Hi! I learned that I still have today to update, so yay!

Well, I guess I'm doing 5 signs per chapter then.

I would like to thank my reviewers, Spocko, elizapi, OnyxDay, ZeenoMCR, and Binary 9

I'll post the rest of the ideas you guys gave me as soon as I get back from vacation and have 15!

Disclaimer: do I look British do you? Because I'm not, and everyone knows only certain British people- such as BBC, for example- can own Doctor Who. So obviously, I don't own it!

Sixth Sign: You always bring a banana to a party., and when your friends ask why, you simply reply: "Always bring a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good." (from OnyxDay)

Seventh Sign: You claim that the word fantastic must always be said in a northern accent. (from elizapi)

Eighth Sign: You own a 20 foot long autumn-toned, striped scarf. (from elizapi)

Ninth Sign: You have 73 open browser tabs for all the different fanfiction stories you're reading/rereading, as well as 3 extra tabs for the BBC, wikipedia, and IMDB for random facts you discover that need to be verified canon. (from elizapi)

Tenth Sign: Whenever someone mentions "Mickey Mouse", you claim that Mickey is a tin dog, not a mouse. (from elizapi)

So, there it is! I shall never doubt the power of Doctor Who again. 5 reviews in a day!

*starts hyperventilating* I NEED A PAPER BAG! No, scratch that... I NEED A POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX! Preferably one that's deep blue and bigger on the inside...

Ok, well, send your ideas to me so I can update next week when I get back from California! Or, if you guys review enough, maybe I can update one more time before I go... :)