Good Day! It's been quite some time since I've been on this ole' website, and about seven years- seven years- since I've looked at or edited this story, really any story of mine on here. With everything going on in the world right now, I- like many of you I'm sure- have been confined to my house, and it surely got me thinking. I decided to log back on here after so long out of curiosity, and I'm just so astounded (and a bit embarrassed, if I must say- these are so poorly written it's almost comical) that people are still reading my things. I've gotten messages this year (seven years later! What!) asking if I plan on continuing this, and I can't help but think, why the fuck should I not?
I guess I'm posting this "check-in" chapter, if you will, for one main reason. I'm curious to see if anyone will get a notification that it has been updated, and come to check it out, or at least come say hello! If I get any reviews or messages expressing interest in the continuation of this particular story (or any of my other ones for that matter, why not), I plan on fully revising and reuploading the piece, and continuing it from where I left off. So I guess you could say, this is a comeback in a sort of weird, out of the blue way. But that's right, if you guys want it, I will completely rewrite, revise and reupload this story, or any of my others.
To put things in perspective, I began posting stories to this site when I was thirteen, and continued writing until I was about fifteen. I am twenty two now, and almost done with my pursuit of a creative writing degree. So, needless to say… re-reading all of these things from my teenage years is extremely hard for me, not to mention cringe. I think I've come a long way since I dropped off the face of planet Fanfiction, and I'd like to know if anyone is up for a full redo of my work, starting with this dark and morbid tale. I've grown so much, and I fully thank websites like this for helping me realize that writing was something I wanted to pursue. I truly think, especially now that I'm an actual adult, that I can crank out some mean chapters for this thing, so do let it be known if you'd like that as well!
If no one responds, or only a few people pop by, I guess I'd just like to thank everyone who supported me when I was younger. Again, I'm looking at this profile for the first time in seven years, so I'm getting a bit nostalgic and probably a bit carried away as well, so I'll wrap it up for now. But I'm going to revamp my profile, and wait to see what unfolds here. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon!
TLDR: what's up guys I've resurrected myself from my seven year grave and hope someone will realize I'm back! If you'd like to see this story, or any of my other stories, completely rewritten, revised, reuploaded and continued, shoot me a message or drop a review. I'll be on the lookout, and hopefully we can get this thing going again!
Wolfie (or I guess now, just call me Ghoul since I changed my username!)