes a cheeky grin at her friend. "How long have you got?"

"Oho! As long as it takes! You got the goods, baby girl? I got all the time in the world."

"Well, I was going to make you wait 'til our next Girl's Night for your full report, but we're girls, and it's night, so...I guess we could just find a bottle of wine and sneak away now?"

Lanie makes a show of uncontrollable glee, jigging on the spot, clapping hands and grinning. "Perfect! Let's go."

Kate beckons Lanie around to the small climate-controlled wine cabinet in back of Castle's writing desk. She takes a bottle of Castle's favourite Côtes du Rhône red and an opener, hands Lanie a pair of German lead crystal glasses, grabs her friend's free hand and tugs her into Castle's bedroom.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As you can see, reality's complicated ? We're on chapter three and this story's not done with me yet. I estimate there are at least two, maybe three chapters to go given the plot bunnies still bouncing around my head. Hope you're still with me. Let me know if so, or if not...reasons why would be awesome too...

Extra note: I want to clarify about this story that (contrary to what I said in the first author's note), I believe the events in this story are starting to develop to fit pretty neatly between Murder, He Wrote and Probable Cause. It just makes me feel good that this story can be made to fit within canon.

One more correction I'd like to make to chapter 1 Author's Note is to correct the name of the beta reader for that chapter. Hope did the beta read for me. Sorry, Hope! I knew who I meant; I just put the wrong name in!
