A/N: Hello readers! I know I haven't been on for a while, but I had this situation with my friend and to make a long story short, I lost my temper and almost broke my hand on a pole and my wrist was swollen and bruised for several weeks.
I've also been avoiding this kid at school that asks every person they see out and I'm the new target. He has a really bad history and has gone after several of my friends. So I've been busy shaking him.
So now that's all out of the way
Read on!
John stared at the screen of the computer monitor as the sun set to mark the end of yet another day.
As the last of the daylight flickered out, Aura vanished underneath the thick leaves of the forest.
"She's no longer visible on the monitors," he reported.
"She tends to do that," Mr. Grey said peering over his shoulder at the darkening screens, "During the day she wanders around in the open where we can observe her, but when night falls, she hides in the trees so we can't watch her use her powers."
"How can she know we're watching her if she's never seen or heard of us?" Serena asked sarcastically from her desk.
"She uses her powers. She uses her ghost-type powers and watches us. Or she used to until we put in those rods."
"I still don't understand why the boss approved of the rods. It's not like anyone ventures this far out into the woods."
"It was because of the sightings," Mr. Grey told her.
John was curious, "What sightings?"
Mr. Grey laughed and placed his thin hand on Johns shoulders.
"How could you have not heard of the sightings?" Mr. Grey asked him.
"Because he doesn't listen to silly rumors," Serena commented.
Mr. Grey ignored her and continued.
"About eleven years ago, many people in the nearby town had reported of a creature that looks human, but has the powers of Pokemon. It only ever came at night when the town was sleeping. But one night a little girl peering through her window saw something strange. A figure that looked to be human, but it's body seemed to pulse with a yellow glow. Of course nobody believed her, saying that it was nothing but dream or a trick of the light. But then a man told of a young girl with purple hair sitting on the railings of the sea's overlook. Worried that she might fall, he called out a warning and started to run towards her. She gave no response. Half-way there, he tried again. Without saying anything she turned to look at the man and, startled, he stopped dead in his tracks. In the lamplight he could see her skin was blue as the ocean, and her black eyes contained no whites. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but instead came a barrage of bubbles. When he could finally see again, she was gone. Over the next couple of years there were more and more reports. Each one of this strange Human-Pokemon. We even got a couple of visits, but none of us ever saw her."
"Then how do you know she was here?" John asked.
"It's because she was taking things," Mr. Grey said quietly, "One of the things was my old dictionary. It was brown with gold letterings on the cover and spine. Of course they don't believe me," he gestured towards Serena and Alex.
"That's because we aren't completely insane," Serena said her voice slowly rising with each word she spoke.
"Of course you're not. You're just completely ignorant, that's all," Mr. Grey said calmly, not even looking at her.
"IGNORANT!" Serena screamed, slamming her clipboard on the table.
Mr. Grey turned to Serena and began to slowly advance on her, "That's right, your nothing but an ignorant child who can't even look past her petty emotions long enough to see that this 'girl' you care so much for is actually a hideous monster!"
"So says the old nut who thinks we should keep a perfectly harmless girl in a cage all her life!"
Alex looked up at John from his desk. He was fearfully watching as Alex's comrades went at each other's throats.
John's gaze flickered to Alex, who motioned to the door with his head. A child had no need to bear witness to what was unfolding.
John nodded and pocketed a flashlight before heading for the door. The harsh words and terrible name calling became nothing but indistinguishable noise as the door slammed closed behind him. And he listened as the muffled screams of his superiors slowly diminished as he made his way towards the giant glass dome.
A/N: These last couple of chapters have been kinda short. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon and it will be longer. If you want an idea of what it's going to be like, you can check out the very last chapter of my soon-to-be-deleted story Sorta Human, Partly Pokémon.
So, leave a review on what you liked or didn't like about my story so far, or tell a story about a radioactive squirrel you found in your backyard. Then go and call a vet to help that poor squirrel.