I'm sorry for the late update. Well I actually got views and reviews! Thank you so much!

Skipper Pov

"Where we going first?" May asked. "Lets go see Burt!" Private exclaimed. "Who's Burt? And don't say classified Skipper!" she said. "Relax May I wasn't going to say classified I was going to say he was an elefant" I replied unamused. "Where is his habbitat?" she asked. "Over here!" Rico said. "Rico wheres Kowalski?" I asked. "Whablagablawabl stay in HQ" he replied. "Hey is that Burt?" May asked. "Yes it is" Private replied. We walked in front of him. "Hey penguins who's the new girl?" Burt asked. "I'm May and you must be Burt! Nice to meet you!" she said. "Hello May do you like peanuts?" he asked. "I wish I could try one but I can't really chew it... Do you want a bag of peanuts?" she asked. Burt nodded. May grabbed a rock and threw it at a wagon it refected and went to the peanut machine. The machine shook and served the peanuts in the bag. May grabbed them and gave it to Burt. "Wow that was amazing! Thanks!" exclaimed Burk. "Your welcome it was nice meeting you! C'mon guys who's up next?" May asked. "Wow May how did you do that?" Private asked hoping the fence. "You know practice" she replied.

This female has perfect cordination! How does she know how to do that? "Um Skipper you okay? You've been kind of silent" May said. "I'm fine" I replied. "Really then if your fine how about you show me around" she said. "Very well then follow me" I said. She smiled and followed me. Rico and Private followed also. "Lets go visit the monkeys" I said. "Apes or monkeys?" she asked. "I don't know whats the difference?" I asked. "Apes look like monkeys but don't have tails" May replied. "I still don't get the difference" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Is that them? Oh c'mon!" she said pulling my flipper. May dragged me to Phill who was eating a banana. Phill made signals with his hands. "Hi nice to meet you too Phill!" May said. Phills friend came also. (I forgot his name) "You know what he's saying?" I asked. "Yes I do" she replied. "Oh Skipper who's your lady friend?" Phill's friend asked. I realized she was still holding my flipped. I coughed at May. She let go quickly. Phill made more sighns. "N-no he's not!" May shouted. Then Rico and Private came. "What we miss?" Private asked. Phill's friend laughed.

"What he say?" I asked. "Nothing! It was nice meeting you both so see you around the zoo" she said. She walked out and we followed her. "What happened Skippa?" Private asked. "I don't know" I replied. "What did he say May?" I asked. "Classified" she said. "What!?" I asked shocked. "You heard me its classified" May said. "Ohh burn" Rico said. I glared at him and he turned away. I crossed my flippers and kept walking. I stood silent when Private showed May the rino, flamingos, chamelons, the deadly frogs, and other animals. "Ohh who's in that area?" May asked. "Joey" Rico said. "Who's Joey?" May asked. "He's a dangerous kangaroo!" Private said. "I wanna meet him!" she said. "Are you sure he's not that kind around other animals" I said. "I don't care" she said jumping in his habbitat. We stood and watched the top. "Who dares tresspass Joey's terretory?!" Joey asked. "Hi!" May exclaimed. "Another penguin?" Joey asked. "Wow are you from Austrailia?" she asked. "Why yes I am" he said proundly. "How is it there it must be beautiful?" she said. "It is!" Joey exclaimed. "Kangaroo's must be very talented animals! Let me see you jump!" May said.

"I don't wanna brag-" Joey said. "Oh come on!" she said. Joey jumped as high as possible and May clapped for him. "I'm Joey and you can come by anytime!" he said. "Ok bye Joey I'm May and I'd be happy to!" she said jumping towards us. My eyes were wide and Rico and Private's mouth was wide open. "What!" she asked. "I can't believe it you are friends with Joey" I said. She giggled. "Is that a compliment or and insult?" she asked jokingly. "Yes I mean no! I mean its a compliment!" I said. She giggled again. "Ok next up is the lemurs" I said. "Lemurs? Oh they are really calm aminals aren't they?" she asked. "Ohh you'll find out" I said. "At least you didn't say classified" May said. "Skippa are you sure you wanna intuduce her to Julien?" Private asked. We came to the lemur habbitat and loud music was playing. "These are lemurs?" May asked. Julien saw her and smilied. "Ahh look a female has arrived!" Julien said. "Hey baby" Julien said putting his arm around May. I coughed. "Oh I'm sorry are you two-" Julien started. "NO!" we both said. "Ok then do you wanna be my queen?" Julien asked wiggling his eye brows. I slapped Private's eyes shut. "C'mon I'm King Julien wouldn't you like to be queen- uhh what is to be your name?" he asked.

"My name is May and I don't really see a future with us I hope you understand" May said. She quickly went over to us. "Skipper can we please leave!" May whispered. "I don't know we can stay for a while more can we?" I asked. "Skipper!" May pleaded. "Ok ok c'mon men lets move out!" I said. As we slid out of there Julien shouted "May you will be my Queen". "The last habbitat is Marlene the otter" Private said. "I hate otters!" May said. "That just made things a lot more amusing"

Yay I finished! Again sorry for the late update

Skipper: No one cares

Private: Skippa thats a bit rude no?

Me: Thank you Private and don't forget to-