Matt's pov

The day has finally come. The day that will be Kira's last.

Near, Mogi, the SPK members and I had arrived at the planned warehouse before the task force. As soon as Nears plan was filled out sweet justice will be served. Finally.

I was broken from my thoughts by the loud sound of the metal door opening. The first person to walk in took me by surprise. It was the man who tried to hold me back the day Mello was killed. If he recognised me he didn't show it.

Three others followed after him and they all moved to the opposite side of the warehouse from us. If was silent for a moment until the one named Aizawa spoke.

"It's them. Those five are the members of the SPK and the one wearing the mask is Near."

Another of their men spoke after. I believe his name was Matsuda. "Hang on. Am I the only one who sees something wrong? He can go around accusing people of being Kira but the fact that he's wearing a mask says that he's only trying to protect himself, not anyone else."

I rolled my eyes, is this guy for real?

Near lifted his hand and pressed a button on the side of the mask so that he may speak. "It's just a precaution. There's good possibility that Kira has seen the faces of everyone in this warehouse except for mine. In fact he may be writing down your names as we speak. So I'd like to wait for one hour, no, make it thirty minutes. That should give us enough time to see if anyone is being controlled before they die."

"Huh, you're going to wait and see if we die?"

Apart from the idiots comment there was no real protest so we waited in silence. By the time a half hour had gone by I was getting really irritated. How long until Nears plan will be put fully into action?

Eventually that moron spoke up again. "Near, it's already been over thirty minutes, nothing's happened yet."

"Of course not. That's because Kira's not here with us." This time it was Light Yagami who spoke.

He was the one Near said was Kira. I felt my eyes narrow into a glare as they fell on him. I could tell just my looking at him that Near was right. I could see his small smile and him trying not to laugh. After all, living with Mello made me in-tune with micro expressions and the tiniest of signs that showed what a person was really feeling. He couldn't fool me.

"Very well, everyone seems to be safe. I'll remove my mask now."

Near took off the mask and made one of his creepy little smiles.

Everyone was quiet again for a minute, then Kira spoke. "You're quiet Near. Are you still waiting for something?"

"Waiting, that's an excellent choice of words." Near was playing with his figure puppets. What is up with those? "Yes I am waiting. For the arrival of the one who will solve everything once and for all."

"Someone else is supposed to clear this up?" asked the only man on the other side of the room who hadn't said anything yet. Uketa I think.

"He'll be here soon. It's only a matter of time. There's only one entrance to this building and the only way to looking inside is by opening that door. That means he'll either walk through that door or at the very least open it and peek through."

"And just who is this person anyway?"

"X-Kira the one who is currently using the notebook and killing on Kira's behalf. He's bound to come here and bring the notebook with him, and then he'll see me and write down my real name. Or rather he'll write down the names of all the people here who know about the notebook and kill them."

"Wha what are you saying? This doesn't make any sense. What are you trying to tell us Near? That some other guy is going to drop by with the notebook, poke his head in and kill us all?"

"And you want us to sit back and let it happen?"

"Wow, looks like you people really do have brains. Now I know it's hard but you're going to have to trust Near, no matter how much of an annoying albino brat he is."

"Matt that's not a very appropriate thing to say. What would Mello do if he saw his Matt speaking in such a way?"

That was low even for Near. It was like rubbing salt on a fresh wound and he knew it. An animal like growl slipped through my lips before I pulled my gun from the back of my pants. I pointed it straight at Near and flicked the safety off in one swift movement. The SPK and taskforce had also drawn their weapons but I could care less. My focus was of the asshole known as Near

"Shut the fuck up Near! I swear with the way you talk you want me to shoot you! You know as well as I do that Mel wouldn't give at shit. He'd be more concerned if I was being nice to you! You insist on rubbing in the fact that he's gone! I hope you realise that the only reason you're still alive is that I still need you in order to get revenge!"

Near didn't seem fazed by my scream fest. Emotionless bastard.

"If all of you would so kind as to put your guns away, that would be appreciated."

Eventually we all did and Near continued where he left off.

"Now listen carefully. If someone comes through that door just let him in without resisting. If the door opens slightly simple act as if you don't notice."

"But, but that's just crazy."

We heard footsteps outside. "He's already here."

Sure enough the door opened just a little and for a second you could see a man on the other side. X-Kira, Taru Mikami. As soon as he appeared he was gone but you could still hear mumbles that sounded like he was saying 'delete' over and over again. Creepy.

Matsuda panicked and took out his gun but the SKP members were quicker.

"Hold it, don't do anything."

"Everything is fine. You won't die."

"How can you be so sure Near?"

"Because I modified the notebook."

"We took repossession of the notebook and replaced the pages. The man behind the door has been doing the killings for Kira. He has also been using exactly one page every day; based on that I was able to replace the page he would use today as well as all following pages so no one else will die."

"Know-it-all." I couldn't help but mutter.

"On the other side of that door is X-Kira. My guess is that in roughly forty seconds he will look inside to see if we're dead. That's when we'll restrain him and cease the notebook. Whoevers name is not written down must be Kira."

"And my guess is that it's someone whose last name spelt backwards in English is im-a-gay."

"Really Matt?"


Near sighed.

"It's true Kira would be the only one that guy wouldn't kill. But still."

"You there outside. Have you finished writing down the names in the notebook?"

"Yes, I've written them."

"Don't you think it's rather odd? Why would he answer you so quickly and calmly and honestly when you asked him if he had written down our names yet?"

"Who knows maybe he's just honest or confident that he'll succeed. Or perhaps he's seen through your brilliant plan."

"In that case we're in big trouble."

"Taru Mikami, if it's not too much trouble for you won't you please come in and join us?"

There was a pause before Near spoke again. "I already know you're the one who's been judging and executing people for Kira. If you've already written down our names than there shouldn't be anything for you to be afraid of, you can come right on in.

"Taru Mikami is it? He's correct, there's no reason to hide from us. You can come in."

Mikami practically threw the door open after Kira spoke. That cements it, Yagami is Kira just as Near thought.

"How many seconds has it been since you wrote down the first name?"

Mikami lifted his watch and began counting down the seconds.

"Thirty seconds, thirty-one, thirty two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty nine,"

"Well Near looks like I win."


Matsuda clutched his head and a few of the task force flinched. Everyone froze for a bit. Slowly we began to move again.

"We're still alive. It's been over a minute and we haven't died."

"Didn't I already tell you all that no one was going to die?"

"But why? Why won't they die?" Mikami turned to face Kira. "God, I did everything you told me."

"Rester, Giovanni, take him now!"

They grabbed Mikami and put handcuffs on him, causing him to drop the notebook. It fell open onto the ground.

"Giovanni, the notebook please."

Giovanni handed the notebook over to Near.

"If you didn't believe me earlier then see for yourselves."

He turned the notebook so that the task force could see it.

"I can confirm that the first four names are defiantly the real names of the SPK members. I cannot say for certain that the fifth is in-fact Matt's," He glanced at me. "Is this your name, Mail Jeeves?"

"It is but its pronounced Mile, shithead."

"Anyway the second four are the names of your team. The only name who hasn't been written down is Light Yagami. If that weren't enough Mikami also addressed you as god and said that he did what you asked him to. It's settled."

"It's a trap! This whole thing is a set-up! This is all part of Nears plan to frame me! Isn't it a little odd that no one died after having their names written in the notebook? This proves it's a trap!"

"I believe I already told you that no one would die because I modified the notebook."

"No…that can't be. This is a set-up, I don't know this guy."

That was a blow to Mikami. He basically went limp. I sighed, apart from Kira finally cracking this whole thing has been a real snooze.

"Light it's too late to deny it, you know Near has won. Just a moment ago you were saying 'it looks like I win'. How much more of a confection do we need?"

"Light, why?"

Mogi stepped forward with handcuffs, ready to arrest him.


Everyone looked at me confused.

"What is it Matt?"

"What's the point in arresting him? A trial is useless seeing as he confessed and we all know his sentence is going to be death. No government would allow him is simply go to prison where he could break out and start killing again. So why not just carry it out here. Kira will disappear and the world will return to the way it was before. No problems."

"That's actually a fair point. I can agree with that."

Near response caused outrage from the taskforce.


"What are you saying?"

"That's crazy!"

"Even if we did allow this who would carry it out? They'd technically be a murderer for the rest of their life."

I looked each of them in the eye and spoke. "I understand that he's close to you all but think of it from a different perspective. What if he had killed someone you cared about, someone you loved dearly? Wouldn't you want him gotten rid of sooner rather than later? As for who would kill him, I would. My life is already over and Near had promised me I'd be carrying out his execution anyway. Don't worry I'll make it quick and painless."

I had already drawn my gun and clicked off the safety as I spoke. The look on each of their faces was all the confirmation I needed. Taking a few steps forward I placed my gun at Kira's forehead. He closed his eyes and slumped down in defeat.

"You might want to look away." I said softly, eyeing the taskforce members. I turned my attention back to Kira. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "This is for Mello and every other victim you asshole!"

A loud bang echoed off the metal walls of the warehouse as I pulled the trigger. Kira fell lifeless to the ground, blood pouring from the hole in his head. A single tear ran down my cheek as I turned to face Near. He met my eyes and I spoke softly.

"I have one final request Near. Make sure I'm buried with Mello at Wammy's House. As eager as he was to get away from there I know he wished for the place he grew up, the place we met, to be his resting place."

He gave a silent nod and his lips twitched into a simi-smile. Without hesitating or a second thought I lifted my gun to my temple. "See you in the afterlife sheep."

I took a deep breath and exhaled a quiet, "I'll be with you soon Mello."

Then I pulled the trigger.