I won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough

She'd been told to run, get to the top of the boat, follow everyone else and run, he was meant to look after her he was meant to keep her safe, yet here he was telling her to go on alone, even after her father had jumped and her mother had gotten on the lifeboat (she'd refused, insisted on staying with him) but he was telling her to go and she wouldn't leave him, not now, not ever.
So she'd begged and begged him to come with her and the water was pooling around them and she begged, and he still said no just run just go and he gave her his ring and his bracelet and his jacket and told her to run, so she hugged him with tears in her eyes…and she went.

She ran up the boat, tears falling from her eyes and she could still see him, his blue eyes like hers once full of life and she ran, screamed as a young woman fell past her, sliding down on her back, dodged a shoe and got to the top, she held onto the bar and she thought that maybe she was safe.
but safety lies with family, and she had none left.

The boat tipped and she could feel her grip slipping, holding on next to her was a man, he looked at her and smiled(though it was oh so fake) and told her it'd be o k to just hold on, and the boat tipped even more an people were screaming louder and some were crying and there was a child on his own and he was going to fall and she didn't do anything and she heard him scream as he fell and she could smell her brothers aftershave and she didn't do anything.
her shoes were gone and her feet were cold and she felt oh so selfish.

The water was freezing and she was being shoved an pushed and the she saw it, floating gliding sinking, she swam (though her muscles were freezing) and she got to it and it was him and she screamed and sobbed and held his hand and it was cold and so was she and she didn't know what to do, so she gripped him and didn't let go an she closed her eyes and sobbed into him.
and everyone ignored her because she didn't deserve help, she'd let two people die

she dreamed of paradise
every time she closed her eyes

A/N: hope you like it, see it how you wish, reviews welcome.