This idea has been goes though my head for a very long time and I have finally decided to get it out of my head and onto paper. I really love to read what you think of my stories so please remember to leave reviews, I really do love reviews.

Warning: spoilers.

Rated T for langue, violence, and sexual references.

Disclaimer: Bioware owns the game. I own the story.

It stated with a simple cold; a small cough; a tiny fever. No one could possible expected how horrifyingly awful it ended up being. But sometimes the most horrible things come in small packages.

"Alright everyone you heard the dwarf, we have to go to lowtown and look for the crazy elf who is selling the Arishok exploding powder. I can't wait to meet her," said Hawke. They had just gone on a wild goose chase for Javaris which turned out to be a complete waste of time and now they have to find that crazy blasted elf.

"She sounds almost as crazy as you Hawke, maybe crazier," joked Varric. "You two should get along nicely, maybe she could join the group."

"No one is as crazy as me Varric, you should know that, and I already have enough insane people following me into hell, there is just no more room in this marry band of misfits." Hawke smiled sweetly at her short dwarfen friend, who was now chuckling softly. They began to walk down the winding mountain path to head to lowtown. As they were walking, Hawke felt her throat burning as if on fire and began to cough uncontrollability and violently. Her traveling companions stopped and turned to face their coughing leader.

"Hawke are you alright?" Asked a clearly concerned Fenris. Ever since their first night together when Fenris had left her still naked in the bed they had just shared, Fenris and Hawke had not talked much aside from their reading classes. However, they both still cared deeply for each other, but both unsure of what to do about it.

Hawke's coughing ceased and she inhaled deeply through her mouth and then turned to see the deep, overwhelming worry that resided in Fenris's beautiful emerald green eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little cough."

That's how it all started, just a little cough.

Hey guys, sorry this is so short. I promise longer chapters are coming. I hope you all enjoyed the start to the story. Remember to review!

Love you all,
