Well shit. He drove of a fucking bridge. I look back, and see Steph frantically searching for something, unsuccessfully, might I add. I shove my way into the isle and sprint to her just as the bus enters the water. The force of hitting said water sends us flying over the seats towards the middle of the bus.
She can't swim. (Either that or she just obviously sucks at it.)
The bus, now fully submerged, is filling at light speed as I attach my hand to my best friend's forearm.
I assume someone opened the back emergency exit because the water is filling even faster now. Actually, it just so happens I'm not able to tread water any more because the bus is completely filled. I can't open my eyes underwater.
Steph can't swim. Fuck.
Still clawing her arm, I swim to the top of the bus and run my free hand along the ceiling of the bus for another emergency exit. When I find it, I realize I don't know how to open it. Shit.
I can feel Steph already growing limp beside me. Oh God, I'm running out of air too.
I pull, lift, then just push. Anything to open this goddamn door. My lungs burn; back stings; nose aches. I ram the shoulder with the free hand into the exit and, finally, it opens. I shove Steph in front of me, and after I'm through I start to pull us to the surface.
Air. I need air- we need air. No, why am I slowing down? Fuck. I can't die. Steph said she's not allowed to die- Sherlock's new season, Avengers 2, what were those other shows and movies? Can't remember, lack of oxygen interfering.
My grip on her is loosening. Shit. How deep is this fucking water? Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Come on, don't black out. No matter what, don't you dare black out. I stop moving- my muscles don't agree with me anymore.
Now I just float to the surface. We're just on our way up there. Sorry Steph.
I let go of her just as my body hits the surface, the air. The thing is, I don't know that O2 is available to me; all I know is that it's just so cold. So very damn cold. Where's my sweater?
Something warm wraps around me. I reach, cling to it. It's so damn warm- this thing, whatever it is.
I hear a noise. Is it talking to me? God, Jesus, is that you? Am I supposed to see the light even though my eyes are closed? Like those colors you see when your eyes are shut too tight?
Oh shit my back! Why does it hurt? Should I know why? Don't remember- I can't remember. Stupid lack of oxygen. I'm cold again. Ahh. Pressure on my chest. What is it? Oh good, its gon- never mind. Something warm on my mouth. It's traveling through it and into my lungs. What's it called again?
Air. It's freaking AIR.
I need that!
Coughing out water, my throat turns dry and I sit up. I rub my eyes, then slowly open them.
On my left, kneeling in the water is the kid who helped Senko. I know him, can't remember his name. Calm yourself. Just need some oxygen in that brain, that's all. Eric? No. Issac, that's his name. He's always looked like an Eric.
Did he just save my life?
Looking at him, I throw that question away immediately. 'Course he did, he's sitting right next to you- he's the only one near you.
"Issac?" My voice is raspy. How lovely.
"Humph?" His chocolate eyes poor into mine. I hate how he does that.
"Thanks." I nodded.
"No problem." He stands us and does his best to get the sand of his damp jeans. Once done, he extends his hand to me; I take it, letting him pull me up.
"I owe you.'
"No. You don't, it's the thought that counts." Hes funny if he thinks that smile will work on me this time.
"But still! Its going to bother me!" I tell him as I begin to copy his previous movements- who knew it'd be so hard brushing sand off wet clothes? He takes the liberty to brush some off my back. I flinched and quickly slap his hand away. "Don't!" I hissed at him.
He looks at me; an eyebrow raised. I sigh. "Steph's glasses found themselves inside my back. He made a noise, followed by a face and quickly apologizes. "How is she, Steph? Scratch that, how's everyone?"
He sighed. "Not everyone made it out, hell, we barely survived impact." He points around. "I counted 17."
I use my pointing finger and roughly count 20, including Issac and myself. I recounted, still 19. Someone doesn't know how to count.
Then he was like, "Yeah. We were going pretty fast."
"What happened?" He gives me a what-the-fuck look. "I was under the seat."
Not dropping the look, he says that after the psycho slammed on the breaks the last time, he went full speed onto a bridge only to realize there was a road block. Of course. When he realized he couldn't pass, he decided the most logical thing would be to drive off of said bridge. Then he punched the windshield into pieces (ow) and escaped.
Issac was then like, "I myself pushed Mrs. Senko out of the bus while it was in midair to save us from the trouble of maneuvering ourselves out when it was water-filled. I- I didn't know she couldn't swim.
"After realizing she was unconscious, I pulled her out of the water and attempted CPR. Then, I saw you; I saved you; I then repeated my CPR session." He says.
"Mrs. Senko's ashore? She didn't make it?" That makes 18.
His nod was solemn. I hope I didn't strike a nerve. "Yeah." Yep, a nerve was severed. It sucks to have such a guilty conscious.
I took the liberty to look around again. Some people were talking, others were just laying there. "Any idea where we are?"
"Naw, but Kim's working on that now."
"Where is she?"
His tan finger pointed to a figure farthest from the shore, almost at the entrance of the forest. I pointed to it and he nodded in confirmation. I took a couple steps towards her, only to be stopped by Issac grabbing my arm.
"Don't bother," he says; I raised my eyebrows at his nonchalant tone. "You've known her as long as I have.
No denying that- the more focused on something, the nicer she gets. Its her way of getting you to leave her alone. How nice.
I shrugged him off and head for my Asian companion. I forced myself to not examine my surroundings- it's the only sanity I have left.
Upon reaching her, I look down at her for several minutes. After hearing a snarly "What?" I sit down next to her.
Extending my legs out in front of me, I put all my weight onto my palms and straighten my back. After a quiet hiss, I throw my head back and sneak a glance at her.
Her long, silky (and I mean I'd just love to have it made into a shirt), midnight black hair fans out onto the sand and frames her long face. The eyes that're so dark pupils are nonexistent are fixated onto the small cellular device she's holding up in front of her. I reach out to grab said phone and examine it only to be slapped at with a "Bitch go away." Isn't she just the perfect kindergarten teacher?
Sighing, I raised an eyebrow and just look at her.
"Status report?" I finally say.
With a pout she goes, "The status can go fuck itself." I giggled instantaneously while she just sat up and threw her arms into the air with an exasperated sigh.
"What's wrong babe?"
"No battery." I remained silent and did my best to look understanding even though I knew my eyebrows are probably furrowed. "None of them have battery." She gestured to the mountain pile of phones on her right.
"Don't you charge your phone every night? Wait, does anyone have any rice?!"
I look around only to receive a plentiful amount of stares asking me if I was serious or not. Meanwhile, Kim just dies of laughter. Thinking she's been at it enough, I shoot daggers at her.
"Not funny," I say.
"Oh Yes. Yes it is." She told me after calming herself.
"Look at that," I pouted.
"I made you loose your focus."
She smiled, "Uh-huh. You sure did."
I throw my head back and look up into the sky. It's dark and cloudy. "It's going to rain," I tell her.
I see a hand in my face and take it. The speaker, Kim, says "We should find shelter."
"Civilization would be nice too," I added.
We spent the next 5 minutes gathering everyone up and preparing a plan.
"'Kay so we need a game plan," I say. Pointing to the forest opposite us the shore, I add, "Has anyone seen slash know of a forest around our east coast line?" No response. "'Kay, well. Um..." My gaze shifts to the sand and I begin to wring out the water from my hair.
"We should have a leader." I look up and notice Steph missing. Probably peeing. With a look to the left, I see the speaker, Issac, with a hand in the air for attention.
We'll do just fine without one.
"Good idea. But does everyone know everyone?" Sam pointed out.
"We can learn," Jenny states flatly. She pulled her glasses off her shirt collar and slid them onto her nose.
"Wouldn't that take long?" I turn to see Kevin. As much as I want to smile, I keep my face passive.
"We have time to kill," Jenny told him.
Seriously? I fought to stop a groan. If they wanted to waste precious time until death of dehydration, they can be my guest. It it comes down to it, I can convince Steph and Kim to sneak off. We'd probably live longer.
"Now wait." My eyes meet mossy ones. "Does everyone agree?" Sam asked.
My eyes widen. Did he just read my mind? His gaze locks onto mine, and I begin to panic inside. Nod if you can hear my thoughts. He doesn't move. I let out a breath, my thoughts are safe.
During my panic attack, everyone basically already accepted the idea. "Well that settles things," Mou says. "I nominate-" Sam slams his hand over Mou's big lips and mouth.
"Jo didn't say anything." All attention is immediately poured onto me. Thanks Sam. "Wa'cha think Jo?"
My face inflames instantly. What the hell? My opinion doesn't matter. I'm 1 person, what difference can I make? "I don't care." They'll think I'm stupid. Honestly, how can there not be a leader?
"Don't lie Jo," Issac warns, his gaze narrow. Fuck, he's known me too long. "You suck at it." That too.
"A leader," pause, "is overrated."
Issac cocks his head and furrows his eyebrows. Kim smiles and Sam's suppressing a chuckle. Contrasting, Jenny's daggers really could kill me.
"Why's that?" asks Kevin.
"Yeah, shouldn't it help with decision making?" I don't know this kid; I think he's a senior.
I clear my throat and use my feet to doodle in the sand. "We'll argue regardless if there's a leader or not.
"No one completely slash always agrees with someone else. It makes us unique individuals." I lock my gaze with Kim.
"Well, what do you propose then?" Jenny says.
"A republic."
"A democratic republic?"
"No, let's not reference America. Everyone would get a vote, like in a republic, and we'd count. Which ever has the most wins. No representatives needed." I looked around then. "Since there's an even number, I don't mind passing on the vote."
"Jo, 17's an odd number." Issac explains slowly.
I gawked at him. Of course 17 isn't even, 18 is. I then proceed to recount everyone. 17, including myself. I counted again, the same result- what?
Wait, Steph didn't come back from her supposed bathroom break... Am I sure she went pee?
I twirl around; move around; step in between people. Where's my best friend?
"What're you doing?" Zack's voice.
"Where's Steph?"
Issac breaks it. "She didn't make it."
I whip myself to face him. He's funny. "I took her to the surface. But I brought her to the freaking surface- where the air is!" I'm about to pull my hair out.
"She drowned- didn't get out fast enough. It's-"
"What about me?!" I screamed. "You brought me to land and not her! Why?" I whispered the last word.
He took a deep, steady breath, and was like "Because Jo, you're the one I saw first."
I processed this. "Where is she now?"
"I brought her to shore." Zack again. He pointed to the water's edge. Without thinking, I broke out into a full out sprint over towards her. My knees buried themselves in the sand as my eyes scanned her.
Touching her forehead, I flinched back quickly- she's just so damn cold. She's possibly the palest I've even seen a little black girl look, a little too serene for my taste (it doesn't look like her).
Hell no, Steph. You said, told me, you couldn't die until Sherlock, Dr. Who, Avengers 3, Iron Man 4, your British shows and the new movies! Shit. This isn't the first promise you've broken you know- you said we'd chill tomorrow.
I check her pulse. My hands are wrapping themselves around my roots as a tear sneaks out. More soon follow the wide open door. I feel an arm go around my shoulder.
I just loose it. I'll spare you the ugliness of this sob. To make it simple: it's too damn depressing and I'd rather not talk about it right now. All you need to know was that I cried for at least 20 minutes straight, no time to come back and take a breath. Issac held me until sometime in the middle Kim appeared and shoved him off me, now forced to share. I'm still sad. After calming myself, and after a couple minutes of just sitting there, I realized something.
Not everyone made it out of that water- she's not the only one lost.
I then proceeded to shake uncontrollably due to my freezing body temperature. I then cried again. Its not her turn anymore. I cried for Mrs. Senko, and everyone else that came to an unfortunate end.
"That asshole of a mother fucking buss driver," I whispered. "Did you see h8im Issac?"
"Naw, Jo, it's not worth it."
"Since when was I that kind of person?"
He chuckled and was like "Never- you don't have the balls to do it."
"Do I look like a man?"
"No, no you don't," Kim says.
"I hope not," I chuckled.
"Come on." Issac stood up; then pulled my up to my feet. He knows me the best (next to Steph); he's known me the longest.
Tearing my gaze off the ground, I see Kim's now standing in front of me.
"You ok?" he asked.
"Yeah babe, even though the baby is gone and was atheist, doesn't mean you should be. I mean you go this," She gestured to herself.
I chucked, and she smiles while linking our arms. "We should bury her."
So then we all get onto all fours and dig a grave in the sand. Let me just say I now love shovels. Moving on, after we placed her a couple feet under, we pushed all the sand on top of her. Issac said some words (his dad being a pastor and all also kind of helped) to help her soul. Once done, we found Mrs. Senko and did the same thing.
After all that business, Kim re-linked our arms and we headed for the rest of the kids. When we reached them, Jenny was the first to speak. "We talked it over, and your idea makes sense."
I just look at her. "Thanks. Um, ok. Well can I suggest what our first course of action is?" my voice almost nonexistent.
"Yes, you may."
"Well a human being can only survive 72 hours without water, don't ask how I know that, I just do. I'd assume we've been here for more or less half an hour."
"Right, plus the short bus ride and the time elapsed after you threw away the soda you most likely bought could most certainly add up to even an hour depending." Thanks for cutting me off Jenny.
"Precisely. Who knows how long it'll take to find water for that matter."
"So we should split into 2 teams. One to make camp, another to search for water," Zack suggests combing his fingers through his 'fro.
Then Kevin's like, "That sounds like a good idea."
If I was in the mood, I'd roll my eyes. "No, not really."
"And why not?" Zack crosses his arms over his chest.
I released an exasperated sigh, "Because, " I paused, "How do you expect team 2 to bring the water back to team 1? Ok, they can show them where it is, but what if they can't find it or don't remember. Team 1 could accidentally die." Zack pouts at his loss. "And anyway, like I said, who knows how long it could take."
"So what does Ms. Perfect suggest?" Jenny taunts. Why the hell does she sound so pissed off? She's such a child, "Ms. Perfect." Seriously?
"How 'bout we all go together?" Kim put her hand on my shoulder. I love this girl- she has the best timing.
"Why Kim, that's a perfect idea." Another attempted smile, but it comes out more authentic than the previous one.
Then she whispers so only I could hear, "Why thank you Jo, I am very delighted to receive a compliment from you," She bowed slightly.
Oh God. I put my hand over my mouth, she's just too much. I glance at Jenny discretely, and she's shooting daggers at me. Someone doesn't like me. Whatever. Kim smiles at lightening my mood.
"Yeah Kim, that sounds perfect." See, Sam heard my implied solution. I'm not that un-understandable.
Why sighing in defeated way, Jenny agrees and we do a vote. Group search it is.
Kim links her arm with mine and she pulls me towards the forest singing "We're off to see the Wizard" off key, at the top of her lungs. I smile softly, and yeah, its genuine.
"Can we stop to take a break?" Kim, Issac and I stop mid stride and turn around (we were at the front because everyone else was a pussy to go first in unknown land) to see Kevin struggling to catch his breath. Poor kid, we've been walking, hiking, for hours. He must've really needed a break for a while now.
"Who else wants a break?" Issac. 10 hands shot up into the air. Break it is.
"Guys, I don't think we should continue today. Its gotten dark, and the sky was extremely cloudy earlier," Kim says.
"Fine," Jenny breathed, "I'm fine with that."
"Should we make a fire?" Mou asks. Where is he? I hear some rustling to the left me, and turn to see him standing next to Issac. Mou's dark skin tone completely contrast with Issac's light tan one. How could I have not seen him?
"And how do you propose that?" Jenny's recovered. She must not go on walks often.
"With wood?" He raised an eyebrow, just asking her to enlighten him.
"How're you going to light it?"
He thought for a moment, accepting her challenge. After putting a finger on his chin, he spoke, "The friction of two rocks."
"Its not hot enough. You'd need a specific type of rock to do that. The name of it escapes me now, but I'm pretty damn sure I didn't see it on the way here."
"Well do you want to freeze to death?" An unknown voice.
"Nothing we can do about it." She crosses her arms. "We'll just have to huddle together for warmth and hope for the best."
"I'm fine with that." I jump. When did Sam appear behind me, I swear to God he was at the back of the group. Then again, my assumptions have been rather sucky lately. He chuckled then whispered to me,"Scared Jo? I can protect you."
"Where the hell did you come from?"
"My mother's womb."
"Real smart."
"I know right?" He chuckled. Because he's a good head taller than me, he has this ability to rest his head on my shoulder. My back is still to him.
"You have a big head." I shook him off.
"You like? I'm extremely proud of it- this head." I rolled my eyes.
I'm falling.
There's something wrapped around my arm. I look, and I see Steph, her hand is wrapped around my forearm.
I screamed- we were heading at an almost death defying speed towards the Earth. I look at her again for her reaction, and I see her say something, but I can't hear her.
We're only feet from the ground now, and I brace myself for death. This is it.
Only it isn't.
We dive face first into salt water. I somehow open my eyes and look around me. Everything's so blue. Its vast nothingness. Like what Nemo saw before he was kidnapped. Where's Steph? I don't see her- the nothingness is in the way. Did she abandon me?
I swim up to the surface, now low on air. I reach out, expecting my hand to hit air, but it doesn't- it meets glass.
I attempt to smash the glass. I thrash, push, then try punching it. All to no avail, even though I did my best to destroy it, nothing works.
I can't break it.
Air. I need that.
I wake up covered in sweat.
I hiss as I sit up. Damn back. I make a mental note to get someone to pull the glass out later; I don't want my skin to grow over it. I slowly open my eyes as I stand up.
We're surrounded.
My eyes grow wide; I'm speechless.
"I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes Jo," Kim whispers from behind me.
One of them yells at us- they saw us talking. I have know idea what language it is. One come us to Kim and I and separates us- he put his knife in between us and Kim immediately backs off, away from me. I hiss, that damn knife hit my wound.
I look at the man. He looks to be in his 30s, and he's maybe an inch taller shorter me. I'm 5'7. He looks to be wearing some type of Japanese feudal clothes that I've seen in my freshman year world history book. Imma say this now, I watched a lot of anime, this gibberish they're speaking, sounds nothing like Japanese. Either that or I just haven't watched enough. That being said, I'll go with the latter for simplicity.
How the hell could we have crossed the ocean to another continent on the other side of the freaking world? The man begins to look at me warily. Maybe he thinks I'm coming up with an escape plan. He's funny- I'm too much of a wuss for that (and I couldn't think of abandoning anyone for my selfishness, its just not me.)
I put my hands up to show peace. I'm guessing they've never seen the gesture and they start screaming at each other. I rapidly put my hands down and keep myself on my toes.
I whimper at the sudden movement- my wound, conveniently located on my upper back in between my shoulder blades, has now reopened. Beautiful. I can feel the blood slowly dripping down my back. Its sticky. Everyone's eyes are on me. Awesome.
"Kim," I say.
"Scratch at my back."
"Huh, Why?" The man warns us again, his knife pointed at me.
"You need to open my wound; get me bleeding."
"No! I-"
"They'll see the wound, and if they're human, they'll feel bad, see we mean no harm and help it-" The knife is swung at my face and I make a noise as it scrapes against my left cheek. I fall onto the ground after tripping over the rock and loosing mt balance.
"Jo!" Issac yelled.
"Do it." I mouthed to her.
She frowned. I know she wouldn't, it was worth a shot. I stretched my arm and touched my shoulder, then slid it under my shirt and picked at my skin until I felt enough blood flowing out.
I gasped, and instantly squeezed my eyes shut. I then stood up and reached my other hand through the bottom of my shirt and slid it up. I quickly tried to pull a piece of glass out. Once successful, I extended my hand with the glass towards them and opened said hand. With the other hand, I lifted up the back of my shit so my flesh was available to to wind's torture. I kept my eyes closed the whole time- I didn't want to see the blood.
I dared to open my eyes a sliver, and noticed everyone gawking at me as if I was an idiot. Hey, it wasn't as if I just made these wounds now!
I am not a masochist.
And I forgot to mention that this is my first fic, so yeah, all opinions are appreciated. Its not a cliff hanger! Yay! And bye! :)