This my new Fic
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The Mix
Chapter Two: Fighting Weapon X and Meeting The Mix
Charm's P.O.V.
The look of full terror and surprise on their faces just made my day I look up and see a very upset looking Wolverine
"What are you doing here and who are you?" He growls out
"Well I tell you if you will have a fight with me and beat me." I say with a cocky tone I hear murmurs of success from the X-men they really think I can't win, well they will find out.
"Okay you've got it bub" he says
"Well first don't call me bub, second let us take this outside, and third wolfy this is gonna be fun." He growls we walk outside
"Well bring it on wolfy" I say he runs at me he aims a well placed kick to my face but using his shoulders as an spring board I jump over him I land spinning around, I place a kick to the abdomen I then trip him then do to back flips to get out of his reach he again charges me with his claws out I dodge the hits and quickly press all of his pressure point, which sent him to the ground I place my foot on his back
"I Win" I declare in a mocking tone "and without any of my mutations, ha" I add
Wolverine's P.O.V.
Well this kid has skill beating me without any mutations, I wonder what her and the rest of her group got.
Professor X P.O.V.
I do have to say she did warn me but I think it is time I introduce her and The Mix to the X-men. I wheel myself over to the front porch the students and The Mix look at me with confusion "Students meet our guest and the reason why all of you had to be here by 1, Charm will you please introduce The Mix to us" I announce
No one's P.O.V.
"Of course Charles" Charm says "First up is Twister"
"Hey I'm Twister I'm 16 you will get to find out about my powers later." A boy with blond hair close to 6 ft. tall walks up and says with a superior tone "Yo, Charm can I head to the house now." He says in and a bored tone
"Nope, because I hate when you act holy and mighty I can take you down in two seconds" she slaps him n the back in the head you hear a crack everyone looks at her like she's crazy "So tell me this, you probably could take on almost every mutant here if you dare act liked your better what happens?" she says with venom
"You end up dead, or you lose" he says
"You know it jerk, now go sit over there will on introduce the rest of our wonderful family." Charms says
"Yes" he walks and sits down under a tree
"Next is Icicle" a boy with blond hair and a blue streak and a book in hand
"Hi, names Icicle call me Ice, you will learn about my powers, in the Game" he says with a charming smile and walks to sit beside Twister and started to read his book
"He is a total book reader and writer" Charm says with an amused tone."Next is Fang"
"Hey" the girl walks up in her hood and the takes it off the X-men gasp
It was X-23
"What the hell X-23 are you doing here" says Wolverine
"First, names Fang and if you want call me Laura, and why Charm adopted me and trained me after the whole Hydra thing she is my family like so is the Mix." and then she goes sit down with boys and closes her eyes
"Next is Fire Fly, you should know her brother"
A girl with bright orange heart and a blond streak "Heya Mates" she says in an Australian accent.
"Wait who is her brother?" says Bobby
"Well my name is Allie Jan Alldyerce"
"As in the author of Fiery Blood" says Rogue
"Yep" says Fire Fly
"Then your brother is John Allyerdece the greatest gothic novelist" says Rogue
"Yep" says Fire Fly "but think about his books what do they always have in them"
"Fire" she says
"And that is important why" says Kitty
"My brother is Pyro" she says
"That Fire maniac is your brother" says Scott
"Yep" and she walks and climbs into a tree and sits down.
"Well you did just met 3 of our crazies, next is mademoiselle Crystal"
A girl in a cloak she takes off her cloak and Gambit gasps "Hello" she says in a French accent
"Crystal my best friend, ex assassin from the assassin guild and you will find her out her powers later" says Charm while Crystal walked and leaned against the tree. "Gambit shut your mouth you'll catch flies and it aint like she is gonna kill you in your sleep." says Charm "Next Ground Break"
A boy with brown hair and brown eyes "Hi my name is Ground Break call me Ground powers what the others said" and he went to sit down.
"Next is Toxic" Charm says
A boy with black hair and a few piercings and brilliant green eyes came up "Hey power won't know until Charm gives us permission to tell" he stuck headphones on his head and went to the tree.
"Last but never least my tough girl Terra"
A browned haired girl came up " Hiya if you have a problem with any of us got to hell and my brother is Lance Alvers" "and yes Kitty that Lance" she goes and walks to the tree and kicked Icicle out of his spot and sat down
Charm's P.O.V.
"Last is me I'm Charm and that is all you need to know" I say This is gonna be fun.