*~Authors Corner~*
Scarlet: …Hello everyone, sorry I didn't update sooner, I had finals all week and I am pretty sure I failed one or two. This means that I get to do retake after break! YAY! *Que sarcastic voice* Anyway I'm just happy I have two freakin weeks of from school, I love breaks they relive my head aches :3
Tsuna: Hi mina-san, it's great to see you again after such a wait. Oh Scarlet-san don't worry you may pass all your test…but math is another thing…*Shifty eyes*
Scarlet: *Pouts* Yea I now…DAMN YOU ALGEBRA 2!
Tsuna: Ha…hahaa…I got her started didn't I?
Hibari: Insane herbivore stop shouting or I'll bite you to death for disturbing the peace.
Mukuro: As much as I want to tell you to keep bugging Skylark-kun, you're giving me a head ache so shut up!
Mukuro: Oya did she finally break down?
Hibari: If she did, she's littering
Scarlet: He…hehehehehehhahahahah! *runs around with crazy look* STRESS IS BAD!
Tsuna: HIII SHE BROKE! Ummm…Mina-san while we try to stop Scarlet-san's break down pleas enjoy chapter 2. Oh and Scarlet-san owns nothing!
Warnings: bad language, grammar errors (I have no Beta OAO), boyXboy, harems, super cute nekos and usagis as well as other animals, random Japanese words here and there, semi-AU, Dino's brother complex, OC (I think only two and one will be a kitty) some characters may be OCC (it is a fanfic its bound to happen), perverted Mukuro, etc…
Disclaimer: Just to make it clear the only thing I own is a laptop, imagination, OC's and plot. KHR belongs to Amano Akira-san because if I owned it Tsuna would be a neko with a harem and everyone would be after him.
NOTE: This is set three months after the Representative Battles and the Arcobalenos have slowly started to grow in age, except Yuni. They look in their 20's and will stop at 25 (this is all from my head, so they will stay looking 25). This will be Semi-AU like I said.
Scarlet: I am super happy at all the faves and follows I got, thanks everyone here have a cookie *holds plate of cookies* I want to give special thanks to; Mamitsu27, PasTa, Yorutsuki-Lunia, Sakurblossoms, and loveyaoigirl4ever for their lovely and encouraging reviews. You guys are the best.
Last time on A Brown Cats Luck:
The two smirked and lifted Tsunas head up to look at them, their eyes serious and mixed with amusement. "What are you?"
Tsuna stared at them, his large wide honey brown eyes bright with confusion and nervousness. He quickly averted his eyes and gave an uncertain smile, bringing up his hands and lacing and unlacing his fingers together as a bit of sweat trickled down his neck. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"The cat ears and tail, they are real, and appeared out of no were. Explain." Hibari was trying his best not to hit the small brunette over the head with his tonfas as he said this, his eye's narrowed dangerously.
Mukuro grinned and reached over to lightly grab one of Tsuna's ears. He tugged it slightly and smirked as the neko blushed a soft red, the long tail twitching at the touch. "But I could have sworn that they were usagi ears and tail. Mah this is just as…delightful", he purred out the last word, causing Tsuna's blush to deepen.
He shook his head to remove the offending hand and backed up till his back was against his bed with Natsu in his arms, hugging him to chest as a means of futile protection. "You two m-must be uh umm ah…tired! Thast it you're ti-tired and seeing things…?"
"I am no idiot Sawada Tsunayoshi, not even that Pineapple herbivore is that stupid to believe such a lie." Said Hibari with an air of superiority surrounding him, a smirk making its way on his lips.
Mukuro's eye twitched as he leaned over the table and grabbed the front of the prefectures crisp white shirt, effectively wrinkling it, "Such brave words Skylark-kun, especially coming from someone who faint's at the sight of sakura blossoms."
Tsuna sat at a safe distance as the two strong rivals argued, his ear's twitching at every loud comeback. Hibari had taken out his tonfas and wasted no time in attacking the illusionist, claiming that he was getting in his personal space, slandering his good name, and ruined his shirt. He sat there, not wanting to get hurt by his two strongest guardians. A few minutes later and his room was a disaster and the brown neko had taken cover under his still intact bed, but he tilted his head towards his battered door as her heard the front door open and shut, light footsteps walking to the kitchen.
Bolting from his hiding spot he ran for the door and quickly opened it, running out to the stairs. Mukuro and Hibari stopped as they noticed the feeing neko, they turned to each other and nodded their heads.
"Kufufufu, we shall have a temporary truce, after all our goals are the same, ne?" He laughed as Hibari tsk'ed but nodded in silent agreement. Hibari took the lead and walked to the stairs with the indigo haired teen laughing after him.
They made it down stairs and looked around; he wasn't in the living room or back yard. Quietly they made it to the kitchen and peaked in, their eye's filled with surprise at what they saw.
"Tsu-kun, what's wrong sweetie?" It wasn't the generic question that startled the two, it was her appearance. The pretty and normal woman had two long rabbit ears the color of her hair on top of her head. A fluffy brown on top and white on bottom puff ball of a tail slipped out from the top of her long mint green skirt, slightly creasing the white semi-long sleeve shirt she wore.
"Well…I guess you could say that I lost my charm for a bit and-and…got scared…" He said the last part in a quiet whisper as he bowed his head, the soft cat ears pressing against his head.
Nana knew her son hadn't wanted her to hear it, but with her excellent hearing, of course she heard it. Sighing she smiled and took her son's cheeks in her hands gently and brought up his face to look at her. "Did anyone see you?"
"…Yes…" Tsuna had little tear's forming from the corners of his eyes as he told her the whole truth. Sniffling at the end he hugged her tightly and hid his face in her shoulder, not wanting to see his mother's disappointed stare. He stiffened in surprise as she laughed lightly and scratched his ears, causing the brunette to purr loudly, {Aww I love when Kaa-san pets me…but WAIT! Isn't she mad, no one was supposed to know?!}
Giggling she pulled Tsuna away, a forgiving smile on her face, "Tsu-kun, its fine since it's your friend's, but pleas be careful next time, ne?" She playfully brought up a finger and lightly taped his nose, causing Tsuna to paw after the offending didget as it swiftly pulled back. Smiling at the pout she received, she tilted her head back towards the kitchen door way. "You two please come in here."
"Oya oya to sense my presence, impressive Sawada-san" Mukuro nodded to the Usagi lady, a hint of respect gleaming a bit on his eyes before disappearing.
"She didn't sense us; she heard your heavy breathing perverted pineapple herbivore." He smirked as Mukuro rounded on him, but before he could utter a curse Nana spoke.
"Now Muku-chan, Hiba-chan, don't fight. But he is right; I heard both of you since you were close enough to fix in on your heart beats." She gave a pleasant smile, unfazed by the scary aura the two were giving of for the cute nicknames. Tsuna on the other hand was downright terrified as he half hid behind his brave mother and clutched her shirt.
"Oh that's right! I'll have to call you're papa as well as you're cousin and tell them. I should do it right now before I forget," she started to move away, ignoring the confused looks from the two tall boys, but was stopped as two arms wrapped around her waist to stop her. She looked down and blinked. "Tsu-kun?"
Shaking his head, he gripped his moms' waist, "Don't tell Oto-san! He'll freak out and through a temper tantrum. And my cousin will just cause more problems! Pleas Kaa-san don't!"
Petting his head she untangled herself from her son she went to the phone and picked it up, dialing a familiar number. It didn't even ring twice before an excited and loud voice picked up. "MY DARKING, KAWAII, PRECIOUS WIFE HOW ARE YOU!"
Tsuna jerked away as the loud voice reached his sensitive ears, regretfully falling into the arms of Mukuro who was quick to wrap his arm around his waist. The shivering boy looked up to see identical smirks plastered on both the mist and cloud guardian. Out of a nervous habit he meowed and whimpered, struggled to get free and stop his mother from committing, what he believes, a grave mistake. The sounds only served to amuse the two.
Nana giggled, "Darling hang on a second, Tsuna's being noisy~", she put the phone down and turned to the three, a grin on her face at the sight. All she saw was Tsuna 'playing with his friends'. She walked to the sink and opened one of the locked cupboards over it, reaching up on her tippy toes and dragging out a small card board box. She came back and gave it to Hibari. "Here these are toys that Tsuan used to play with as a child. He always did prefer cat toys, and he still does, he just doesn't play with them anymore. Please keep him busy in the living room while I talk with my husband pleas?"
Without waiting to be told twice, they quickly made their way to the living room; Hibari sat the box on the little coffee table and then moved it up onto the side of the wall. Leaving the middle space for them to use, Mukuro placed Tsuna on the floor, chuckling lightly at the uncertain look in his eyes. He reached out and gently scratched Tsuna's chin, the reaction was instant as the brunette started purring and tilting his head, a blush forming on his face from embarrassment.
Ah if only he know how badly it would get~
Hibari came back and smirked at the purring boy; setting the box in front of him he opened it and looked in it, snorting at what he saw. Curious at the reaction from the usually impassive prefecture he looked in but kept scratching Tsunas chin, and grinned a Cheshire cat grin, chuckling his famous laugh.
Hibari reached in and brought out a black stick, at the end a long fuzzy rope was attached to it with little feathers and bells at the end of it. He looked at Tsuna who had turned to look at the toy the moment he heard the bells. Nervously he backed away from then, grudgingly admitting he missed the illusionists touch.
Jerking his wrist up, Hibari made the toy arch up, making the small colorful bells ring. Without thinking the brunette sprang up on to his hands and knees, following the fuzzy toy with his eyes that had slitted by now to look cat-like. The two noticed Tsunas concentration, his front arms and chest were low to the ground. His legs were slightly bent but held up his butt as he wiggled it high in the air. The light brown cat ears had swiveled back, the tail that poked out from the top of his school uniform pants snaked through the air.
All in all it was very…inviting. Getting an idea Mukuro reached over and snatched the toy from Hibari. Before Hibari could take it back, Mukuro waved the toy in front of himself. Tsuna followed it intently once Mukuro knew he had him he got up and waked backwards to the stairs with Tsuna and an amused Hibari after him. Soon they made it back to the torn up room and closed the door. Natsu sat outside of the room with Roll, Hibird, and Mukuro the owl, who had been let out. They settled back on the floor and Mukuro swung the toy in front of him teasing the neko. Instantly Tsuna tensed and jumped…landing right on Mukuros lap. He had the fluffy part in his mouth as he shook his head to come out of it.
"Hiiii! I knew something like this would happen! W-wha, Mu-mukuro let mph-", his small rant was cut short as a pair of warm lips covered his. Startled, he tried to pull back, but a hand weaving its fingers in his hair kept him in place. After a few futile attempts he shyly kissed back, not totally hating the feel of the indigo haired illusionist. Mukuro hummed in approval, smirking as Tsuna gripped his shoulders hesitantly.
Out of the corner of his eye Tsuna saw the black haired prefecture and locked eyes with him, moaning lightly without meaning too.
Hibari smirked as he crawled over and settled himself behind Tsuna, between Mukuros opened legs, slinging his legs over the illusionists without caring how close he was to the more annoying one. He placed his hand on Tsunas waist; the other going to his slender neck and tilting his head back slowly as he caressed it. The action making Mukuro change his angle as Tsuna's head was tilted back and to the side. Hibari leaned his head down to Tsunas neck and grazed his teeth over the flesh, causing the boy to shudder. The hand laying innocently on the brunettes waist moved under the white shirt and trailed the tips of its nailed fingers over the skin, making its way up the panting boys chest and settling on an already perked nipple.
Tsuna moaned loudly at the sudden touch, he tilted his head further back, letting Mukuro have enough space to work around Hibari's hand and like his neck, nipping at the skin randomly. Hibari kept his hand under the boys' shirt as he went back to work on the nap of Tsuna's neck, sucking and biting, leaving wet marks as he went.
Smirking against hi skin, Mukuro moved his free hand to Tsunas pants and undid the button, slowly bringing down the zipper. He pulled the hand back a bit then lowered it, getting closer and closer…
…Only to jerk slightly as the door was though open, revealing a fuming Gokudera, frowning Yamamot, blushing Chrome, confused Ryohei, and pissed Reborn.
Poor Tsunas heart couldn't take it and he passed out, slumping back against Hibaris' chest.
Scarlet: Yo mina-san I'm well now so don't worry! *Struggles in straight jacket*
Tsuna: Haha, yea. Sorry guys this is just to make sure she doesn't go nuts again, it took us a while to calm her down. *Sigh* I got molested again…by two guys this time!
Mukuro & Hibari: *Smirk*
Scarlet: Aww Muku-chan and Kyo-chan loves the neko-chan~ Anyway I forgot to ask you guys something. Would you like a lemon? And what about Mpreg? Leave a comment if you do want it ^^.
Mukuro: Kufufufu, review mina-san it gets the Insane Wolf get motivated.
Scarlet: One more thing guys, if you wan't to here the conversation between Nana and Imetsu as well as Nana and the mystrious cousin pleas tell me and i'll turn it into a one-shot :D