
Momo's point of view

It has been about a month since I found shiro-chan in the woods. He's in a coma and he won't wake up no matter what Unohana-taicho does. Plus he is hooked up to a machine from the world of the living because he can't breathe by himself anymore, as if he gave up. I wish he would wake up. I want to see those beautiful turquoise eyes.

I'm in my office doing "paperwork" when I look out the window. It's snowing. 'Shiro-chan would love to see this. Winter is his favorite season.' I stand up and move away from my desk and reach for my scarf. I head outside when it's around my neck and I literally bounce off of Matsumoto-san. I get up from the ground and brush myself off when she gives me a bear hug and I find myself suffocating. "OH HINA-CHAN IT'S SO AMAZING! TAICHO IS SHOWING IMPROVEMENT! THEY TOOK HIM OFF THE RESPERATOR!" She releases me and I can breathe again. Then what she just said sinks in.

"Is he awake?!" I ask. But I know the answer when her smile disappears from her face and she lowers her head to avoid eye contact. "Oh, ok. I was just going to visit him and replace the lilies and daffodils on his nightstand, would you like to come with?" She shakes her head no. "That's ok matsumoto-san you don't have to if you don't want to."

At that she smiles and she shunpos away. I walk to the fourth division until I get knocked down once again. I expect to see matsumoto but instead it's a girl with hair the color of honey, orange, brown and blond all mixed into one. It is cut below her chin but above her shoulders and a few locks of hair hang in front of her glasses even though she wears a thin, purple headband. Almost like a girl version of…

"Oh! Hinamori-fukutaicho! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into—" she starts to cough violently and she put her hand to her mouth. After about five seconds she takes it from he mouth and her eyes, which are the same color as her hair, look in horror at the blood dripping onto her hand from her mouth. She starts to cough again when I put her arm around my shoulder and my other hand on the other shoulder. She looks at me with surprise and I smile down at her. I shunpo to Unohana-taicho's office and let go of the girl seeing if she could stand. She stays standing but she has her shoulders hunched and she keeps her hand to her mouth. Her eyes distract me for a moment. Her eyes have so much fear, loneliness and hatred in them it sends a shiver down my spin.

"Unohana-taicho, I'm sorry to intrude but I bumped into this girl on the here and she started to cough. So I thought I would bring her here to get some help. I came here to check on hitsugaya-kun so I was heading here anyway." Unohana looked at the girl and the girl looked at the taicho with so much fear it hurt me to look at her eyes. The girl collapses onto her side and her coughing turns to hacking and spitting blood about five inches away from her face. She looked horrified for a moment and went back to hacking. Unohana stood up and went over to the girl and knelt down. She started to use kido when the girl stands up and walks away coughing a little less violently but still coughing. "Wait! Lay down so the taicho can heal you! You could have some sort of infection or something! Please-!" Before I could finish she dropped to the floor and lay there with her eyes open in horror and her breathing very shallow. I look over at unohana and she has her hand up. "You used kido to knock her out…"

"Yes. She's always been very stubborn about everything. She always rejects having kido to heal her because she insists that he cough is nothing. She fools no one but they choose to leave her alone because they fear and hate her."

"Why do people hate her? She seems like a good person and she doesn't look threatening."

"Well… it's very complicated. You noticed her appearance yes?" I nod yes and look at her again. Her hair is even wavy like his. But there are purple bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept well. There are such small differences that seem so gigantic that she also looks nothing like him. "Well the truth is… she is Aizen Sosuke's daughter. She changed her last name though so she would have no name connection with him. Her name now is Kimiko Watanabe." This came as such a shock that I actually stop breathing and look at Kimiko for a moment as if to confirm what I just heard. "Yes it is very hard to believe but it's true. She is Aizen's daughter. You can even ask the person who raised her. Captain commander Yamamoto himself raised her as if she were his own. He adopted her as his granddaughter. He cares so deeply for her that he sends her here to me personally for a check up. She has gotten better and worse at the same time. Physically, she is as fit as Ichigo Kurosaki, but spiritually, she is getting to the point where she is considering suicide. She wishes to ride herself of her zanpakuto. She has so far been stopped about thirteen times from killing herself. She often says up at night crying and wailing because she suffers from the mental pain." Unohana pauses and turns toward the window. "Yet, when she is with the Captain commander, she is as happy as a cat with a catnip toy. She's so happy that she sings and dances out of joy when she comes here from his office. Then when she goes home she is so sad and tired that it is painful to watch. She hates the fact that she is Aizen's daughter. She hates it so much that if you even think his name she will break your right arm and left leg so you can't use a weapon of any kind to defend yourself. It's all I can do to knock her out and hope that she waked in a better mood." The taicho looks sad for the fragile girl on the ground. Unohana walks over to Kimiko and lays a hand on her eyes so as to close them. Then she calls Hanataro and Isane to put Kimiko in a private room and to give her medicine for her cough.

"Well, I should go visit Shiro-chan now. After that I think I'll visit Kimiko-san to check on her and then I'll be on my way." The taicho nods and I walk out of her office. I go to Toshiro's room and find him in the same state that I left him. Sleeping. He looked peaceful and serious at the same time. Like always. I walk over, sit in my chair and I take out my sketchbook. I flip to the picture I drew of him when he was awake; a month before he went into his coma. I look at the picture of him and sigh. In the picture his face was like the sun, bright and sunny. His eyes warm and inviting. His mouth forming a smile and his hair looked as if it was moving, at the mercy of the breeze that moved it back in the picture. I sigh again, because when I drew this picture, I was inspired by him on a rooftop looking at the sun set. "Why can't you wake up Shiro-chan? I miss you so much. I cry myself to sleep when I go to bed… I miss your hands on my shoulder when you would comfort me. I miss the way your eyes softened when you looked at me… it breaks my heart that I didn't tell you how I felt… how I still feel about you. Now that I am being made a captain, I could probably confess to you when you wake up. Since we would both be captains we could have a relationship. Wouldn't that be great?…" Tears starting to form in my eyes I look at the boy on the bed and think for a moment that it can't possibly be the boy I grew up with. He was going to be sent to granny in a few weeks because she and I requested that he be brought to the place he felt the safest. "Oh shiro-chan… I miss you. I… I love you…" And with that I burst into tears. I bent over and buried my face in his hospital robes and sobbed. I feel his heart beating against my face; his breathing is long and deep. It is true. They took him off the respirator. He was breathing on his own now. I'm so relieved that I don't even notice someone behind me. By the time I stop crying the person who was watching me is gone. I wonder who it is but then it hits me… it was her. I put new flowers on Toshiro's nightstand and walk toward the door. I look back, hoping for some reason that her would be awake and I could fly into his arms, but all I see is a boy with silver hair lying in a hospital bed with the setting sun in his window. I walk out of the room and leave my little love in his bed, the beautiful sunset in his window.