A/N: If anyone reading this has read my stroies before, then you've probably heard of my Pokemon fanfic Sorta Human, Portly Pokemon. This story is kinda the same, but slightly different. Ok it's very different. Anyway, this story still has Aura, but in a very different situation living a very different life on a totally different universe. Everything here is different. From the way I've written it to the Genre. And I honestly like this story a lot more.

Fell free to review about anything you want. Tell me if you like it, tell me if you hate it, leave a long list of mistakes that I've made and point out all of my writing flaw or tell me what I excell at with my writing. I know that I can improve and do better, but not everyone can see those little mistakes that they make. I'm putting this story out there so that my readers can judge it and decide weather or not they actually like it.

So read on!

In the middle of some far away forest there lay nothing. Nothing lived, bred, or explored there except for the trees. In this strange place you would never see hide nor hair or any Pokemon or human. Not on the surface at least. If you went underground you would find a huge laboratory swarming with scientists working together to achieve one goal. To create a new breed of Pokemon.

A team of a hundred scientists lived down here. Every day they did nothing but study and manipulate the DNA of various Pokemon.

Now, they have began working on a project to see if one could cross breed a Pokemon, and so far, their research had supported that Pokemon can in fact breed with Pokemon of a different species in order to create an entirely new type of pokemon. So they decided to take their research a step further. They had gotten hold of a Pokemon egg and extracted DNA from every known Pokemon. One by one the DNA of one species was crossed with that of another. Slowly they made progress. Until finally there was one last set of genetics to add into the equation. And this last piece of the puzzle was being brought to the egg chamber by a young scientist named Alex.

Alex was walking down one of the many long narrow corridors that made up the maze that is the testing facility. Along the walls of thee wide hallways were tables, most of which were occupied by busy scientists who were picking at the DNA of various Pokemon.

He watched as many of his friends took apart and wrote notes on Skitty DNA when he failed to notice that he was starting to drift towards the other side of the hallway. He only became aware of this when he tripped over an unoccupied table. Him and the table fell, spilling their contents all over the floor.

Alex scrambled to find the valuable vial before the owner of the table showed up to give him a lecture on how him and his clumsiness can et everyone back a thousand years and that he could quickly be replaced by someone much more capable.

He eventually found two vials in a puddle of water next to a glass that was once occupied the table. He picked them both up to read the labels. =

"Damn it." He cursed under his breath, "The ink is smeared so I can't read them."

In the end he decided to pocket both vials and make a run for the Egg Room. After all, it was just a little extra Pokemon DNA.

Alex ran through the giant metal doorway and into the Egg Room that housed the soon-to-be-fertilized egg, where a cheerful, kind looking man with a big brown moustache was waiting for him.

"Hey Newbie! How my favorite ex-apprentice doing?" He said cheerfully.

"I'm… fine," a breathless Alex replied, "How… are you… Boss?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't need to call me "Boss" anymore. Your apprenticeship's over. Call me Rob."

Alex nodded.

"Enough with the small talk," a young, feminine voice said from behind Rob, "My master needs that vial. Do you have it?"

"I brought them all the way from the extraction room," Alex said. Removing the vials from his pocket and handing the to the apprentice.

"Them?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

"They gave me two. There was a miscount or something. We missed some random Pokemon on the list."

"Makes sense." She said before taking the vials and taking them to the head scientist.

"I noticed that the labels were smeared and your pants are torn," Rob said once the girl was out of earshot, "What happened?"

"I tripped and fell into a puddle of water," Alex replied.

"And they told you to bring both of those vials?"

"Yes. They told me to bring both. Do you not believe me?"

Rob shrugged, "Of coarse I do. It's just that I've seen the progress reports and there was never any mention of any missing DNA."

"It was a last minute discovery."

"It just doesn't make sense. Look Alex! Their going to fertilize the egg."

Everyone in that room watched as the final strands of DNA were added and the egg was fertilized and finally placed in an incubator where it would be kept warm and observed until it hatched.

"Now, who's going to volunteer to watch over the egg?" The head scientist asked.

Alex was the first to volunteer, not because he wanted to sit in a room for hours and watch an egg, but because he felt worried for some weird reason. Rob was the next to volunteer.

"I can't let you sit in a room all day board out your mind," He explained to Alex.

Last was the apprentice girl.

"It looks like I'll be working with you two," She said, "My name's Serena."

"Nice to see you again Serena," Alex greeted, "Where's your master?"

"He told me to take this one on my own. He says that I'm ready to work on something without him."

"Congrats! That's a big step for you," Rob aid enthusiastically.

"Yeah… I guess it is… Lets hurry and go to the observational chamber."

At the observational chamber they each got an assigned post and were given a big list of things to look out for and how to deal with them, like egg temperature, scanners, heart monitor, and tons more.

They stayed their for many months. Watching as it grew and listening to its first heartbeats. Everyday there was something new happening inside of the egg, until…

"Hey! Alex! Wake up!"

Something hit Alex on the head, waking him, "What is it Serena?"

"The egg's hatching you dolt!" she screamed.

Alex shot up and looked through the large glass window in the front of the room. She was right. In the side of the egg was a large crack that started from the very top of the egg down to about the center.

Alex ran out of the room and joined the throng of scientists that were gathered to watch the birth of what would possibly be the most powerful pokemon ever.

Soon more cracks joined the first. Eventually shards of egg shell flaked off the sides until it completely shattered. A loud cry filled the room.

"That's where my experiment went," Alex heard a man behind him whisper.

The head scientist, a tall, angry man with graying hair, looked at the result in disgust, "Who's responsible for this?"

Nobody said anything.

"Who did this!?" He screamed pointing at the creature on the table.

"It was me," Alex said.

"Why am I not surprised?" The man said approaching him, "The clumsy boy who messes up at least five experiments a day. I should have your head for this!"

The man reached up to slap him, but the sound of sliding doors interrupted him.

Everyone turned to see a man is a pristine white lab coat enter the room. His glasses were perched nicely on his slightly wrinkled face. His green eyes were wise and his thinning hair was completely grey.

"Boss!" The head scientist said, "The experiment failed. This little urchin somehow messed the whole thing up."

"Calm down Mr. Gray. This experiment isn't a total failure," The boss said.

"Not a total failure!? Look at it!" Mr. Gray exclaimed.

"I know that it looks a little different from what was expected, but that doesn't mean that it failed. No. Just look at it as a new opportunity. This thing may hold unimaginable power and in time it will show us what that power is. Until then we must contain it. I will design and build a ecosystem for it to live in while we observe it. We can't let anyone know anything this creature or it could cause an uproar and disturb it."

"What will we hold it in? What if it escapes and hurts someone?"

"Then we will make absolutely sure that it doesn't."

In the end the entire operation was renamed "Humanoid" and Serena, Rob and Alex joined the new team of scientist who were going to observe the growth and behavior of this strange new Pokemon.