AN: This is not a story I guarantee I will continue. I may add more at a later time, I have some other ideas. but instead this "story" will be a collection of partial stories. I am willing to let anyone else continue writing them on the condition they are kept at T or below, no slash, no lemons, no self-inserts. Keep it canon-ish. And I am sent a link so I can read it too. I'd be willing to beta anyone who wants to continue one of my ideas. Thank you.

AN2: I'm not really happy with this part, but I can't think of anything else, so I'm putting it out there.

Disclaimer: I only have one B anywhere in my legal name, therefore I could not possibly be the BBC. I own nothing of value. I am merely creating a plethora of "what-ifs" in a world of could becomes.

- - - - -24 Hours 5 Minute - - - - -

Summary: Rose Tyler and River Song have a little chat. Mid S4 for Rose (dimension jumping, but not yet gotten to the right time and space. For that matter it's S4 for River as well… shortly before the Library trip.

"Tell me Doctor, do you know a Time Lady named River Song?"

"Hello Sweetie."

"Um. Sorry, who are you?" The curly haired, strawberry blonde woman was smiling at her; standing there as if she owned the planet. It was unnervingly intimidating for the weary dimension jumper.

"Let's sit." The woman guided her to an open-air café and ordered, something. Without the TARDIS, she couldn't exactly translate everything anymore. With the order placed, the woman returned her attention to her tablemate.

"How long do you have before you need to jump?"

"What's it to you? Who are you? And who exactly do you think I am? Because, I doubt I'm the person you were planning on having tea with."

"You are Rose Tyler, the Bad Wolf, Defender of the Earth, daughter of Pete and Jackie Tyler, dimension jumper, dead according to the official records, at Canary Wharf. And you are the love of the Doctor's Ninth and Tenth forms."

"That doesn't tell me who you are. How do you know all that about me?"

"The Doctor told me. As to who I am, I don't think you'd believe me, but I'm going to tell you anyway; because it will be important for you to understand. You see, I'm the Doctor's wife."

Rose stared at the woman.

Of course, by the time we got married it was a good 200 years since you and he had set right the threat to reality that was causing the stars to go out.

Let me tell you my life story Rose Tyler. My parents travelled with the Doctor, due to exposure to the time vortex at a very, very young age, I was born a Time Lord. Of course I was kidnapped from my parents, and raised to assassinate the Doctor, but my mother set me straight, eventually, and I gave up most, if not all of my regenerations to save his life. Our times are running backwards to each other. Every time I see him, he knows me a little bit less. The first time the Doctor met me, will be the last time I ever see him. I know that, and it will probably kill me, but his knowing that we would be together, gave him the push he needed to stop being a coward about his feelings for once.

Now, I believe you have a jump to make, and I have an expedition to prepare for. Mr. Lux is not a patient man, but, he's a big donor to the University, and they want to keep him happy, so I've got to go to The Library.

Then she hid the memory, to reappear at exactly 24 hours and 1 minute after I heard you say the three most important words I've ever heard. She gave him a big smile that quickly became a frown as she saw the concern on his face.

"That's where I met her, Mr. Lux and The Library, she sent a message on the psychic paper, I expect she was trying to get it to him at a point where he knew her, maybe even to tell him about your conversation. But she never did. River Song died in The Library.