Dead Memories
Swearing. Drinking. Name spoilers.
Violence. May be yaoi. ~Thoughts~ 'Speech.'
'Speaking at the same time.''Different language' 'memory/quote.'
Alternate Universe. Mafia/Yakuza/Triad. Prolly the only x-over of this
Fandom!I don`t own Death Note, or the Avengers…but I do own Kurama,
the plot and any other random you see lurking about.
Will remain T-rated until I feel like kicking it up a notch!
Lucien/Loki`s and Kolya/Kurama`s P.O.V
|Tobi: The only problem with internal fanfiction, is that it tends to STAY internal, also, the characters age, etc...there is also the real risk of forgetting major plot pieces...In my head
Loki and the gang are in their twenties in my head, while they are children bad.|
Chapter 2
Get your Gunn!
(Lucien/Loki`s P.O.V)
I glared up at the old man towering over me…he says his name is Rodger, according to a boy with green eyes, red hair and weird accent, (apparently it`s Italian) Rodger also hates kids and likes his bug collection. The old man stomped away. Been two weeks and he already hates us.
'Hey, you alright kid?' the red-head…Matt asked me, I nodded in reply.
'You got a name yet?' Matt asked again, pulling me up and leading me to find Mihael –no, he`s called Mello now-…weird…and Kolya…who hasn`t got a new name yet…we opened the big doors and walked down rows and rows of books to see Kolya and a another boy who looked like a snow wraith…a what?
'Hiya big brother! Look at my new friend! His name is Near, what`s your friend called?' Kol asked as Matt sat next to Near. Matt told him his name as I looked through books hoping to find a new name. ~Norse Mythology? What`s that? ~ I pulled a massive book out as Kolya did the same with another. It looked just as big as mine did, the title saying: Myths and Legends of Asia.
A few days later…
'My name will be…Loki…after the Norse God of Mischief, Wildfire and Chaos.' I smirked up at Mr Wammy –or was his name Watari? Kolya stepped up to him and gave a cold smile then he took my hand.
'I will be called Kurama…after the Japanese Demon Lord.' He proudly said, and Wammy wrote our names down and told us that those names will be our only names from now on…whoa! Matt, Near and big brother met us outside, and asked us what our names are now.
'I`m Loki, and he`s Kurama…' I smiled, Mello grinned and scooped us both up and walked off, Matt picking up our bags and Near showing us where to go.
(Kurama`s P.O.V)
It`s a bit weird, being called by a different name…I`m used to it now…um, Mello is holding me and Loki as usual…fuck, he`s strong. Okay, ages…Mello`s the oldest, cuz he`s 7, Matt`s 6 and Near, Loki and I are 5…awesome! The teachers say we are really advanced for our ages, ya surprised? We`re just too cool for school! And big brother Mello says we`ve been here for a year now…and we speak English almost-perfectly! Big brother Loki goes blue-face when he get`s embarrassed, the teachers freaked out, saying he had "poomoneyia" or sumfink like that. (1) it was really funny too!
A few hours later…
'hey, `Kura? Wanna pour water all over Substitute`s bed?' Loki asked as we walked back to our room that we shared with Mello. Substitute was this boy who liked to act big and pick on us when Mello wasn`t around, cuz last time brother kicked Substitute`s face in…it looked like fun, so now we`re learning to fight bullies.
'Water? Won`t that dry really quick, and not stink?' I said, Loki`s smile nearly took up all his face and he grabbed me arm and dragged me to Substitute`s room, I opened the door with his help…the room was empty, I ran in after Loki.
'Help me get on his bed!'
'Why? Tell me what we`re gonna do big brother!' I asked, giving him a boost up and was pulled up. Loki pulled the sheet back and tugged his trousers down and began pissing on the bed! I cackled and joined in, soon we had no pee left and after pulling our trousers back up, putting the quilt back, we jumped off the bed and shut the door and ran to the toilet to wash our hands and back to our room!
'hey Matt! Guess what-'
'-We did! You`ll love-'
'-Us for it, you really will!'
'What did you both do? Tell me cuz it looks like it was epic!' Matt put down his Game-boy and looked at us, I made sure the door was fully shut and after looking for spies.
'We pissed all over Substitute`s bed!' wecrowed and his jaw dropped.
'What?! Really? That`s kinda gross…' Matt stated.
'You did what?!' Mello shouted, scaring the crap outta us!
'We peed on his bed, cuz he`s a flipping bully!' Loki told them, I giggled as Matt laughed and high five-ed us both. Mello smiled and messed mine and Loki`s hair.
'Good boys…I`ll show you how to break somebody`s nose if you show me how to make people do what you want by looking at them.'
'I pity the poor souls who are unfortunate enough to cross your path of world domination.' Matt sighed, and walked off. Wait, who`s that?
'who`s that?' I asked, pointing at a tall boy with black hair, paper-white skin and black clothes, Mello and Loki shrugged, the tall boy looked at us and waved. Then he left the room, chasing a boy with brown hair in grey clothes.
'Cool! He`s got red eyes!' Loki grinned, Mello hummed and took us both by the hand and took us back to our room.
'Matt told me that, that boy`s called B…and he`s a bit mad…like the hatter.' He explained, pulling some books out of his bag and sat down on the floor. I shut the door and pulled some dolls out of my bag…I took them from the big play-room, and the doll I grabbed when we lived in Russia.
'Dolls? Really, Kura?' Loki looked at me as I brushed the doll`s white hair. I smiled.
'hey, this is a demon doll! Cuz she`s got yellow eyes like a wolf!' I said, showing them my china doll proudly, Mello held out his hand. I blinked, last time I gave him a doll he smashed it over our father`s head and shoved the pieces in his eyes…ugh.
'I promise I won`t destroy it, I wanna look at it.' He said, rolling his eyes at me.
'fine. If there`s so much as a crack, I`ll knock ya teeth out!' I threatened, Mello smiled proudly and took the doll off of me. I watched him examine it top-to-bottom.
'she`s a pretty doll, who did it belong to before?' he asked, after handing back my doll. I shrugged, feeling a little sad when I remembered whose it was.
'It was mama`s…you broke mine when you killed papa.' I said, holding the doll close to my chest, Mello gave me a sad smile and gently nipped my cheeks.
'ah…you should put mama`s doll somewhere safe, you don`t want somebody to break it…go find a safe place for her.' Mello advised, hugging me and Loki close and he let me go hide mama`s doll in mine and Loki`s room.
A few weeks later…
'hey, Kura? Get up! We`re gonna be late for science!' Loki yelled in my ear, I sat up and gave him most evil look I could. Loki just smirked, and handed me some clothes and shoved me to the bathroom.
'get ready, we have 20 minutes…'
'I`ll be ready in 5.' I said, slamming the door in his face.
Loki`s P.O.V:
Tch…was he having a really good dream or what? And can he hurry up?
'Loki! Help, I can`t get these on right.' Kurama yelled, so being the responsible twin, I had to go in there and help him put his jumper on the right way. I grinned, watching him struggle…I gotta help him now cuz he`s screaming his head off! A little while later, his head popped out of the right hole and he managed to get his clothes on properly afterwards. I dusted him off and stared at him.
'hello! You okay?' I asked, moving his golden hair from his face…Kurama nodded and grabbed my silvery blonde hair and pressed his forehead against mine.
'I thought I was gonna suffocate or sumthin`, it really scared me…' he mumbled, I sighed and pulled him into a hug. And rubbed my nose against his.
'and let me deal with all this shiz alone? You mad?' I stated, pulling his hair a little and let go in order to leave the room with him clinging to me. I don`t mind it if he wants to stay with me…it`s when he tells me that he was forced into a tiny cage, then I worry like crazy over him. Hmm…maybe a prank on somebody`ll cheer him up…
'let`s scare some people, okay?' that made him smile.
'now give us a kiss.' That got him to laugh and forget in favour of a hug instead.
'heh, people already look at us funny Loki! But we`re just too awesome for them to handle, yeah?' he grinned into my neck, I pulled him closer before letting go.
'I know right? But we gotta get to class.' I snickered when I heard him growling. We threw the door open and ran in, Kurama sat next to Near and I sat between Kurama and the brown haired boy who ran from B…he looked to be around 10 or 11-years-old and had these big brown eyes that kept flicking at his notes and then at the board, he was holding a pencil trying to doodle and take notes at the same time.
'Hi…I`m Loki…what`s your name?' I whispered, he turned to me and raised a eyebrow at me.
'My name`s A. it`s nice to meet you, Loki…is that the name of the Norse god of Mischief?' A asked, smiling a little. I nodded happily and pulled out my note books, pencil case and a folder out of my bag.
'that`s me! Kurama is named after the King of Demons…Kurama`s my twin brother. I think we only just managed to choose our own names though.' I mused, A chuckled at me, ruffling my hair, I just stared at him, confused.
'there will be NO SPEAKING in class! Understand?!' the teacher bellowed at us. A sighed and Kurama gave a feral snarl: scaring the crap out of the teacher, I laughed at the teacher`s reaction and how Kurama looked very proud of himself by scaring a adult.
'we do what we want! You, however, are here to teach us…however, you wasn`t teaching us, so we talked to each-other while we waited for you to show up, so there!' I smirked, A snickered and kept on writing. The day went by slowly, I found out a lot through A…he said that B is about 10-years-old, Rodger has an obsession with bugs and hates children, where the kitchen is and how to sweet-talk the cook into giving us treats –A said he learnt it off of B- and what to expect in school…he also told us what L–or Eru is the proper name, but Eru sounds even better!- does, and our purpose here.
'so…we`re gonna become Eru`s successors? Do we even have a choice? What if want to be a writer, then what? Do I have to rewrite my whole thought process? That doesn`t make sense!' I cried out in distress as we left the class, A crouched next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
'hey, Loki calm down…we are supposed to be like L, and I imagine that we do have a choice as to who we want to be…after all, we are Wammy Kids.' A told me.
'and as I am a Wammy Kid…I do what I want!Screw what the others think?' I tried, A beamed at me and then led me to our next class, teaching me a song of champions by some kind of Queen.
'ehehe! This is gonna be fun!' I giggled with (childish) glee.
Exactly one year and four months later…
Kurama`s P.O.V:
I wandered down the hall, a large file in my hands, we was using this in hopes of getting Loki and I out of trouble, I decided as I glanced at Loki who looked not even the slightest bit nervous at this whole situation.
'So…he should, in theory…be fine with this information given, and we get out of this with only a smack?' I whispered, Loki nodded in reply and gave me a small smile.
'If we do this right, we will only get an angry look…if worst comes to worst, cry.' He advised, I nodded, noting it all down in my DID take us three days to get the information needed, make the person who told us to not tell anybody else, -he got angry and tried to attack us, but B got involved and dragged him away laughing - and go to a few different people for more information.
'this whole situation got so far out of control, it wasn`t even fucking funny!' I grumbled, Loki snickered.
'Shut up, Ki.'
'Bite me, Kura...Ow! I didn't mean it, literally!'
'uh, Ki? Why are you in a skirt? Do boys wear skirts and dresses as well as girls?' I asked him...her? Loki shrugged and ran a hand through his/her hair, a grin plastered on their face like paint. A stack of files piled high in both of our arms.
'not a clue...but I might be a girl, big brother said I why the fuck not?' Loki smiled at me, and played with the hem of her? ...yeah, HER dress, I stopped to re-adjust the files whilst Loki put hers down and pulled up her socks.
'I`m gonna start wearing tights, socks are annoying as hell, they keep falling down.' She grumbled, I shrugged in response.
'According to Linda, they fall down can`t win.'
'Fo shizzle?'
'Ma nizzle beech...'
'Damn.' (2)
(Tobi: sorry for the lateness! *dodges harpoon* OI!)
Pneumonia...I couldn`t pronounce it either.
This is a dig at my ten year old self`s way of this day.. I haven`t the slightest clue why I used to do that.