... I still don't own Pokémon. Please stop rubbing it in.

Author's note: Okay, so recently I read a book about a polio survivor. And of course, my fangirl mind soon began to turn, and this was born. I may or not continue this, tell me if I should or not.

I woke up, and swung myself out of bed, feeling the phantom pains again. This was probably the most exciting moment of my life. Professor Juniper had sent us a present, and said that it contained the starters of Unova. The phantom pain was forgotten, and I hobbled over to my closet, and pulled out my clothes, shoes, and leg. I clicked the prosthetic into place, and in my rush I forgot to buckle the straps. I threw on my jacket, and changed out of my pajama bottoms into my ripped jeans. They were getting short; I would have to buy a new pair soon.

I ran down the stairs, and rushed into the kitchen. Mom laughed. "Touko, I swear you're a human bullet. Sit down and eat first." I grabbed a piece of toast, stuffed it into my mouth, and ran outside to the mailbox. I opened the little box and pulled out an enormous box wrapped in paper, with the words Happy Birthday written on it. I ran over to Bianca's house, and cupped my hands over my mouth.

"B! Come on, the package is here!" I hollered, and Bianca's dad glared at me from the kitchen window. Her curtains moved, and a couple of minutes later Bianca had run out, her hair messily combed.

"Are they really here?" She looked as excited as I was. I nodded, and the two of us ran to Cheren's house. When his mom opened the door, we shot up the stairs, just like we always did. He was in his room reading about the starters, as expected of him.

"Cheren! Stop reading, you nerd, and help us pick starters!" He looked up from his book, and gave us an exasperated glance.

"Something tells me you two are really excited. Touko, you haven't even bothered combing your hair, and I bet you didn't brush either. Bianca, the same goes for you too." I rolled my eyes.

"Lecture us later, when we actually have our Pokémon." I grabbed their hands, and dragged them back to my house. In my room, I tore open the box, wrapping paper flying everywhere as I clutched the three pokeballs triumphantly. "Yes!" I handed them the card inside. "This one's Snivy, this one's Tepig, and this one's Oshawott." I handed them the pictures.
"Aww, look at this one!" Bianca was pointing at the picture of Oshawott. "I want this one!" She pushed the button, and a little blue Pokémon popped out.

"Osha?" He looked at us, seemingly confused. Bianca squealed. "Aren't you adorable? Come here sweetie!" He looked at her for a moment, and hopped into her arms. "Osha." He looked pleased.

"I want Tepig. It has a type advantage over several of the gyms." Cheren picked up the pokeball, and released Tepig. He looked at us, and then at Cheren. "Tep." He hopped over to Cheren, and sat beside him.

"Would you look at that," I giggled. "Tepig knew who his owner was. I think he's smart. Perfect for you, Cheren." I picked up the last pokeball. "Perfect. I get Snivy." I released the Snivy, who took one look at us, and stuck her snout in the air. I laughed. "Don't you have an attitude? I think I'm going to call you Regal." She looked at me for a moment, and nodded.

Meanwhile, Oshawott and Tepig got into an argument, and Bianca clapped her hands. "I know! Let's have a Pokémon battle!" Regal gave us a look that basically said, "Heck, I'm too good to battle you."

I groaned. "Bianca, they're going to wreck my room." Bianca wasn't convinced. "They're still so little! They won't wreck the room!" I sighed, and shrugged. "Oh well. Let's get this over with."

"I'm going first. Tepig has an advantage over Regal," Cheren said, pushing his glasses up.

I shrugged. "They still don't know any moves that are of their type yet. But we can still battle." I looked at Regal, who was still acting like a snobby little princess. "Come on Re, let's do this!" Regal nodded curtly, and waited for a command. "Tackle!" Regal ran forward, and slammed into Tepig with a cry. Tepig got up shakily, and looked at Cheren. "Tail Whip." Tepig wagged his tail cutely, and Regal sniffed and lowered her gaurd.

"Leer!" Regal suddenly gave a glare that was extremly cold, and it looked rather comical on the little pokemon. Tepig giggled, a snorting sound. This severly annoyed Regal, who hissed.

"Tackle!" Tepig charged at Regal, who dodged. "You too, Regal!" I was bouncing up and down in excitment. She gave a battle cry and slammed into Tepig, knocking him over into a bedpost. "Tackle again!" Tepig shook himself and leaped after Regal, who was perched on the bed. Knocking her off, they both began exchanging blows.

One messy room later, Tepig slumped on the ground in defeat. "Good job Regal!" The tired snivy's once drooping tail lifted, and she hopped on my shoulder. "Yes! We won!" I began hopping up and down, hugging Regal.

Cheren nodded and Bianca stepped forward. "It's my turn now!"

I nodded. "I'm warning you, you're gonna lose to the awesome might that is Regal!" Cheren snorted. "Her kind is known for their arrogance. Please don't inflate her ego any further." I glared at him, and hugged Regal. "Face it, Regal is awesome."

By the end of this battle, which ended the same way as the battle with Cheren did, my room was a warzone. "Good job Regal! You won again!" I hopped up and down, holdin Regal by the hands and twirling her around. Suddenly, my left leg fell off, and I fell in a heap on the floor. Regal regarded my prosthetic with interest. "Touko, you seriously didn't even bother buckling the straps this morning, did you?" Cheren was using his lecture voice, and I braced myself.

I groaned, still in a heap on the floor. "Um, yes, I guess I did forget." I grabbed my leg and fastened it back in place.

"You guess you forgot?" Cheren sounded incredulous.

"Yes, now please stop the Mom act and help me up." I pulled myself up, which was rather hard as the prosthetic wasn't very good at bending.

"S-Speaking of your mom, isn't she going to be mad?" Bianca was nervously studying the damage down to my room.

I waved a hand. "I've done worse. Now then, let's go apologize, and then clean up my room." I marched downstairs, Regal perched on my shoulder.

"So you decided to have a battle in your room?" Mom raised her eyebrow at me. "Umm... yeah. We thought since they were little Pokémon, they wouldn't cause too much damage." Mom shook her head. "At least you didn't try to have a contest in your room again with Unfezant again..." Cheren looked at me like I had suddenly grown wings. Mom sighed, and smiled at me. "I'll clean it up for you guys, don't worry about it."

"But Mrs. White..." Bianca looked guilty. "Don't worry about it. You and Cheren can go and receive your Xtranscievers from your parents. Touko will stay here." Bianca cast me an apologetic look before leaving.

Mom turned to me, her eyes grim. Uh oh... "Touko honey, I thought you were old enough to realize that you can't have a Pokémon battle in your room." I sighed and hung my head. "I want you to be careful, okay? I mean, the world out there is dangerous, and you can't just recklessly charge into things like this, okay? I don't want to lose you." I nodded slowly. Mom had come so close to losing me once already, it would be cruel to make her go through that again.

I nodded again. "Mom, don't worry. Remember, I took martial arts as part of therapy. And I'll call every week, okay?" Mom smiled. "I guess you're right. Now go and show them what you got sweetie." She kissed my forehead. "And say thanks to Professor Juniper, okay?"

I grabbed my journal, and waved goodbye. I ran out the door and over to the lab.

Bianca and Cheren were already waiting for me at the lab, and Juniper was talking to them. "So I need you three to go on an adventure, have fun, and collect lots of information for the pokedex." Of course. Professor Juniper was always a conservative woman. Was there an easier way to collect pokedex information than by using children? It was a tried and true method used by all professors, and all current champions were all pokedex holders. She handed us all pokedexes. "I still need to teach you guys how to catch Pokémon!" She walked out to the neighboring route, and released her minccino.

"Now then, wild pokemon come out to challange trainers they wish to prove themselves to, and the ones who wish to come with you will come with you. The best way to do this is to weaken them and then catch them." Cheren raised his hand. "But the cath rate of the pokemon on this route and the next is 100%."

Professor Juniper seemed both pleased and annoyed. "Yes Cheren. But I need to teach you now instead of later." She cleared her throat. "So follow me into the grass please." She walked into the grass, and a patrat popped out. "Pound." Mincinno whacked the patrat, who responded with a tackle. Professor Juniper threw a pokeball at it. The pokeball shook several times, and then stilled. "And that is how you catch a Pokémon. Of course, it also helps to inflict a status problem on the Pokémon as well."

We nodded, and then started running. "Hey you three! You need pokeballs to catch Pokémon!" Professor Juniper called. She handed us five pokeballs each. "Now go have fun." I took mine, and placed them in my bag beside my journal. "Come on Re, let's get going!" Regal hissed happily.

So that's all! I may or not continue this, it all depends.