Purple Snowflakes
Aye carumba, I'm sorry it's been so long guys, but basically... I've been doing fuck all. Well, aside from hanging round with me amigos and t'boyfriend. But other than that. Fuck all. I do apologise. Enjoy.
Purple and black circles snow flaked on my arms. My blood poured on the floor, leaking out like spilt milk. I'm broken, like a spoilt child's toy. He forced himself into me, like a thief forces locks. He destroyed me until he was satisfied, and then left me, beaten, broken and bleeding heavily on the floor.
He saw Joe leave. He knew I wouldn't charge him. I knew he wouldn't forgive him for what he did to him in the pub. The only way to get to him, was to hurt me. So he did.
In and out, in and out, until it was over. Until there were deep crescent marks in my arms, seeping blood. Until there were pools of blood forming from between my legs, as I tried to crawl to the door. Until my gaunt, pale, almost already dead body, was racked with sobs, flecked with blood, tinged with bruises, and covered in cuts. I wanted to die. I needed to die.
My naked form, was torn to shreds. I was freezing. The blue, black and purple bruises that tarnished my skin, blended into the now ice blue hue, as my body temperature dropped rapidly in the icy cavern I called my room.
The door was locked from the outside, meaning I could never escape my frozen prison. When I was rescued, I found I had been in there just a few hours, but it felt like days, months, years.
There was scraping and hurried voices. Panicked voices. Trembling voices. Who they belonged to, I just couldn't think. I couldn't concentrate. The pain was all too much to concentrate on anything else. But then again, I am just a whore. This is how you're treated, once you fall from your graceful tree and into the whore's garden. I didn't expect to be treated any less than this. But I didn't expect for him to almost murder me.
I'd given up on the door. I just wanted to be warm. I crawled, dragging my legs behind me, to the edge of my bed, where I pulled the covers off and wrapped them around me as best I could. I noticed Joe's tie was under my bed. I don't remember how I got there, because I can't focus. I listen to myself wheeze, because it's the only thing I can actually hear, the blood pumping in my ears has blocked almost everything else out.
Things were becoming black, until the door was broken from it's hinges. I saw boots, many boots, but I didn't get to see who's they were. My eyes slipped shut and darkness held out her arms, wrapping me in her solid embrace.
I wasn't where I thought I would be when I awoke. I thought I would be dead, looking upon myself under a white sheet. No. I'm alive. Breath leaves and enters my body. My eyes flicker open to the low mumble of male voices. It's not bright and airy, I'm in no hospital. It's dim, just a few lights and it's close quarters.
"Jesus Christ, what did the guy do to her?" A voice scraped in the dim light. It began to dawn on me, that I must have been taken to the same guy as before.
I groaned, trying to get up, now fully aware of my surroundings, and the fact that I was still naked. Now that I had warmed, I looked lucky to be alive. The blues had turned to deep purples and blacks. My ribs felt like they were impaling me on every breath I took, and my head pounded like Hephaestus' anvil.
"You know, it is quite cold here... and I am naked."
Every man in the room, save Joe, blushed like nuns in a brothel. Said man casually brought over a blanket, as if things like this happened to him every day.
"You know where he went?"
"No Joe, I don't. All I know is, he beat the fuck out of me, and I ended up here. Now you all know what I am. I am a whore, my boss beats the shit out of me and the girls if we don't charge, if we're out late, if we get short changed. Stop helping me and let me die. It's the only way out."