Squirrelflight P.O.V

Next day -

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Hunting in the mountains is hard. But we did catch some prey. I barely caught anything though. I guess I'm not really a mountain cat. I'm kind of disappointed about that. If I like it here and I like Crag, I should become a mountain cat. Even if I love the forest and I have family in the forest. I let out a sigh. Brook must have heard it because she turned her gaze towards me. She gave a look that said, 'What's wrong?'. I just looked down. How could I tell someone who was like my best friend besides my sister that I like their brother? Starclan, I sound like an apprentice right now!

"What's wrong, Squirrelflight?" Brook finally asked.

"I really like someone. But we are completely different! Well, maybe not that different… But I just… I don't know!" I said looking at the ground.

"Who do you like? I thought Brambleclaw was your mate." Brook said.

"Something happen which caused us to break up and he still doesn't forgive me. I don't want to talk about it." I said avoiding Brook's question.

"Oh…" After a few minutes Brook spoke again, "Who do you like?"

"It's a tribe cat…" I whispered.

"Really!? Who?" Brook asked.

"It's Crag…" I said whispering his name.

"You like my brother? This is so great! We would be like sisters then! Oh Tribe of Endless Hunting I sound like a to-be." Brook said but she went on, "This is so great!"

"Just because I like him doesn't mean he likes me. Plus I belong in the clans. He belongs here…" I said.

"Trust me he likes you. I was the last one to settle down to go to bed last night, Squirrely." Brook teased.

This made me duck my head down in embarrassment. I can't believe she heard that! I thought it was cute that Crag gave me a nick-name but right now I was so embarrassed at the moment. I heard Brook purr in amusement.

"I can't believe you heard that!" I whispered in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I did. I also heard him whisper something after you fell asleep." She meowed in a teasing manner.

"What did he whisper?" I asked.

"Tell him how you feel and he will tell you himself." Was all she said before padding off.

I raced after her. No matter what she would not tell me what Crag whispered. I was kind of mad at that. But she did just want Crag and me together. As we entered the cave, Lark and Pine instantly ran straight to Brook. I smiled at this. I turned to see Talon and Bird. I walked over to them and laid down next to the two elders. We soon started to talk. Talking to them helped me clear my mind. I found out that of Stoneteller dies without picking a successor, the tribe would have to leave the mountains. I got to admit that I would sad to see the tribe leave if that happened. I would be even more upset to see Crag leave. I guess I really am starting to have feelings for him. I laid there and talked till the border patrol came back. I sprang up when Crags border patrol came staggered in. Fear engulfed me. What happened to them?!

"What happened?" I demanded.

I bounded over to Dovewing. I knew there was fear in my eyes. Why wouldn't there be? My friends, Kin, and the tom that has my heart came in hurt!

"We went to help-" Crag began but Splash cut him off with a lash of her tail.

"Swoop is dead," Splash rasped. "An eagle took her while she was trying to save this cat." She glared at Foxleap. "He forced his way into the fight when he'd been told to stay out of it."

I let out a gasp of horror. More cats gathered around them, Stormfur and Brook in the lead. I was a little mad at Splash blaming Foxleap though. But the terror was too great to think of that.

"That's terrible!" Stormfur exclaimed.

Brook nodded, stroking her tail over Splash's shoulder.

"No cat has been taken by an eagle for many moons." Brook said.

"They have now!" Splash spat.

"I'd better report to Stoneteller," Crag muttered, bounding to the back of the cave.

I looked as Brooks kits came bounding towards the end of the cave towards their mother and father. I could tell they heard everything. I knew they were shaken up by the news. They stared up at Brook with wide frightened eyes.

"Will the big bird come and take us, too?" Lark whimpered.

"No," Brook said bending down and touched each of their noses in turn. "You're safe inside the cave." Brook said.

I looked over at Dovewing and Foxleap. They were standing close together so that theirs pelts brushed.

"We should have never have made the journey," Dovewing murmured, "Jayfeather won't tell us why we had to come, and now a cat is dead."

"I want to go home." Foxleap nodded.

Movement in the shadows of the cave caught my attention. I then spotted Stoneteller stalking toward us, with Crag at his shoulder. The old cat halted in front of the group, his amber eyes glaring with anger and hatred.

"No cat wanted you here," He snarled. "And now one of the tribe is dead because of you."

"You can't blame Foxleap!" Dovewing said stepping forward, her neck fur bristling with anger. "He was very brave."

"I don't blame Foxleap," Stoneteller rasped. "I blame all of you. If you had never come to the mountains, Swoop would still be alive."

I knew he was telling the truth. I snuck a glance at Crag. He was looking at me. I turned my gaze back to Dovewing. I stretched out my tail to touch Dovewing's shoulder.

"He's right," I murmured, "We'll leave as soon as we can. Stoneteller, we are sorrier then we can say."

As the old cat opened his jaws to reply, a muffled noise sounded behind us. I turned to see Jayfeather padding from the Cave of Pointed Stones. His blind blue eyes stared at Dovewing.

"It's my fault," He rasped. "I was the one who said we had to come. I will do what I have to and then we will leave."

Jayfeather then turned and confronted Stoneteller, telling him he had to choose a successor. But the Stoneteller refused saying that The Tribe of Endless Hunting had abandoned them. This caused a protest amongst the tribe. I looked among the Tribe cats. My gaze found Crag's. Before I knew what he was doing Crag walked up to me.

"Squirrely… I need to talk to you. In privet…" He whispered.

"Okay." I said following him to a corner of the cave.

He turned his gaze to me. I felt warmth engulf me.

"Look, Squirrelflight, I don't want you to leave! You mean everything to me. I love you…" He said.

I felt my heart pound. Crag loves me! All I wanted to do now was to purr like no tomorrow. I mean the cat I love, loves me back!

"I love you too…" I purred.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes…" I said licking his cheek.

He smiled brightly.

"Good," He meowed pressing his nose to mine, "Meet me here tonight." He said padding off.

I smiled as I walked over to Jayfeather and the others. It looked like I went unmissed. Soon the murmur went down. I could tell that the tribe cats were still uneasy. I was standing next to Dovewing and Foxleap. I knew that they just want to go home. I didn't. I wanted to stay with Crag. I wanted to have his kits. I wanted to grow old with him as my mate.

"I want to go home now." Dovewing said slapping her paw in the stone floor.

"So do I," Foxleap added.

"I know. I want to leave, too." I lied. "But we can't set off when night is falling. We'll go home tomorrow. Is that all right with you, Jayfeather? Will you have finished whatever you need to do here?" I asked.

Jayfeather nodded. "Yes, we can leave tomorrow."

But as soon as he said that, wind engulfed the cave. Every cat wailed. I felt a pelt brush mine. I looked to see Crag. He was making sure I wouldn't get hurt. How sweet! When the wind calmed down, I could see snow almost everywhere.

"Great Starclan!" I breathed.

"Oh no…" Brook said (who had her kits safely behind her). "It's a snow storm. One like this usually lasts a moon or two." Brook said looking at me.

I felt my heart warm up. That means I can stay with Crag a little bit longer. I mean no cat would travel in that snowstorm. I looked at Crag. He had that same look in his eyes that I'm sure mine did.

"That means we are stuck here!" Dovewing wailed.

"You and Foxleap should rest." I said.

I looked at Jayfeather. He was padded off towards the Cave of Pointed Stones. I then turned my gaze to Crag he was heading towards our meeting place. It's hidden from the cat's eye. I waited a few minutes then padded after him. Once I was in side he pressed his nose to my cheek. I smiled at this.

"I can't believe you get to stay longer!" Crag purred.

"I know." I said purring at the feeling of Crag licking my cheek.

"I think we should celebrate." He whispered into my ear.

I looked at him and nodded. And well, I think you know what happened next. We became mates.

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Me: Sorry if they said I love you too early! I know the snow storm wasn't in the book but this is a Fan fiction. That and I wanted to surprise you with something later on. To let that happen they have to stay in the mountains longer then two days. Well, I hope you liked it!

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Read And Review Please!

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