Matt's pov
I had managed to evade Takada's body guards and was driving to the place Mello and I agreed on. An old abandoned church in Nagano. As I drove on the dirt path I noticed smoke in the distance. More specifically in the direction of the church.
I hit the accelerator and drove as fast as I could. Something must have happened and if it did then I had to be there as soon as possible. I can't lose Mello, not now, not again and not like this. When I finally turned the final bend the sight before me was horrifying.
The building was on fire. Flame consuming the whole thing. I stomped on the brake without thinking and the car spun to a screeching halt. I leaped out of the car and sprinted towards the building.
"Hey!" I heard some guy yell.
I glance over my shoulder without stopping and saw three men in suits. Cops? It didn't matter, the only thing that matters now is Mello. One was running after me, the one with brown hair. I turned back and keep running. I knew it was useless, Mello was most likely already dead, but if I couldn't bring him back alive I'd bring back his body. Either way I wasn't going to leave him. Suddenly there were arms around me holding me back. The guy chasing me had caught me.
"No! Let me go!"
"Can't you see the buildings on fire?"
"I don't bloody care! I have to get to him!" I shouted, breaking free of his grip.
Just before I entered the building I put my goggles down to protect my eyes. Even in my emotional state I'm not stupid. I quickly located the truck and ran to the driver side door, flinging it open.
There was Mello, just not how I hoped I'd find him. He was collapsed over the steering wheel, his eyes wide, gazing lifelessly at me.
A quiet 'no' escaped my lips. For a second I just stared shocked at the man I love's body. I started coughing madly as the smoke began getting to me. I had to get out of here. I hoisted Mello over my shoulder and ran. There might still be a chance. He may still live.
Soon I was free of the building and the blaze. As soon as I was far enough away I collapsed to my knees coughing madly. I gently lowered Mello onto the ground, his head in my lap and checked for a pulse in his wrist. I couldn't feel anything.
Suddenly the reality of everything came crashing down on me all at once. I yanked my goggles off my eyes as I began panicking and searching like crazy for any signs of life in the man next to me. First for a pulse in his neck. Nothing. I laid my head on his chest facing down his body, listening for a heartbeat and watching for breath. Nothing. God damn it!
"Mello don't you die on me! Don't you fucking dare die on me!" I shouted, shaking his limp body. I tried to choke back the sob building in my throat but it escaped "No Mello! Miheal!"
I stopped shaking him and he fell back to the ground. Unmoving and unresponsive. I shook with strangled sobs escaping through my lips.
The screamed came from my mouth before I buried my face in his leather clad chest holding onto him for dear life. Not that my life mattered anymore now that he was gone. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and let them slid down my cheek and into my love's chest.
A hand on my shoulder reminded me that I wasn't the only person here. I raised my head but didn't look at the person behind me.
"He meant a lot to you didn't he?" I recognised the voice as the man who tried to hold me back earlier.
I nodded slowly but didn't respond.
We were so close to being happy. So close to being together forever.
I slowly lifted Mello into my arms and stood. I turned on my heals to face the man who I assume was a cop and the two other men with him.
"Kira did this." My voice was fierce and strong. Full of vengeance. "That is why today I vow that I will find him. I will not rest until he's found. I will hunt him down and make him pay for what he's done." For a second I thought I saw the man with brown hair glare at me but I shrugged it off.
I glanced down at the dead man in my arms. "Then I'll follow after Mello."
I said this in a voice so soft I don't think they heard but that didn't matter. It wasn't for them after all, it was for Mello.
Without another glance at the men in front of me I carried the man who will always own my heart to my car. I laid him down in the back seat carefully. As I climbed into the front seat I saw out of the corner of my eye a flash of light blond hair. I knew that hair, but from where?
Then I remembered. Mello once showed me a picture of a woman he was going to use to see Near. It was her...the one who worked alongside Near in his investigation. The one who was guarding Takada. Halle Lidner. She knew where Near was.
I started up the car and followed her back into the city and towards the one person who could help me achieve my final goal. The only person who could help me catch Kira. Near.