I'm sorry for not updating. I could list many excuses, but just ENJOY!
Idea submitted by: Everybody who wanted this.
Chapter 24: The Parents; Part 3
Toothless POV
"I'm going to find you! And when I do, you won't know what hit you!" I yelled. I was in the forest, stalking. I was in a position to pounce and my teeth were barred. I lowly growled. I saw movement. I picked up my pace and ran after it. I put my paw on top of what was making the movement. "Gotcha" I said. Under my paw I heard laughing. "You almost didn't catch me, daddy!" Nightsnow exclaimed climbing on my back. "Pshh.. No one can beat me" I said with amusement. "One day, I'm gonna be able to beat you, daddy!" Nightsnow said. "It's awesome having you as a dad!" Nightsnow said. "Well it's amazing having you as a son" I said. He gave me a big grin. I looked ahead going towards the cove. Snowflake said she would be there. I felt Nightsnow's small claws scrape on my back. I wasn't really bothered by them. He was laughing. I used my tail to grab his. I held him upside down. He laughed as I did. He was bearly a couple weeks old, he barely has grown.
"I'm going to hold on to you, I'm going to fly. Do you want me too?" I asked. He eagerly nodded. I retracted my teeth and held him in my mouth. I quickly started flying towards the cove. I landed and saw Snowflake there with two other Dragons. I put Nightsnow behind me. "Stay behind me" I said. He quietly nodded. I walked towards them. "Nightsky, well isn't this a surprise?" Whitely, Snowflake's mom asked unamused. "Why don't you ever leave me alone?" I asked. "Why do you always come?" Snoll, Snowflakes dad asked. "I always ask myself the same question" I said. "Mother, Father. I have someone else to introduce you too" Snowflake said. "Who would that be?" her dad asked. "Nightsky" Snowflake ushered. I glared at her parents. Then I looked behind and saw Nightsnow looking at me with big confused eyes. "Go on" I said. I smiled at Nightsnow to comfort him. He came into Snowflake's parents sight. They gasped.
Snowflake's dad fainted. I laughed. "Nightsky!" Snowflake said. "What? It was funny" I said. "Y-you t-too, m-mat-" I cut her mom off. "What'd you expect? She is my mate" I scoffed. Whitely turned her attention to Nightsnow. He was confused and he was glancing at all of them. Then Snowflake's dad woke up. He looked at me and bared his teeth. "I'm going to kill you!" he yelled. Nightsnow then got in front of Snowflake's dad and tried to growl.
"W-what?" Snoll asked confused. "You leave him alone!" Nightsnow said looking up at him. Snoll cleared his throat. I smirked. "Nightsnow" I called. He turned to me. "Get on my wings" I said. He did as I told him too. "Snowflake! How could you?!" her mom asked. I rolled my eyes.
"What?" Snowflake asked. "Why would you have an off-spring with him?" her dad asked.
"Many things happened that day. Most of them were pleasurable" I said smirking. They growled at me and Nightsnow popped up and growled back at them. Nightsnow's growl wasn't threatning, it was kind of adorable. But it did make Whitely and Snoll shut up.
"Why can't you just accept him, Mother?" Snowflake asked.
"I refuse to accept this vile thing!" her mom said. I opened my mouth and shut it.
"Nightsnow, things are going to get ugly. Do daddy a favor and cover your ears" I said. His small paws pushed his ears down and covered them.
"The only thing vile here, is your face! I don't know where Snowflake got her beauty from, because it sure isn't from either of you" I said. Then her father growled and snarled.
"Don't you even think about attacking me with Nightsnow near me, or I will rip you to shreds" I said.
"Why do we always make less progress each visit?" Snowflake asked. I shrugged and uncovered Nightsnow's ears.
"He's a Night Fury!" they exclaimed.
"And you're slow because you just figured that out" I said.
"If he had better manners, we would accept him" her mom said.
"If I had better manners, I wouldn't be a Night Fury" I replied.
"Watch that mouth of yours!" her dad said.
"Yeah, it opens and closes when I talk" I said rolling my eyes.
"See, this is his problem!" her mom said.
"The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem" I said.
"I'm getting tired of you" they said.
"I've BEEN tired of both of you!" I exclaimed.
"Why don't you like us?" her dad asked.
"Because you don't like me!" I defended.
"Only because your rude" her mom said.
"I'm rude because you don't like me" I said.
"First impressions matter" they said.
"I don't need to know 'first impressions. I naturally didn't like you" I said.
"See what I mean, Snowflake? How did you even meet?" Snoll asked.
"Father, we talked about this" Snowflake said.
"Snowflake, I thought we were going to spend the day together" I whined.
"We are together" she said innocently.
"Yes but they're also there, being irritating" I said.
"Why don't you stop whining?" Snoll asked.
"For the same reason you don't stop complaining" I replied.
"Hmp.." he replied.
"As long as we're together, right?" Snowflake asked. I nodded and nuzzled her. I made sure to purr extra loudly for her parents to hear.
"Can that please wait until you LEAVE?!" her dad asked.
"What so you think, Snowflake?!" I asked.
"I don't want to choose sides. I love all of you" Snowflake said.
"But she loves me more" I said.
"No! Mommy loves me more" Nightsnow said popping up and grinning.
"Oh yeah? Says who?" I asked teasing him. Nightsnow puffed out his chest.
"I do!" he said before jumping on my muzzled.
"I'd like to see you try!" I said playfully. I grabbed him with my teeth retracted and put him down in front of me.
"I could knock you down with my paw" I said. He jumped and started 'attacking'. I merely brushed him away. Then he hit my chest and I pretended to fall down.
"Ha! I got you" Nightsnow said. I smirked and got up. He landed on the ground jumping and licking his lips excitedly.
"Nobody can beat The Great Toothless The Night Fury!" I exclaimed.
"One day, The Great Nightsnow The Snight Fury, will beat you!" he said. I went and nuzzled him and Night Snow started making a high pitched purr.
"Awwww" Snowflake's mother cooed. I saw as all of them stared at me.
"I think I am willing to try to get along, for Nightsnow" Snoll said. Whitely agreed.
"I still don't like you" I said Unamused while Nightsnow climbed on my back.
"After seeing your soft side, nothing you say will make us upset" they said.
"Really...? Oh, in that case. I *loud birds start flying in that moment* with your daughter" I said with a smirk. Their eyes widened and they looked at me with open mouths.
That could've been anything. I'm supposed to keep this T-rated. Either way you readers can think whatever you want and you can insert which ever word(s).