AN: This is not a story I guarantee I will continue. I may add more at a later time, I have some other ideas. but instead this "story" will be a collection of partial stories. I am willing to let anyone else continue writing them on the condition they are kept at T or below, no slash, no lemons, no self-inserts. Keep it canon-ish, at least . And I am sent a link so I can read it too. I'd be willing to beta anyone who wants to continue one of my ideas. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I only have one B anywhere in my legal name, therefore I could not possibly be the BBC. I own nothing of value. I am merely creating a plethora of "what-ifs" in a world of could becomes.
- - - - -24 Hours 1 Minute - - - - -
Summary: Rose Tyler and the Human-Time Lord Metacrisis Doctor have been left in Norway with Jackie Tyler, and must now begin figuring out how to continue a journey they didn't realize they'd started. This will definitely have a sequel. Coming soon.
23 hours and 58 minutes. That's how long it had been since he had said those three words. The words he had wanted to say since Utah. The words he had come so close to saying the first time she stood on that beach. They sat in the zeppelin, slowly making their way back to the capital city of the People's Republic of Great Britain. Now that would be difficult to relearn.
She had tear tracks dried across her face. His hand gripped in the bone-breaking vice of her fingers.
"Please, believe me, I really am him, same everything except the internal biology, and those last few minutes between the aborted regeneration and, well everything after that.'
"I know, and I love you, and all this is more wonderful than I could have ever asked for."
"But?" "But he's still out there, alone. If I'm with you, it means he doesn't have me. How can I be happy here with you, when I know he's out there alone?"
He had no response to the pleading look in her eyes. It was true, he knew what have to happen to protect Donna from the Time Lord consciousness in her head, and he honestly did not know how his fully Time Lord self would cope after willfully giving Rose up, and having Donna torn away at the same time.
He knew theoretically, something would change for the Time Lord, that apparently he would move on, if River Song spoke the truth. And with the knowledge she had, how could she not?
At 24 hours and 1 minute after those beautiful words were said, and a true kiss shared, a far away look came over her face. Then it changed. A look not expected considering her previous temperament. From across the way where she sat, her mother smiled, knowing her only daughter's heart was not breaking any more, and perhaps, she would even mend, piece it back together. He no longer had two hearts; he would have to keep her close, for now she was his second heart. He looked warily at the woman so loved by the one he loved; grateful that she was sitting out of slapping (and hearing) range.
His gaze returned to the one on whom his future relied. The beautiful smile that graced her features was truly out of place considering their conversation of only seconds before. It could be a good thing to go from said to oh so happy very, very quickly. But somehow, he doubted that would be the case. And even if it was, it would be very, very bad for him.
She looked up at him, "He'll be alright. And so will we."
"What exactly has made you so brilliantly sure of this? Not that I doubt you." He did. "But there must have been some very interesting thoughts going through that pink and yellow head of yours, and would you mind telling me what has you so giddy right now?"
"A memory." "A memory? What Memory?"
"Tell me Doctor, do you know a Time Lady named River Song?"