Author Notes: I've read a lot of Iemitsu bashing lately and couldn't resist. AN2: Upss I have this in my computer for months but forgot to post.





Iemitsu was Tsunayoshi father. Iemitsu wasn't Tsunayoshi dad. He visited every few months, suddenly and without announce. He got drunk immediately and then slept the rest of the first day in the house.

He had saw mom crying again tonight. Dad had gone again. He had stayed for almost 3 weeks –the longer that he remembered- and mom probably had her hopes up. Tsuna didn't know how to make his mother feel better, so he went back to his room as quietly as could.

Little Tsuna was angry but there was nothing he could do but wait hopefully when he came back to make mommy happy again. It would take years for little Tsuna to understand that he felt more anger because of this that the fact that he was not at home.



The last time his father came to visit was short. He stayed for a few days and then disappeared –like he had always done. But the day after that his mom told him that "daddy had become a star". She looked so sad but she didn't cry, so Tsuna didn't either.

Tsuna had being shocked then, angry that he was no relieved. He had though it would be better if Iemitsu stopped coming but now he was sad.

He didn't want to make kaa-san sadder so he had mourned his father alone. He had crawled under his bed and cried many times during the night after that.

It took really long for Haha to look happy again.
