Harry Potter and The Founder's Chamber
Chapter 9 – Just to be clear...
A/N – There have been several people who have said they were not happy with the way the story ended. To be honest, the ones making the biggest noise are also one's who have not posted a story, so I'm not sure they can understand what it is like to try to write a story or anything like that.
Unless this is the first Harry Potter you've read, most of you could write how the rest of the story would be finished:
Harry and Daphne are hand-fasted and go home with the rest of his wives
After healing and training, Harry and Voldemort fight in which Harry wins and after casting the "Praedia Bellica" over all that Voldemort has. You can make up your own mind if Harry also get all the Death-eaters families or not.
Harry appoints his wives and trusted friends as his proxies in the Wizengamot changing the wizarding world.
Harry goes on to bring Hogwarts to new heights while taking care of the other dark elements that show up in the world.
He and his wives have many children that are raised in a loving and caring situation.
I have always said this was not a 'harem' story since the 'harem' stories have always been graphic about how Harry and the women act, and it's kind of risque and I didn't want to be that way. Harry loves each and every one of his wives and treats them as equals, taking the time to treat each of them individually, and was well as their group dated.
I hope this satisfies those who don't think this story is finished. I know it could go for several more chapters depending on how in depth you wanted to take things. Please remember there are over 684,000 HP stories on this sight alone, not including the hundreds of other sights out on the internet. If you don't like this one, go find an other one.
Now, as I stated earlier. I still love reading (listening) to HP stories even HP/SG, HP/DC, HP/Marvel stories, and right now, that's about all the time I have time for. Family member's health and welfare, trying to keep a job and supporting a family are taking more and more of my time. I do have several ideas about other stories I would like to write, but probably won't be any time soon.
In the meantime, I would suggest anything written by Bobmin356, robst, Rorschach's Blot, Clell65619, old-crow, Darth Marrs, kateydidnt etc.
I wish you all well,