I do not own Harry Potter
Dad and I were doing the dishes after breakfast when Mum went to answer the doorbell. We could hear her talking to someone but didn't pay any notice until she called us to the parlor where she was sitting with a black haired, green eyed boy. She waved us over and gestured for us to have a seat.
"Would you like some tea or cookies Hadrian?" Mum asked the boy
The boy-Hadrian-declined, "No thank you Ma'am"
"Are you one of Hermione's friends?" my dad asked hopefully looking between us.
I scrutinize the boy not recognizing him. I sigh, Mum and Dad knew I didn't have any friends, why would they ask that?
"No we never met, but I do want to talk to her… well all of you in fact."
Mum and Dad looked at each other confused. What possibly could this little boy have to say to them?
"Alright… what do you have to talk about?" asked Mum
"First, I want to ask, has anything strange happened around you when you were angry or upset Hermione?"
All three of us stiffen. I can tell that Mum and Dad are thinking of the time when my ex-best friend Lizzy Strout had her hair turned electric blue after I heard her boasting when a group of girls about having me do all her homework for her. What they didn't know was that wasn't the only incident. Books that were too high on the shelf floated down when I wanted them too. And a small globe of light would appear whenever they would make me shut off my lights and go to sleep. I even set fire to a book (to my everlasting horror) in frustration when I couldn't find why strange things happened around me.
"Yeah, I have" I speak for the first time. I know that Mum and Dad are going to deny it; they don't like it when the 'strangeness' happens.
I was then informed that I was a witch (which I found highly offensive until he explained it) and more specifically a muggle-born. I was then told that there is no explanation on why I have magic but that my magic was considered 'clean' and 'fresh' that could strengthen another's' family's line magic (this explanation went right over my head).
"Your wrong," Dad yells jumping up, "my daughter can't have m-m-magic. She's just a normal girl, not some sort of devil spawn. She is a good Catholic girl and will not participate in any witchcraft!"
Hadrian frowns and I can just barely hear "religious types… difficult". He finally looks up and responds, "Mr. Granger, I understand that this can be hard to hear, but magic has been around since the beginning of time. It is a natural part of life that most mundane humans don't know about because the wizarding world has unanimously decided to live in hiding."
Dad looked like he was going to start yelling again but Hadrian cut him off "Now before making any hasty decisions, why don't you come and take a look at the school." Dad looked like he was going to refuse but Hadrian was able to persuade him.
Hadrian pulled a beautifully carved combed and asked us to touch it. Mum hesitated but placed a delicate finger on the comb before we were whisked away and landed in a heap.
"Welcome to Lyrael" announces Hadrian.
Looking around we saw that we were in a stone courtyard. In front of us, steps led up to a dais and beyond that, stone buildings. It had an almost, unworldly appearance with graceful curves and blue shingled roofs.
"Follow me please"
We were lead through winding corridors full of mosaics, tapestries, and intricate carvings. Every so often Hadrian would point to a particular piece of work and give its history. He led us to classrooms, the dorm rooms, great hall, ballroom, and other places. When we reached the library, he gave us a mischievous grin and explained that the school boasts the largest and most comprehensive collection in known history, larger than even the not-so-lost Library of Alexandria. He kept on shooting me knowing looks not that I noticed it much; I couldn't wait to get my hands on all those dusty tomes.
After assurances that I was not a freak and that the school was perfectly safe, my parents gave consent to study the magical arts at Lyrael.
Hadrian was kind enough to drop us off back home, and after giving us my school list and explaining how to get to the Leaky Cauldron he left.
We sat in silence for a few minutes before my parents rose from their stupor. "Well Jean, it seems like our Hermione is more special than we previously thought."
"Yes Jim, it's good that she will now be trained to control her powers. I mean, it was pretty hard trying to figure out what she could and could not do. This would be good for the family business."
What most people didn't realize is that the Granger family had a black secret. Something that if those bimbos like Lizzy Strout or pompous teachers had known they would never pick on Hermione Granger. They didn't know that the Dentistry practice her parents owned was just a front for something more sinister. That their respectable careers weren't so respectable. That maybe, just maybe, Hermione could slip her seven inch knife in your ribs if you fuck with her because Hermione Granger is not a nice girl. She is not a goody-two-shoes who always follows the rules. She is not teacher's pet. She is the daughter of London's criminal underground dynamic duo- Black Gun and Red Rose. Just wait Wizarding World, Hermione Granger is going to blow your minds.
Recommended Reading: Read WhiteWave14's stories like like Whitewave and Victory Day
I'm sorry for not updating for a while. Almost 8 months. My grade kind of dropped and I had to spend a lot more time focusing on school work. My grades still aren't were I want them to be so I'll be working on that. You don't know how hard it was to push this chapter out. I was doing good until I got to Lyrael and then I got stuck. Half of this story was written sometime in August but I couldn't move forward after that. Hopefully I can keep on writing.
I am not abandoning this story and I do have a sense of where this is going so don't worry. I will update...eventually.
Thanks for reading